Who is the engineer, mathematics expert, writer of blueprints of life named?


Jan 29, 2003
If evidence, for say example of an alien being creating life, would be finding, in a cave, new language, engineering, and design of blueprints of life and left behind the material and the process.

That would be hard enough evidence to convince the most hard nosed critic of a higher intelligent designer of alien form.

The DNA is not able to be mapped by all of the engineers in the world.

It is language based information processes through RNA. It is the script for the software that structures the eye for example. There is no leader cell in amongs`t the billions.

It is the DNA through RNA telling the protein to form highly advanced chemical/electric (mechanical as well) functions of tech overload. It creates kidneys, the heart, and the DNA wrote the software for the brain to become the hardware.

If you say it was aliens, who designed theirs?

IS this random or could there be, The Man behind the curtain - in other words G_d?
Hey, dude, where are you from? China? Ok, let's say you're from China. Your attempt to bring up discussion is appreciated but the clear meaning of whatever you're saying has been lost in translation through whatever site/service you used (I don't know if people use Babelfish or what these days for translations of lots of text.) Anyway, it seems there was much potential here - perhaps you had a beautiful and poetic political critique in your original language. For instance, I can certainly see the following statement as full of depth and color in its original language:
There is no leader cell in amongs`t the billions.
I too weep for the confusion and uncertainty in modern China today, the future course of the nation and the future of its young people. It may be true that the old powers and one-party rule will continue to decline, leaving much promise but also perhaps troubled times. I have heard it said that the Chinese character for "crisis" also means "opportunity" but I've never known whether this was actually true or just a feel-good American expression - perhaps you know that? Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.
It wasn't me.

I think it was you who designed DNA or at least that consciousness that you are manifesting.

The smartest human on the planet has an IQ of maybe 200? Something like that. The designer of DNA has an IQ of 2000-3000?

I think what you are, is the designer(consciousness) and somewhere along the way we got stuck in the design thinking that was it.
Well, there's no reason to think that the aliens didn't evolve themselves, first. We're seeing in the lab that it's probable that we evolved from natural process. This means that it's possible that the same evolution could occur elsewhere. IF it occurred elsewhere, then the beings could have copied their own evolution when programming life.

When humans create lifeforms for other planets, I'm guessing we're going to make it DNA based.
Or we could make it sillicon based. Just for the heck of it :p.
God should be ashamed of himself. I were to write coded as bloated as DNA with that many bugs in it I would just shoot myself.
Hey, dude, where are you from? China? Ok, let's say you're from China. Your attempt to bring up discussion is appreciated but the clear meaning of whatever you're saying has been lost in translation through whatever site/service you used (I don't know if people use Babelfish or what these days for translations of lots of text.) Anyway, it seems there was much potential here - perhaps you had a beautiful and poetic political critique in your original language. For instance, I can certainly see the following statement as full of depth and color in its original language:

I too weep for the confusion and uncertainty in modern China today, the future course of the nation and the future of its young people. It may be true that the old powers and one-party rule will continue to decline, leaving much promise but also perhaps troubled times. I have heard it said that the Chinese character for "crisis" also means "opportunity" but I've never known whether this was actually true or just a feel-good American expression - perhaps you know that? Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.

WTF? This guy wants to bring up a discussion and you start to bash him into the ground, because some his sentences are not so well formulated. And then you start ranting about Chinese people even though you're not even sure he is Chinese. Grow the f*** up!!!
There is no limit to what can be "intelligently designed". That's the beauty of the belief... it can't be disproven.

Like most cults, the key is taking a position that requires someone to prove a negative and then watching them try. If they do try, then you win because they are sure to look the fool. Just make sure the cult does not need to prove a positive (no science!), and the cult is golden. That's why "scientology" has invisible aliens living in volcanoes and magical spirits living in people... not because they can prove it but because noone can disprove it.
Well, there's no reason to think that the aliens didn't evolve themselves, first. We're seeing in the lab that it's probable that we evolved from natural process. This means that it's possible that the same evolution could occur elsewhere. IF it occurred elsewhere, then the beings could have copied their own evolution when programming life.

This would be my response.

If you were to travel back in time documenting evolution, and happened upon some deus ex machina starting the whole process, then you just restart the process into whatever's past. So, while you might have to go further back than we presently would think, your answer will always be one of two things: life from non-life or the divine, who somehow transcends time with out a beginning nor an end.
No, Life has existed because the Great Old Ones let it :run:
If evidence, for say example of an alien being creating life, would be finding, in a cave, new language, engineering, and design of blueprints of life and left behind the material and the process.

That would be hard enough evidence to convince the most hard nosed critic of a higher intelligent designer of alien form.

The DNA is not able to be mapped by all of the engineers in the world.

It is language based information processes through RNA. It is the script for the software that structures the eye for example. There is no leader cell in amongs`t the billions.

It is the DNA through RNA telling the protein to form highly advanced chemical/electric (mechanical as well) functions of tech overload. It creates kidneys, the heart, and the DNA wrote the software for the brain to become the hardware.

If you say it was aliens, who designed theirs?

IS this random or could there be, The Man behind the curtain - in other words G_d?

If you say it was G_d, who designed G_d? ;)

Life must have started somewhere and the question how and where it all began has been keeping people busy for millenia. That's most probably how the concept "G_d" was designed in the first place.
No it's not. We have gods all the way up...just like we have turtles all the way down :p
The turtle?
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