Who enjoys irony?


religious fanatic
Sep 6, 2013
I don't know about you other civ players but I love it when I see irony play out in my games.

I recently played a Deity game with both the Aztecs and Spain as close neighbors. By as early as the Classical Era Spain had DOWed Aztecs and a huge perma-war began. Often they would make peace for a while but their border (over water) always had about 25 ships apiece and loads of units ready for the first sign of weakness. When I was finally exploring the war border I saw the fantastic site of Spanish Tercios and Conquistadors fighting the Aztecs. Truly, a scene taken straight out of history. They were even embarking and attacking from water to land to land on the Aztec mainland. :)

Only difference was: the Aztecs never fell and rebuffed every attack up until the Atomic Era with neither taking a single city from the other. You can imagine this mutual hate was a lifesaver for me diplomatically. They only stopped from their perpetual wars long enough to pound a few other civs independently, me included at one point but I fought them both off, largely due to the fact that neither were willing to move the bulk of their armies from the border with the other and a tech advantage I had.

Finally something happened. Once the science split happened, certain civs fell hopelessly behind. Even though spain had the largest land-empire they were among this crowd, I'm guessing becuase they over-expanded, but the Aztecs kept up beelining straight for nukes and tanks as far as I could tell with my spies. Suddenly, Aztecs DOW Spain and I see a hilarious sight, The Aztec tanks, bombers, and nukes raining down on helpless Spain. I actually wasn't close enough to witness the nukes but I'm sure he used a few as the completed Manhattan project right before the war and I saw one being constructed in the capital. Wish I had though! The war was quick and took a city every couple of turns. Pretty efficient for an AI and the Aztecs didn't stop until they owned all but 3 crappy Spanish cities plunged in worthless ice. Good for them! :lol:

I didn't mind much as about this time I was building my last few spaceship parts. About 10 turns after they made peace I assembled and launched my spaceship for victory, but not before outlawing nukes. Didn't want that crap upsetting me in the last few turns. ;)
I played in Earth 2014 scenario as Germany.

1) Russia immediately denounced me, later half of the world, then started harrasing city state of Ucraine :D and I had to protect it :D

2) Turkey along with Egypt attacked and annexed Israel city state. And I have beaten the Turkey badly and liberated Israel from muslims. As Germany. And this happened exactly 80 years after the Crystal Night. :crazyeye:

From different games:

- Europe true start locations map, Poland conquering the entire Germany in medieval era :p

- Europe true start locations map, Rome taken by Carthago

- Earth true start locations map, Poland conquering the entire Russia in medieval era

- Normal game, very late (science victory + I finished spaceship but didn't launch it yet because I was observing fascinating world wars) - America completely annexed by India and China in late 2030's, its last western island taken by Polynesia :crazyeye: Beware on Hawaii, Americans :crazyeye:
Playing as Germany, adopting autocracy, allying with Russia who adopted order and DoWing Poland from two sides... :mischief:

DoWing Russia afterwards of course. :)
Playing as Sweden and getting Wallenstein as a great general. Since Wallenstein and Gustavus Adolphus were opposing generals at the Battle of Lutzen where Gustavus was killed....I found that ironic. The Great Generals often give the most common moments of irony in the game. Like Rommel as an English, French, American or Russian GG. Patton for Germany, etc.
Playing as Sweden and getting Wallenstein as a great general. Since Wallenstein and Gustavus Adolphus were opposing generals at the Battle of Lutzen where Gustavus was killed....I found that ironic. The Great Generals often give the most common moments of irony in the game. Like Rommel as an English, French, American or Russian GG. Patton for Germany, etc.

Ha! Nice! I got the Khan as a unique gift as Venice. I found this ironic given that he loves to kill him some city states. ;)

The Germany/Russia/Poland story is funny too, but I wouldn't call it ironic, more accurate role-playing, but still fun! :) Glad to know I'm not the only history addict that plays this game. :mischief:
I don't know about you other civ players but I love it when I see irony play out in my games.

I recently played a Deity game with both the Aztecs and Spain as close neighbors. By as early as the Classical Era Spain had DOWed Aztecs and a huge perma-war began. Often they would make peace for a while but their border (over water) always had about 25 ships apiece and loads of units ready for the first sign of weakness. When I was finally exploring the war border I saw the fantastic site of Spanish Tercios and Conquistadors fighting the Aztecs. Truly, a scene taken straight out of history. They were even embarking and attacking from water to land to land on the Aztec mainland. :)

Only difference was: the Aztecs never fell and rebuffed every attack up until the Atomic Era with neither taking a single city from the other. You can imagine this mutual hate was a lifesaver for me diplomatically. They only stopped from their perpetual wars long enough to pound a few other civs independently, me included at one point but I fought them both off, largely due to the fact that neither were willing to move the bulk of their armies from the border with the other and a tech advantage I had.

Finally something happened. Once the science split happened, certain civs fell hopelessly behind. Even though spain had the largest land-empire they were among this crowd, I'm guessing becuase they over-expanded, but the Aztecs kept up beelining straight for nukes and tanks as far as I could tell with my spies. Suddenly, Aztecs DOW Spain and I see a hilarious sight, The Aztec tanks, bombers, and nukes raining down on helpless Spain. I actually wasn't close enough to witness the nukes but I'm sure he used a few as the completed Manhattan project right before the war and I saw one being constructed in the capital. Wish I had though! The war was quick and took a city every couple of turns. Pretty efficient for an AI and the Aztecs didn't stop until they owned all but 3 crappy Spanish cities plunged in worthless ice. Good for them! :lol:

I didn't mind much as about this time I was building my last few spaceship parts. About 10 turns after they made peace I assembled and launched my spaceship for victory, but not before outlawing nukes. Didn't want that crap upsetting me in the last few turns. ;)

I have seen this happen in Civ 4 bts. Montezuma and Isabella made a DoW on each other, but didn't fight as long as yours did. I must've rage quit or something..
The Germany/Russia/Poland story is funny too, but I wouldn't call it ironic, more accurate role-playing, but still fun! :) Glad to know I'm not the only history addict that plays this game. :mischief:

Yeah, not really ironic, but as it wasn't Earth map and so, plus me not really realizing it until Moscow was taken... :)
France on earth map mode. Pledge to protect Quebec city. England obtain tribute. I don't want to create a divide between us. England DoW Quebec city. Too pity.
Conclusion : Oups, I dit it again. :D

Also, one fortify hoplite on hill between two mountains against 4 or 5 immortals under golden age, is pretty immersive. Hoplite won.
Note the month and year in this screenshot... And who is proposing it.

Spoiler :
I'm wondering, what does "science split" mean here?

It's not a technical term. In most of my games whoever can hit the science path in the industrial era, especially research labs first, get significantly ahead...sometimes by an age or more. This is because police stations and constabulatories come at the same time nerfing spy-stealing. A few AI keep up relatively, but the middle-of-the-road ones like Spain have problems keeping up. Then there's the awful ones that got DOWed early and are stuck 3 ages ago, but that's another story.
Not the month and year in this screenshot... And who is proposing it.

Spoiler :

Looks like world war II is coming...what's even better is she's already forced through an embargo on mussolini. :mischief:
Playing as Sweden and getting Wallenstein as a great general. Since Wallenstein and Gustavus Adolphus were opposing generals at the Battle of Lutzen where Gustavus was killed....I found that ironic. The Great Generals often give the most common moments of irony in the game. Like Rommel as an English, French, American or Russian GG. Patton for Germany, etc.

Getting Hannibal as Rome's GG is a great feeling. Bonus points if you win it in a war against Carthage.
Looks like world war II is coming...what's even better is she's already forced through an embargo on mussolini. :mischief:

:blush: Actually I did that in response to their taking of Istanbul...
Played one game on a large fractual map as the Swedish. Among others the map had England, America and France on one Continent, Spain on its own island thing. And everyone else spread all over hells half acre. England crushed America after a 400 year war (as opposed to losing the colony in a far shorter time), defeated the French in something like 20 turns (as opposed to hundreds of years of back and forth wars). Then Spain came knocking with an ocean invasion and steamrolled the mighty England (reverse Spanish armada historical situation?) I had a good laugh!
Have America, Iroquois and Shoshone in any game. Who comes out on top? Not America.
I tried out Shoshone in a fractal map awhile back and ended up in an island between france and america. When America would DoW me, France would then DoW me after. To make a long story short, America recovered New York since Washington was place in so many hills that it was hard to take and had much production. France on the other hand was on grassland so I was able to take it easier. Taking Paris however gave Washington time to recover New York.
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