Winning Diplo w/o City/States in game


Nov 7, 2005
I decided to try it... and it was close. I wound up as Celts (random), with the knowledge that I would need to try to get the Forbidden Palace, establish a world religion and a world ideology. Oh, and maybe try to revive a dead civ.

15 starting civs on a King/Standard/Large/Continents (another random) map. While I managed to get the FP (even the Greeks didn't want to open a Patronage path, apparently), I couldn't get a foothold with World religion. 4 other civs had taken on my religion, but not enough to convert the world. I was freedom, and everyone else was order (go figure).

The vote was 10 turns away, and I was the host, so I had a couple in my back pocket. Then the Netherlands goes & revives Egypt. I was screwed... except that I was at war with Poland. 4 turns left, and I manage to get Poland to give me one of the Aztecs former cities - and poof, they're back. 2 turns, and Japan & the Iroquois throw down a DoW against the Aztecs.

They didn't quite make it. I beat the Netherlands by one stinkin' vote. It was fun.
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