Who declares war on Pleased?

I think Catherine declares at Friendly.

In my experience, Huayna Capac, De Gaule, Suleiman, Julius Caeser, Shaka, and Alexander have all declared on me at pleased.
I think Catherine declares at Friendly.

In my experience, Huayna Capac, De Gaule, Suleiman, Julius Caeser, Shaka, and Alexander have all declared on me at pleased.

why would they do that?
If you have weak defenses, or if another AI bribed them to war against you.

Sometimes, the AI plans to DoW against you when they are cautious, and then hatches the plan. Your relations might be improved to pleased but they would still declare on you. Also certain AIs are bloodthirsty and always tend to look for targets as well.
yea to me that seems pretty silly, I mean, the US wouldn't up and declare war on the UK. Unless maybe the AI is feigning its emotion to lull you into a trap, but I think that is reading way to far into it.

Maybe the Teabaggers are still pissed at the motherland. And have been planning for over 200 years. Thats like what 2-20 turns in civ depending on what speed.
Also, does anyone at Friendly.

Outside of vassal mechanics, I don't know. It may only be Catherine. She can be bribed to attack friendlies, but I'm unsure if it's possible for her to backstab them of her own accord.

I do have a DoW chart, though.

Spoiler :
What exactly does it mean? I know I'm a noob but I don't get what that means. Is the No War Prob the chances they'll never declare on you?

What does DOW Stand for?
DOW=declaration of war

I don't know about the numbers myself, from the chart, the first column says what they will have to be to plot war against you (pleased cautious etc) and the second, I think, is what they have to be to be bribed into war.
The stat sheet I have says Catherine doesn't declare at friendly; no one does.

Those who will at pleased:
Ghengis Khan
Huayana Capac
Julius Caesar
Kublai Khan
Louis XIV
Mansa Musa
Mao Zedong
Qin Shi Huang
Suryavarman II
Willem vonOranje
Zara Yaqob
According to the one I posted, Catherine can technically declare at friendly, but she has a NoWarProb of 100 at that disposition, just like everyone else— I took it to mean that when she's mobilizing (WHEOOHRN), her probability of selecting a friendly target is probably zero. She could still be asked by an AI to attack you, though.
To be more accurate, every leader can declare war while friendly with the target civ ( or in any other diplo stance ). What they don't do is start planning a war above a leader dependent threshold, a quite diferent situation.... besides the fact they can change the diplo stance after starting the war plans ( and this can make a huge diference, especially in maps where the AI can't reach immediately the target via land ), the AI can start wars by a handful of other mechanisms besides this kind of planning ( AP resolution, peaceful vassaling, refuse of a demand ( this one happens a lot ), events, Defensive pact, bribe .... and even a bug while playing with no espionage option in 3.17 and above related to a event that has only one option allowed in that setting, that is war ), so use this knowledge with a pint or two of salt ;)

P.S the Catherine situation is a little diferent: Catherine will not start planning a war vs a target she is friendly with, but will acept be bribed against it :crazyeye: ... a "I'll not fight you in even terms, but will backstab you" situation that happens a lot with the stock leaders of Civ IV :p
HA! Oh the glory of being pedantic and anal when the obvious intent is clearly understandable from the context of the opening post.
Qin Shi Huang

He just declared war on me (I'm playing as Greece) in my current Emperor-level game. It's the early AD era, everyone's medieval, everyone on the continent (except for the poor doomed Americans, who are off in a marginal corner) is Hindu. Everyone's at least Pleased with each other, there have been hardly any wars (except for us stomping out the Persians as soon as we could build Swordsmen). Out of the blue, Qin Shi Huang declares war, and proceeds to be extremely ineffectual.

The Greek-Chinese war went as follows: Three single Chinese units enter Greek territory -- one Catapult which attacks a border city all by itself and dies, with no followup; one Spearman who marches past a city where waits a combat-hardened Phalanx (and thus dies); one Elephant who just sits on a Horses tile and does nothing (doesn't even pillage it). A Greek force of a bunch of hardened Swordsmen (from when we killed off the Persians ages ago) and four catapults march up to the closest Chinese city, reduce its defense, the catapults sacrifice themselves and the Swordsmen take the city with no further losses.

Then there's an Apostolic Palace vote and the war is stopped. It lasted from 70AD to 270 AD (Marathon speed, so a fair number of turns) and there was hardly any offensive Chinese effort at all. Don't know what the hell he was trying to achieve.
Check the chart again, QSH declares war at Pleased (80 override).
You can download the chart and a bunch more in the 'AI behavior' link in my signature.
There was an interesting game where I was going for a cultural win, and had Catherine has a neighbour. We shared same religion, I gave her various gifts and so on, so she was friendly. Well, you all guess what happened next, she declared war out of the blue and since I was relying on her to "protect me", I was quite unprepared.

Now I understand better, she was bribed to go to war against me...I didn't expect friendly IA to backstab you like that.
So, if the nowarprob is 60, does that mean a 60% chance they'll never attack you?

Also, furious isn't listed. Is there then a100% chance they'll declare?

Also, what is DECW and DECWT?
Also, what is DECW and DECWT?
Bribe to declare war and declare war on them (target).
The DecW column is confusing, because the attitude level shows when a leader is refusing a bribe to declare war.
An example : Alexander (annoyed + pleased)
Means, Alex can be bribed when he's cautious or better towards you AND he's pleased or worse to the target civ.
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