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"Who should the USA invade next?"

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Let's invade everyone! At the sime time! It's bound to work! Besides, we've got marines, and according to my marine-brainwashed friend, the marines could conquer the world 10 times over, but are so humble they don't!:crazyeye:
yea hes right, most people i know are pretty much crap a geography. Lets put it this way: my History 101 final featured an extra credit page, which consisted of a map of Europe, and a list of all the nations in Europe. You had to match them up, im sure many of the people in my ginormous class couldnt do it. Naturally I aced that test and the course, but i can hardly speak for all Americans.
Elrohir said:
How about New Jersey?

They'll never see it coming!

Please do. The government here is awful. Even the Democratic voters seem to hate most of the government here.
I think Oregon should invade California. I propose that we sever California from the rest of the Continent and set it adrift in the Pacific Ocean.

Burn in hell! Oregon Uber Alles!
Ok, the topic wasn't really about what country the US should invade next but.... well, it's supposed to be a fun topic anyway. :)
Personally i'm pretty good at geography but i could possibly mix-up some capitals in Africa. I would certainly not mix Australia with Iran!!! :lol:

How about invading Mars? I'm sure Bush is interested in liberating the water from the ice .... with a few thousand bombs! :rolleyes:
You're kinda stupid.
I am so proud of myself for finally figuring out where every country in Africa is (although I sometimes mix up the small island ones in the east). Next up is the South Pacific (then I will know where every single country is) and the states of Mexico. But then I am a big geography geek - it is a hobby for me, not a vital life skill. Also, as a grammar fanatic I would point out that the title should be "Whom should the US invade next", except such shenanigans are prohibited by forum rules.
Pyrite said:
You're kinda stupid.

No personal attacks please. Who are you reffering to btw?
You for this anti american leftist media evil conspiracy to defraud, and unrightously defame the name of this country that is very likely to be personally led by Jesus Christ himself. Shame on you.
Pyrite said:
You for this anti american leftist media evil conspiracy to defraud, and unrightously defame the name of this country that is very likely to be personally led by Jesus Christ himself. Shame on you.

Should I take that as sarcasm?
Narz said:
we should flip upside down and penetrate Canada! :yeah:

how about canada with *canadian players*kicks your arses at hockey.

edit: with that: geography, and just general intelligence.
Kan' Sharuminar said:
Personally, I can see the US invading the Czech Republic soon. Y'know, to settle a recent upset :mischief:

Except that the average American barely realizes that the World Cup is going on, and of those who do, most don't care and/or expect to lose (this includes me in the "and" category). It actually took me a minute to figure out what you were referring to.
You could make a big pile of cash by betting on the USA to beat Italy, declare war on Italy, and then tell the Italians that the war will only end if they agree to throw the game ;)
Elrohir said:
How about New Jersey?

They'll never see it coming!

Not a surprise anymore. :p

*runs to Trenton to tell Corzine*
What in god's name would we gain by invading new jersey besides a bad case of rutgers syphilis and some sparkz?
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