Who's your favorite?

i love using Washington.....:)

i have tryed the others but i don't seem to get very far and always resort
back to him.....
If i had to use one leader every game it would be Ghandi, hands down.
vanilla civ:

queen lizzy- mostly for the redcoats. financial trait is always nice. historically, liz did amazing things for the english empire(more significant and decisive than victoria), woman or not.

qin emperor - 'cause mao sucks, and i don't like his mad interpretation of commie-ism. but i stopped using this guy after i decided catapults and axemen were more efficient than zhuge-nus.

alex- 'cause the man almost could have conquered the world before he hit his 50s. the phalanx are cheap, so pikemen become irrelevant. annoying thing is, i always find elephants when i play as alex , so i end up only using my phals for hill defence.

i had my best cultural victory using mansa musa, but i have a thing against religion... and his skirmishers are only good for defending.

i might use kublai khan again. genghis' expansive trait didn't seem to complement aggressive well. their UU is very effective on rocky maps. anywhere else and they're only good for picking off annoying barbarians and pillagers.
I play as Gandhi very much (since Warlords), in Vanilla I used to be Saladin quite often. So I'm a big fan of Phi/Spi combo. I also like Fast Workers a lot.
Looks like my man Shaka ain't gettin' any love.
My two favorite leaders are probably Augustus and Churchill. One day I listed my favorite traits and found these two had them.

Random and kinda OT, but is anyone else kinda scared by Asoka?
Either Lincoln, Napoleon or Fredrick because of their traits.
in the end I would probably choose Freddy or Lincoln because of the UB (did you know that it builds faster than a forge for him) for freddy and UU and UB for Lincoln since malls and SEALS are beast late game.
SEALS aer Meh..
Hannibal... I love the man, financial is likely the strongest trait out there closely followed by charismatic, slap em on 1 leader for the ultimate overpoweredness.
Haven't played many yet, but my favorite so far is Hannibal. I've always been a fan of him and Carthage.
I'm going to say Willem. Of course this would mean I'd never play a land map but when you beat every one to Privateers and Dikes...

If I was going to play more land Maps than Churchill. I just had such a great Noble game and conquering everyone with Redcoats is just too much fun.
I quitelike playing as Elizabeth I, the redcoat is too good to pass off, plus her triats!
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