Who should the 18th Civ be?

What Civ would you most like to see as the 18th?

  • Persia

    Votes: 64 29.2%
  • Vikings/Scandinavia

    Votes: 34 15.5%
  • Spain

    Votes: 37 16.9%
  • Zulu

    Votes: 5 2.3%
  • Maya

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Sumeria

    Votes: 6 2.7%
  • Babylon

    Votes: 10 4.6%
  • Native Americans/Sioux/Iroquois

    Votes: 9 4.1%
  • Portugal

    Votes: 2 0.9%
  • Netherlands

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • Korea

    Votes: 5 2.3%
  • Khmer

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Hittites

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ethiopia

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • Canada

    Votes: 6 2.7%
  • Brazil

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • Mexico

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Celts

    Votes: 5 2.3%
  • Carthaginians

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • Byzantines

    Votes: 4 1.8%
  • Thailand

    Votes: 5 2.3%
  • Vietnam/Dai Viet

    Votes: 3 1.4%
  • Holy Roman Empire

    Votes: 6 2.7%

  • Total voters
I like how this thread has turned into Spaniards voting for Spain, Scandinavians voting for Vikings, most people not from one of these places voting for Persia, and the rabid Canadian diehards voting for Canada. Oh, and the Finns voting for Vikings. Shouldn't they be voting for the Russians? *shot*

I'm a half-Iranian voting for Persia. :lol:
"Viking" is an adjective. Of all the faulty naming schemes Civ has going, can we at least name the Scandinavians after their geographical area, rather than their activities in the Dark Ages?
There's a long thread about Scandinavia that includes discussion of the term "Viking" in the Ideas&Suggestions-forum, and the term "Viking" isn't as clear as you seem to think. It also seems you're thinking of a verb and not an adjective..

Scandinavia was never a united political entity. Spain and Denmark were often at war with each other throughout the Middle Ages and they were both separate empires for most of history.

Vikings may not be entirely accurate, but if we're referring to the Dark Ages period of raiders and pillagers, then it's more accurate than Scandinavia.
Spain and Denmark??! At least do the usual mistake and say Switzerland... :p
There's a long thread about Scandinavia that includes the term "Viking" in the Ideas&Suggestions-forum, and the term "Viking" isn't as clear as you seem to think. It also seems you're thinking of a verb and not an adjective..

But when someone refers to the Vikings, people will know exactly what you're talking about.

Of course, the name of the nation is a different issue and Scandinavia would probably be the only real compromise there that would work. The people should still be referred to as Vikings though if that's the era they wish to represent in-game (whenever the Vikings do end up being introduced).

Spain and Denmark??! At least do the usual mistake and say Switzerland... :p

lol, right, my mistake. My mind is still stuck on the 18th civ.:lol: Obviously I meant Sweden..
It should be Poland. Eastern Europe is really under-represented in Civ games. All regions have myriads of different nations, while Eastern Europe has nothing but Russia.
I meant a verb, of course. I'd like Harald Bluetooth or Canute as the ruler of the Scandinavians.
America - George Washington
Egypt - Ramses
Arabia - Harun ar-Rashid
Aztecs - Montezuma
China - Wu Zetian
Germany - Otto von Bismarck
England - Elisabeth
France - Napoleon Bonaparte
Greece - Alexander der Große
India - Mahatma Gandhi
Japan - Oda Nobunaga
Mongolia - Dschingis Khan
Ottomans - Süleyman
Rome - Julius Caesar
Russia - Katharina
Songhai - Askia
18th Civ

Its easy remove Songhai civ, and add both Persia and Spain. Sure I also think Songhai is a cool new civ to play as one of the, if not the, biggest empires(? africa had. However I do not think they have contributed as much to history as the neither the Spanish or Persians. Not enough to leave one of them out anyways.
Songhai is necessary as the token African civ. Usually I'm not very approving of political correctness in any forms, but I do think it is important to have at least one African civilization represented.
Mongolia was about as influential as the Ethiopians, the Mali or the Songhai. They were pretty much a flash in the pan by world history standards, and 3 continents never even heard of them while they existed.

Germany has created a couple of devastating wars, but has only existed for 100 - 200 years really.

Just sayin'... perspective.
Germany has created a couple of devastating wars, but has only existed for 100 - 200 years really.
This is a ridiculous thing to say, the concept of Germany has been around for over a thousand years, for much of that time represented politically by the Holy Roman Empire, which after 1512 was officially known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. Even before the Holy Roman Empire there was the concept of regnum Teutonicum. The Germanic ethnic group is far older, politically grouped into Germanic tribes.
Mongolia was about as influential as the Ethiopians, the Mali or the Songhai. They were pretty much a flash in the pan by world history standards, and 3 continents never even heard of them while they existed.

Germany has created a couple of devastating wars, but has only existed for 100 - 200 years really.

Just sayin'... perspective.

I don't agree. The Mongols created the largest empire in history. That alone should get them in. Not to mention they essentially connected East and West which in essence helped start the renaissance.

The Mongols fought wars in Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Russia, Hungary, Iran, Egypt and many other places. No country had done that until modern times.

The Mongols should always be in Vanilla Civ.
The Mongols should absolutely be represented. Not only did they facilitate the spread of culture between east and west, but they also created the largest land empire in history and managed to bring about the rise and fall of numerous civilizations.
The Mongols also arguably are the "best" "representative" for the token Nomadic "civilization" (sort of how Songhai is token African civilization, the Aztecs are the token bloodthirsty tribal civilization, and so forth).
Acording to an Italian Magizine the 18th Civ will be Persia. But there apears to be at least 1 bonus Civ, 19th Civ? Siam.
I'mma jump on the bandwagon.

Mongolia was about as influential as the Ethiopians, the Mali or the Songhai. They were pretty much a flash in the pan by world history standards, and 3 continents never even heard of them while they existed.

Germany has created a couple of devastating wars, but has only existed for 100 - 200 years really.

Just sayin'... perspective.

The Mongols created the largest contiguous empire in history. They terrorized Europe and Asia, and possibly Africa, but they didn't have as much success there. And the three continents that never heard of them weren't discovered until a while after their time. If Ogedai hadn't died, they probably would have WTFPWNED western europe too. Their successor states also lasted quite a whil.

As for Germay not existing for over a couple hundred years, this simply isn't true. While they didn't really have political unity until Bismarck forged the Prussian empire of iron and blood, they've been around since Roman times (the Germanic tribes).
Songhai is necessary as the token African civ. Usually I'm not very approving of political correctness in any forms, but I do think it is important to have at least one African civilization represented.

There is Egypt. But I see your point, I don't mind having a central or south -african civ either, if only for flavour.

I voted for Persia. If the Vikings are included, for the love of dog, please don't put horns on their helmets.
I said Carthage. I think games are more interesting playing as or against Hannibal. You could translate that into another vote for Spain if need be.

I liked the CIV I civilizations as a starting point. Oh well.
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