Who would they eat?

This could lead to some interesting conversations. "Pardon me, Waiter, but there's a hair in my Suleiman",

I vote for Louis. He's a porker, French food is tasty, and this way you wouldn't have to see/hear/talk to him.
Yeah, but you'd still have to look at / listen to Louis. He's gotta be the first to go.

As an aside, I think you could comfortably feed a family of four on DeGaulle's nose alone.
Any leader with Aggressive or Defensive gains a +1 not to be eaten.
Any fat leader gains a +1 to be eaten due to the fact that the world leaders are stupid cartoonish children.
Any annoying leader (luis, cathrine, isabela) gets a +20 to be eaten.

In the end it would end up with only one camp of aggressive leaders lead by shaka and hanibal who would than fight to the death.
They'd probably go from most to least useful. If Gandhi was left he would probably be against the idea so he'd be first to go. Then Catherine would team up with a couple strong leaders while Monty and Shaka get themselves eaten after unsuccessfully trying to bully everyone into doing what they want. Then when only a few remain Catherine would use the shank she's been crafting out of a bone and insert it into her ally's backs.
Oh, I think you're all forgetting something. The island has no food, but nothing was said about the adjacent coast tiles. If the tiles have at least fish, clams, whales or crabs, there should be enough food for everyone. A single population point--1000 inhabitants--needs 2 points of food, so a single food point will be enough for all 52 leaders.

Spoiler :
Why are you all so convinced a fat person would go first? Do you really think people will resort to cannibalism so quickly that hunger hasn't already led to weakness? The truth is, the first one to die of hunger is the first one eaten...Gandhi.
I'm just enjoying/surprised by RabidVeggie's enthusiastic response to a thread on cannibalism.
Ghandi would not be the first one to die of hunger. He used self starvation as a means of peaceful protest, he knows how to live without food. Look to the fat rulers as the ones who would die first, sure they have a lot of fat to use, but they have no idea what it is like to conserve calories or how to.
I've clearly given this scenario a lot of thought. There was finally a thread around for me to voice my idea! ;)
Ghandi would not be the first one to die of hunger. He used self starvation as a means of peaceful protest, he knows how to live without food. Look to the fat rulers as the ones who would die first, sure they have a lot of fat to use, but they have no idea what it is like to conserve calories or how to.
Whatever you say Dr Nick.
Monty, as far as I know, is the only one with any sort of weapon. He could smash anyone with the skulls around his neck. Or maybe Bismarck with the point on his hat. Gilgamesh would also last long as anytime he would be attempted to be eaten, he'd just shake the leaders' camera.

So which of the 52 leaders would win if they all tried to kill eachother? They only have what they are wearing in their LHs and no one can ally.
Assuming that this is just one island tile that's a desert (so that they can't just use the 1 food source) and it is surrounded by ice (otherwise they'd just use the water tiles), then they'd be in the same one tile, and so they'd start off at peace. Then they'd realize that they have no room to build cities so they all declare war on eachother. Since they can't be on the same tile at once, and there is no other tile on the island, their magnetic force repels them all to the nearest continents, so they are seperated from eachother. They then start building a civilization while still keeping in touch with a digital instant telekenisis, and eventually make peace because they can't attack eachother until a few thousand years down the road anyway.
They haven't researched fishing.
But many of the leaders start with Fishing...

Monty, as far as I know, is the only one with any sort of weapon. He could smash anyone with the skulls around his neck. Or maybe Bismarck with the point on his hat. Gilgamesh would also last long as anytime he would be attempted to be eaten, he'd just shake the leaders' camera.

So which of the 52 leaders would win if they all tried to kill eachother? They only have what they are wearing in their LHs and no one can ally.
Pericles hands down. He has a sword...
speaking of Ghandi............ he was always barefoot resulting in bad foot callouses , he was quite frail due as he did not eat much and had bad breath due to his poor diet .

Result.............. a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis :lol:
speaking of Ghandi............ he was always barefoot resulting in bad foot callouses , he was quite frail due as he did not eat much and had bad breath due to his poor diet .

Result.............. a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis :lol:

There's a special place in Hell for people like you. :lol:
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