Who gets the culture?


Nov 17, 2009
Under your bed...
Hey all,

Gorf37 here, your standard lurker, piggybacking on all of your excellent efforts as I learn the ropes.

I've yet to try a culture win, and want to give it a go. I read the guides in the War Academy, and I'm understanding that slider/commerce culture will play an important role in getting to 50k in a hurry. So my question is, when the culture slider is employed, how is the culture generated distributed to cities?

My confusion arises as a result of the fact that the beakers and gold produced by the gold and science sliders all go into one "account". I'm wondering if the culture generated is gathered in a pool before redistribution to all of my cities, or if the commerce each city generates is channeled into its own culture pool. Are city improvement multipliers applied to this culture?



PS - shout out to TMIT for the "Let's Play Civ" video. I just finished my own world domination victory using the Byzantine empire, inspired by watching your game. Of course, when on prince, you get to fight longbowmen with tanks...
So my question is, when the culture slider is employed, how is the culture generated distributed to cities?

Easy. A city that produce 150 commerce and have 30% culture slider get 150*30% = +45 base culture per turn by the slider. Culture % building like cathedrale raise thoses culture, like for building.

Building culture is *not* increased by civi or building. As in : selecting culture as what you are building, like science or wealth.

Edit : at least some of the guid of war academy are a little dusty ; I recall having a lot of trouble with cultural victory until I began to fully use corporation and never shut down science completely.
... the commerce each city generates is channeled into its own culture pool. Are city improvement multipliers applied to this culture?

and yes to the second part of your question. also, you want to run free speech civic, and try if you can to get some of the corporations that give culture bonuses. these are sid's sushi, creative constructions and civilized jewelers, which can all be run in the same city.

so, focus on three cities. you will need cathedrals, so spreading religions is an important part of this victory strategy, although you won't necessarily have to found them yourself.

also, you could try this strategy with zara, UB: stele, +25% culture. i tried this once on immortal when the ai was killing me in tech, and i stopped researching before astronomy so i wouldn't lose the bonus. however, in the long run it would probably be faster to keep researching so that you can get to corporations. and i had to be really careful with diplomacy, because my army was so antiquated.

but going back to what i said earlier, spread religions and build lots of temples so that you can put at least 2 or 3 cathedrals in your target cities. and pay attention to the relatively cheap, high culture wonders. oh, and the sistine chapel really helps, too.
also, you could try this strategy with zara, UB: stele, +25% culture.

Zara is a very bad one to begin with I think, because of the stele. People do a lot silly thing with Stele, and often have an hard time to see if taking Astronomy won't give them more culture than the stele bonii.

I would began with Qin (the industrious / protective chinese leader), because Pavillon is much easier to use.
cultural is the easiest way to win, but it requires some diplomacy.
You don't want to fight knights with spears or riflemen with archers.

the baseline is pretty easy :
- 3 cities really matter, need to get a nice location to work either loads of commerce of huge amount of food
- other cities are fillers, to get resources, to build temples (you need temples to open cathedrals remember), to build wealth or troops, to help maturing the cottages
- liberalism is THE big thing. You need to focus hard to get that one asap. the free great artist from music is cool too, but nowhere near as good.
- you need religions. You don't need to found them, nor to select a state religion, but you need to spread them and get temples & cathedrals
- liberalism is THE big thing. You need to focus hard to get that one asap.

Don't forget Mass media, Radio, and the third that give a +50% culture boost. It's of an utmost importance, because not only they give a +50% wonder and some other goodies (like a +25% improvement), but the luxury item it give can be traded for fuel for your corporation.
Thanks all!

I did not realize that culture from buildings was not affected by the multipliers from buildings or civics. That seems weird. The synergy between culture-producing temples and monasteries and culture-multiplying cathedrals just made sense... Ah well!

I'll give it a go and see how I do. Thinking Inca for some cottage-fueled, wonder-spamming cultural fun!
I did not realize that culture from buildings was not affected by the multipliers from buildings or civics. That seems weird.

Culture from building IS affected. I will double check what I have said, but that what I wanted to say.

Edit : culture friom building is affected, building culture (as in converting directly hammer in culture) is not.
when building culture the hammers are effected by production bonuses like forges and factories and then converted to culture.
Don't forget Mass media, Radio, and the third that give a +50% culture boost. It's of an utmost importance, because not only they give a +50% wonder and some other goodies (like a +25% improvement), but the luxury item it give can be traded for fuel for your corporation.

If you want to win early, you don't go for radio and mass media.
Or at least I don't.
I stop research at nationalism most of the time. The rest is researched by free beakers from representation if available and building research, meaning I don't get there in time to build the wonder if I do get there, which often I don't.
+ lib is just a civic switch and +100% culture everywhere, while radio mass media etc require you to build a wonder and only give the +50% in the city where it's built.
i Find culture victory the hardest. I play marathon and 150k culture just seems soo far away that i ussually abandon going for cultural around 500-1000AD. Ive made serious attempts with Pacal II and Mansa Musa. Kinda going for a religious economy/diplomacy strategy to carry my way to culture without being distracted by war but it just seems impossible to get so many culture points.
i Find culture victory the hardest. I play marathon and 150k culture just seems soo far away that i ussually abandon going for cultural around 500-1000AD. Ive made serious attempts with Pacal II and Mansa Musa. Kinda going for a religious economy/diplomacy strategy to carry my way to culture without being distracted by war but it just seems impossible to get so many culture points.

on marathon, you could have won by 1000 AD :p (check the HoF)
I play normal speed most of the time, and cultural isn't as boring there
If you want to win early, you don't go for radio and mass media.
Or at least I don't.
I stop research at nationalism most of the time. The rest is researched by free beakers from representation if available and building research, meaning I don't get there in time to build the wonder if I do get there, which often I don't.
+ lib is just a civic switch and +100% culture everywhere, while radio mass media etc require you to build a wonder and only give the +50% in the city where it's built.

I found this way far less efficient than going to mass media, and usually it's not even shorter, because you crank a lot less culture per turn than with corporation + wonder.

But my main grip against that is that it's a lot more dangerous. With the corporation route, you can be first at infantry, and have a decent shot at internet of mechanized infantry. It's a lot more secure than stockpiling rifleman and seeing modern armor around.
I found this way far less efficient than going to mass media, and usually it's not even shorter, because you crank a lot less culture per turn than with corporation + wonder.

But my main grip against that is that it's a lot more dangerous. With the corporation route, you can be first at infantry, and have a decent shot at internet of mechanized infantry. It's a lot more secure than stockpiling rifleman and seeing modern armor around.

One game I was going for a cultural victory and an AI was going for it as well. I went for the corporation + artists under caste, Sistine and representation route, the AI stopped early with research. A few transports with infantry and artillery vs longbows and riflemen later it was clear which plan was superior.

Once you get to Biology and Sid's Sushi, you can run a bunch of 6:culture: 4:science: artists in your main cities and that quite handsomely beats a town.

Sid's + Creative Constructions + Civilized Jewellers can generate massive amounts of culture, easily overtaking any advantage stopping research earlier would have.
this is totally untrue, since you can win before sid and others even start going

This is totally true in most case. I never won by the way you say before the time I usually have some corporation and stuff. ANd it does not address the main advantage : defending with not too obsolete unit and having some backup plan in case of emergency. And not relying so much on having religion.
This is totally true in most case. I never won by the way you say before the time I usually have some corporation and stuff. ANd it does not address the main advantage : defending with not too obsolete unit and having some backup plan in case of emergency. And not relying so much on having religion.
cathedral also have an effect on sid's culture, so what's this not relying thing?

With a bit of diplo, you don't need to defend much.
At what date do you have sid, let's say on monarch, and what do you do if you miss it :eek:?
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