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Why did YOU get civ?


Oct 28, 2008
Los Angeles
Why did you get civ? Not just Civ4, but the first one you played. What made you buy it?

For me, i had some money, and wanted a new game. After seeing an ad for CivRev, i decided i wanted one of the civ PC games. I looked up Civ4 on the internet, found this site, and got all excited about it and bought Civ4 GOLD and BtS.
I had enough money, I was getting interested into strategy games, and Civ4 sounded good, so yeah, I bought it. :D A year later, I bought Warlords and not long after BtS.
Civ I: Just a young kid with a dream of world domination. Plus I had an interest in history, geography, other cultures, so why no destroy 'em? (early 90s)

Civ II: Wanted to see if the magic was still there. It was.

Civ III: Maybe I was outgrowing this Civ stuff, but I had to see if I still liked Civ. I didn't.

Civ IV: I ignored all the pre-release hype figuring me and Civ would never meet again. A year after Civ IV appeared, there was a great sale ($19.99) so I bought the game as an experiment. Eureka! I was hooked. Add the mods like FFH2 and others I had to stay on...la belle dame sans merci...
Civ III -> I loved SMAC, so I wanted to see other Sid Meier's games. I became quite shocked to see that Civ III was far less complex than SMAC, even graphicwise.
Civ1 - It was 1994 and Civ had already been a classic a few years. I had just bought Colonization (and loved it) so I got a pirate copy to check out if Civ where as fun as Col (it wasn't).
Civ4 - I wanted a turn based strategy game and there is simply not much to choose between. Most strategy games are RTS where it's more important to be fast and accurate with your mouse rather than make good decisions. Anyway, I bought Civ4 and BTS about a year ago.
CIV II: Because I loved historical strategy games, and while shopping in my local video game store, I came across the PS2 version of CIV II. I found it very enjoyable, much to the consternation of the wife of the time. :D Replay value was great - played it regularly until two years ago (about 8 years worth of gameplay I think) when I finally got a computer and moved on to CIV IV.
Civ I : saw a review, liked the idea, got addicted.
Civ II : bought on release, got deeply addicted.
Civ III : worst game I've ever bought. Ruined by the appalling corruption.
Civ IV : Bought in hope that it would be a whole lot better than III. It certainly was.
Warlords : An obvious purchase, and a good expansion.
BtS : Not to be resisted. Utterly fascinating.
Civ 1 was a no brainer for me loved the boardgame it was (kinda) based on.
Owned it on PC and Amiga (even bought the AGA Amiga version)

Rest is predictable, bought every new version and expansion since, including CivNet.

(Still have all of them, original boxes an' all )
Why did you get civ? Not just Civ4, but the first one you played. What made you buy it?

For me, i had some money, and wanted a new game. After seeing an ad for CivRev, i decided i wanted one of the civ PC games. I looked up Civ4 on the internet, found this site, and got all excited about it and bought Civ4 GOLD and BtS.

I also bought Civ 4 in a similar fashion. Saw a CivRev ad, discovered Civ 4, and bought it! So I bought Civ 4 in essentially a combination of yours and Eco Friendly's Reasons. :D How I discovered this site is a completely different story though... :)
When I was about 12, I played Civ 2 and Civ 3 at my cousin's house, where I was staying for a month or two. I liked it, so when I was Civ 4 was coming out, I pounced.
Hmm I seem to be one of the few who don't mind Civ3 so much.

It was my first Civ and I got it for Xmass from my bro (he knows i love history)
honestly, back in about september, i was madly in love with Spore. I mean MADLY IN LOVE.I was looking up an article about it on wikipedia and it said the civilization phase was loosly based on civilization 4. Interested, I looked up civ 4 on the internet and read this site.


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"That's what she said." Youtube users
I was in Future Shop and there was a cheap box-set of Civ II, Heavy Gear, Tomb Raider, Duke Nukem 3D, and I believe one other game I can't remember. I had never heard of civ before, but I loved it when I started my first game (ignoring the fact that I got raped by barbs cause I was thinking like RTSes [up to this point the only real computer games I played were WarCraft II and Dune 2000] and didn't realize I needed garrisons).
Back in the 90's I hardly knew anything about games, but was very curious about what was possible with them. When I stumbled across Civ II, I turned into an addict almost instantly, and have loved Civ and games in general ever since.
my older brother played civ I II and III and i watched him for so many years (playing a few times myself)
so when civ IV came out (and he went to college) i bought Civ IV and was hooked. Warlords almost made me quit but not long after i bought warlords i discovered BTS was coming out. And BTS is probably the best expansion pack to any game i've ever seen.
Civ IV: Wanted a strategy game for the mac. I think it was just a coincidence that I found this game. I'm glad though it happened, because I love the game!
Back in 2001 I borrowed Civ II from a housemate. Didn't know too much about the game at the time and his room was a total tip so he couldn't find the manual, so I had to try to learn on the fly which wasn't easy. My housemate couldn't help as he'd only installed it once, saw how bad the graphics were and never bothered with it. I Picked up enough to become hooked on it though.
My mom bought me the Civ II deluxe edition way back when because she thought I'd like it. She was right about that one :D
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