WHoward's Pick 'N' Mix Mods

I am really sorry for bombarding you with all my questions in different threads WHoward - hope that you still got a bit patience.

I have currently a problem with your Wonders Overlay. I was trying to create a multiplayer modpack, including some of your essential mods (if I ever submit it on Civfanatics, I will first ask for permission and also include all the credits).
Most of the mods were working fine, with the exception of Summaries and Overlays, luckily cicero225 helped me to make them work in this post: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=13766459&postcount=288

All seemed to work fine until I've added the Wonders Overlay. Adding this single overlay made the whole minimap disappear! None of the others overlays I used (Antiquities, Barbarians, Luxuries, Resources, RandR) caused this problem.

I can survive without this one, although I find it really useful and practical, so before I resign - would you know why this single overlay behaves differently to the others? Is there any particular difference between Antiquities files (for example) and the Wonders files that you would see as the reason of this specific bug?

This is what I had in the lua log file:

[18300.695] MiniMapPanel: This is the modded MiniMapPanel from 'UI - Overlay Antiquities'
[18300.695] OverlayLuxuries_MiniMapOverlayHook: Adding Luxuries to group luxuries
[18300.695] OverlayAntiquities_MiniMapOverlayHook: Adding Antiquities to group other
[18300.711] OverlayWonders_MiniMapOverlayHook: Adding Wonders to group terrain
[18300.711] OverlayResources_MiniMapOverlayHook: Replacing Resources in group resources
[18300.711] OverlayRoadAndRail_MiniMapOverlayHook: Adding Roads and Rails to group routes
[18300.711] Runtime Error: Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\UI\InGame\MiniMapPanel.lua: 116: attempt to index field 'Minimap' (a nil value)
[18300.711] Runtime Error: Error loading Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\UI\InGame\MiniMapPanel.lua.

and a moment later:
[18302.848] Runtime Error: Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\UI\InGame\MiniMapPanel.lua: 105: attempt to index field 'Minimap' (a nil value)
[18302.848] Runtime Error: Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\UI\InGame\MiniMapPanel.lua: 105: attempt to index field 'Minimap' (a nil value)
Only now am I trying to use these mods. The only problem though is simply enabling the "DLL - Various Mod Components" at the start crashes the game, in short I can't start a game with it on. Other mods that don't require it like GA Happiness, Extra Palace Slot, etc don't cause such problem.

I don't know what's causing it but I hope it'll be resolved. I'd really like to try out your Mods, sir.
Howard can you please tell how I can get one of your mods to always be the last to load. Thank you

Hi there man! Any chance of an update to your Global - Complete Eras [GK] mod, to make it compatible with BNW and Barathor's Galleys for Civs [awesome] mod?
NVM I found your post from some time ago on this subject and it seems to work. What I was doing is editing the mod I wanted to load last before I needed it. :)
i have many mods mad a german translation

I feel somewhat bad that it's taken me so long, but I have finally merged these translations into the main mod files and uploaded new versions.

And in different news, I've just paid the hosting fees for the next three years, so picknmixmods.com may see CivVI yet!
Using the Herdsmen mod. Moved a group of 4 Horses from outside my territory into my territory.

The Horses are doubled now, so I've got 8 new Horses in my strategic resource count. Additionally none of them show up in the Resource display for that city.
Using the Herdsmen mod. Moved a group of 4 Horses from outside my territory into my territory.

The Horses are doubled now, so I've got 8 new Horses in my strategic resource count. Additionally none of them show up in the Resource display for that city.
You are lucky, my horses are in the red!

I had 7 mounted units (5 knights and 2 mounted bowman). I had 2 horses in the capital after I used herdsmen unit, 3 horses in the other city, I used herdsmen too and 2 horses I was importing from the other civ.
And everything was ok, my units was able to heal and after they died, I could produce new ones.
But now, I have -7 horses with only 3 mounted units left (because I'm in war and couldn't heal them :( ) and 2 horses in the capital (I don't own these 3 horses in the other city anymore). Also, I am not importing horses from other civs. Still, I think it's broken.
-7 != 2-(2+1)
I think it should be -1, not -7. Also if I hover my mouse on top panel's horses display, it doesn't show me horses info, so I don't even know what is using so many horses...

Is there any way to check this where have my horses gone and what's causing the problem? I have nice game and don't want to start a new game :( And even if I start a new game, I don't want to have horses in the red after some time :(

Mod list:
Spoiler :
(1) Community Patch (12-18)
(2) Community Balance Patch (12-18)
(3) City-State Diplomacy Mod for CBP (12-3)
(4) Civ IV Diplomatic Features - CBP Edition (12/3)
(6) - Community Balance Patch - Compatibility Files (EUI) (12-18)
(BNW) Leugi's Barbarian Inmersion Enhancements
Buildings - Textile Mill
Custom Advanced Setup Screen
Extra Victory Conditions
Global - 2 Units Per Fort
Global - 3 Units Per City
Global - Barbarian XP Level 6
Global - City Working Distance
Global - Civilians Move After Purchase
Global - Local Generals
JFD's and Pouakai's Mercenaries
JFD's Cultural Diversity (Soundtrack)
JFD's Exploration Continued Expanded
JFD's The Kingdom of Francia
Mestizo Music (Modern American Soundtrack)
More Luxuries
Quick Turns
Sukritact's Events and Decisions
Trade - Marble Shipments
UI - Trade Routes Enhancements
UI - Wonder Planner
Units - Herdsmen
Units - Population
Yet (not) Another Earth Maps Pack
JFD's Cultural Diversity (Core)

EDIT: I was finally able to hover on horses info. And you can see, 2 horses in the capital (Aahen), 3 imported, 5 in Warsaw, 2 mounted units.
2+3+5-2=8, but I have -1 instead of 8... :(
Here is screenshot:
Spoiler :

Which version of the "Units - Herdsmen" are you using? v10 is the latest and I thought it had fixed these issues (although if you start a game with an old version and get negative horses, updating to v10 will not fix the issue for that game, it only fixes the issue for new games)
Looks like the sequencing of (UI) events changed somewhere along the line (again) ... should be working correctly in v11 (at least until something changes again ... which hopefully it won't with Civ VI scheduled for release)

You *may* be able to fix the weird counts by a save/reload
I'm using the "great works vault" (and "great works reseach") mod(s) for the first time. I like the idea. Never liked the fact that you start pumping out artists ages before you have any sort of generic building to place all those paintings in... But, with this mod, the "works" are placed inside bank vaults even though there are more preferable slots available. I can't figure out how to move them. So what I want to know is: Is it possible to move "works" from the vaults to other slots, and if so, how? I can't do it from the usual menu, because banks are not listed there.
Never mind. I found the "Great works manager". Is all good :)

Don't know if the Pick 'n' mix list is all yours, but it's all awesomesauce!

EDIT: Oh, I see you already replied (I was hoping I could spare you the trouble ;)). Thank you anyway though.
I am really sorry for bombarding you with all my questions in different threads WHoward - hope that you still got a bit patience.

I have currently a problem with your Wonders Overlay. I was trying to create a multiplayer modpack, including some of your essential mods (if I ever submit it on Civfanatics, I will first ask for permission and also include all the credits).
Most of the mods were working fine, with the exception of Summaries and Overlays, luckily cicero225 helped me to make them work in this post: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=13766459&postcount=288

All seemed to work fine until I've added the Wonders Overlay. Adding this single overlay made the whole minimap disappear! None of the others overlays I used (Antiquities, Barbarians, Luxuries, Resources, RandR) caused this problem.

I can survive without this one, although I find it really useful and practical, so before I resign - would you know why this single overlay behaves differently to the others? Is there any particular difference between Antiquities files (for example) and the Wonders files that you would see as the reason of this specific bug?

This is what I had in the lua log file:

[18300.695] MiniMapPanel: This is the modded MiniMapPanel from 'UI - Overlay Antiquities'
[18300.695] OverlayLuxuries_MiniMapOverlayHook: Adding Luxuries to group luxuries
[18300.695] OverlayAntiquities_MiniMapOverlayHook: Adding Antiquities to group other
[18300.711] OverlayWonders_MiniMapOverlayHook: Adding Wonders to group terrain
[18300.711] OverlayResources_MiniMapOverlayHook: Replacing Resources in group resources
[18300.711] OverlayRoadAndRail_MiniMapOverlayHook: Adding Roads and Rails to group routes
[18300.711] Runtime Error: Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\UI\InGame\MiniMapPanel.lua: 116: attempt to index field 'Minimap' (a nil value)
[18300.711] Runtime Error: Error loading Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\UI\InGame\MiniMapPanel.lua.

and a moment later:
[18302.848] Runtime Error: Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\UI\InGame\MiniMapPanel.lua: 105: attempt to index field 'Minimap' (a nil value)
[18302.848] Runtime Error: Assets\DLC\MP_MODSPACK\UI\InGame\MiniMapPanel.lua: 105: attempt to index field 'Minimap' (a nil value)
I'm also curious about the solution to this "disappearing minimap"-problem.
Looks like the sequencing of (UI) events changed somewhere along the line (again) ... should be working correctly in v11 (at least until something changes again ... which hopefully it won't with Civ VI scheduled for release)

You *may* be able to fix the weird counts by a save/reload

Great, thanks!
Howard, thank you very much for updating the "UI - City etc." mods! They look a lot better now in EUI!
And a question:
I'd like to use Enhanced Demographics in a multiplayer modpack, but I find the "tables" too revealing.
Can I just comment something out of /UI/demographics.xml or something? (I tried some things, but it made the button unresponsive)
WHoward, thank you very much for updating the "UI - City etc." mods! They look a lot better now in EUI!

You can thank Lynnes for those

I'd like to use Enhanced Demographics in a multiplayer modpack, but I find the "tables" too revealing.

Which revealing tables :crazyeye:
There seems to be an exploit if a herdsman with horses is under the control of a civ completing the Terracotta army. You get another herdsman with horses (so far no problem), but it can unrustle without reverting to a normal herdsman. So horses for every empty tile! Didn't test this for sheep and cattle, but that will probably work as well.
Which version of the "Units - Herdsmen" are you using? v10 is the latest and I thought it had fixed these issues (although if you start a game with an old version and get negative horses, updating to v10 will not fix the issue for that game, it only fixes the issue for new games)

I was using v10. I downloaded v11 today and I'll see if it happens again or not :)
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