Windows 7 BTS patches can't find BTS?


Sep 28, 2010
Anytown USA
I'm running as admin on a windows 7 32bit and I'm trying to install the patches for BTS, any of them, but none of them work. I've tried 3.02, 3.03, 3.13, 3.17 and 3.19 but they either just never finish or say they can't find BTS.

"The setup has detected that no version of Sid Meier's Civilization 4 - Beyond the Sword is installed. This update requires that a previous version (I'm guessing that means 3.00) of the application be installed."

I am running the Direct 2 Drive version of the game and while yes they have their own 3.19 patch it doesn't work and the other non D2D patches worked on XP 32bit just fine.

System specs are Quad 2.4GHz Intel
Raedon 5670 HD
500gig HD
4gig RAM

Is there a way to patch it totally manually or some other fix? Maybe like index the folder? I have no idea. >_< I've been looking for over 2 hours on how to get this to work and I've tried all kinds of stuff but it's always the same out come. My end goal is to play A New Dawn patch for the Rise of Mankind mod.

In reward for trying to help a girl out I'll link some pretty cool beats. :3
Well, like I said, I've tried that patch, it also doesn't work, it has the same problem as all the other patches. Civ 4 on D2D is pretty much the same thing as regular Civ4

Everything is done as admin, it's the same deal.
Did you try contacting D2D support about that? what did they say?
I'm sure you did try reinstalling both civIV and BTS from scratch.
No I haven't had time yet, but I'm starting to think it's a problem on my end, some bug or who knows what. I'm going to try installing the game on an external HD using another XP computer then plugging that into my Windows7 computer and moving the files over. <:D

I'll tell you how it goes.
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