Wild Mana for FFH 2

It basically means you have to protect your border towns

Not only the towns themselves, but every tile you use for production. A gobin archer sitting on you gold mine can be a pain to kill in the early to mid game, especially in a border town, which doesn't produce heavy units. Then, they pillage it. So you have to move your worker all the way to the back of your empire to rebuild the mine.

Maybe one thing could be to have units stationed in forts cancel barbarian spawning within their sightrange. There is really no difference to this and to cities, when you think about it. Besides all the invisible people working the tiles in the city, but never mind them, they are peasants, right? Wait, what? Peasants stop barbarians spawning, but not soldiers???
Not only the towns themselves, but every tile you use for production. A gobin archer sitting on you gold mine can be a pain to kill in the early to mid game, especially in a border town, which doesn't produce heavy units. Then, they pillage it. So you have to move your worker all the way to the back of your empire to rebuild the mine.

Maybe one thing could be to have units stationed in forts cancel barbarian spawning within their sightrange. There is really no difference to this and to cities, when you think about it. Besides all the invisible people working the tiles in the city, but never mind them, they are peasants, right? Wait, what? Peasants stop barbarians spawning, but not soldiers???

First off, your soldiers do prevent them spawning - on the square they sit on... like the peasants stop them spawning on the squares they are working! :) :p

The way I personally deal with it, is either with captured (and as they can't be upgraded, most expendable imo) animals, before finishing a survivor off with warriors/axemen etc. (depending on stage in game), and/or putting a unit on, say, the hill the gold mine is, and forcing the archer to attack, rather than attacking it.

In general, if you're likely to lose a strong unit, then use another as cannon fodder, and finish off with the strong one. Combat promos give +20% each, so a warrior with all 5 promos should kill an archer, say, on neutral terrain.

I gotta admit, I love it, personally, but maybe I'm weird! :D

There is a 'tamed wilderness' option which lessens the barbs and animals that appear. You might prefer that? :)
But there are a few things that bug me.

Barbarians spawn even on tiles not abscured by fog. I have seen this multiple times, sometimes right next to one of my units. Is this intentional? I hate this behaviour, since it makes it impossible to clear areas of threats, so you can safely build infrastructure. You have to constantly build new units just to defend your cities.

The best way to handle random barbarians that spawn in your culture (the worst are the dragons - gods I hate them, Sephi you must be the god of Chaos :D) and the mutant horde of stags:


Hope this helps!!! :mischief::shifty::groucho:
long time no screenshot. Next Version will have the Gameoption "Noble Houses of Erebus". The noble Houses have some similarities to the Corporations in BTS, but will all have unique advantages.



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Neat! But is it random appearance.. or some kind of quest, a first to tech thing? More info please! :D

also LoL at Avahz' screenshot.. I have a feeling that crashing the game with all those particle effects could stop spawning too.
Neat! But is it random appearance.. or some kind of quest, a first to tech thing? More info please! :D
so far it is tech only. Though it would be easy to add it to other events (declaring war, razing holy city, founding religion, etc.)

The AI finally uses Tsunami now :D. Quite an interesting army (cultists for area damage + lots of throw away skeletons) the Calabim AI uses here to fight a civ twice as big



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I've just installed Wild Mana but, alas, I get errors whenever I load.

Here's a screenshot of the first error that comes up. The others are like it.

I tried deleting everything FFH, rebooted my computer, reinstalled FFH (with patch j) and then reinstalled Wild Mana but still no joy.

Can anyone help? :(
The issue with the other method of spawning (Nowhere you can see) is you can then have just a few hawks hold down an ENTIRE CONTINENT. That said, Orbis and RifE allow forts to project Culture, which prevents their spawning.

Or you could do what other mods do and get rid of hawks, which are pretty unpopular units.
They're only unpopular because of the lack of automation, IMO. They can be useful... I don't see any reason to get rid of them OTHER than to prevent the taming of the continent. And I prefer the current "Barbs spawn unless the tile is within cultural borders" mechanic better than the old one, even removing hawks. ;)

Edit: Also... What other mods? I don't know of one that has actually removed them as yet.
I notice in the Noble House description that it says it 'consumes' the listed resources. What does that mean?

That you can trade this resources with other civs even if you already have one resource of them.

A new version linked in first post

Patch 6.51 (doesn't break saves)
  • fixed an issue with XML loading
  • Fix: Corlindale is Elohim only
  • Fix: Only Illians and Frozen have access to Winter Tech
a very nice feature from the BULL mod. Building Help now displays actual bonus.



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Patch 7.10 (break saves) linked in first post
  • Added modcomp Show hidden AI Attitude Values (via Gameoption) http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=335966
  • Building help will display actual effects, for example courthouse shows how much gold is saved from the lower maintenance (merged from recent BUG mod)
  • Fix Summoned Hyborem (for real now, tested)
  • Fix Rounding Error for feature Growth (ancient Forest mostly)
  • Fix WorldWonder University now requires Scholarship civic
  • noble House of Cannith is Unitcombat Adept and starts with channeling 1
  • Fix Pasture can be build on bonus Bison
  • temporary Fix: AI will never convert away from their favorite Religion (I had changed that recently but it seems it causes more issues than it helps)
  • AI_DIPLO_THANKS entries for a few leaders fixed (let me know if you find other problems with the diplo texts of the new leaders)
  • Fix Pirates won't spawn in Lanun Pirate Ports if Lanun are at war with Pirates
  • Rounding of City Production is now more logical. 1 hammer +20% is 1 (same as before) and 1 Hammer -20% is also 1 (was 0 before).
  • fix moved display of Flexible Difficulty Text (shouldn't interfere with scoreboard now)
  • fix a weird (and very rare) WoC
  • fix languages other than english will work (but missing translation)
  • fix Noble Houses of Erebus are tied correctly to their buildings
  • fix Shipyard building
  • more mana gameoption: Kuriotates start with creation mana instead of a second sun mana
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