With Republic, can't see the +1 production

Does it not give 1 extra hammer in your city main (founding) tile? That's where the other policy bonus improvements turn up IIRC. Would be great if you check it and report it if it's a problem.
Does it not give 1 extra hammer in your city main (founding) tile? That's where the other policy bonus improvements turn up IIRC. Would be great if you check it and report it if it's a problem.
This is what I thought too. So in the tooltip when you hover over hammers in order to see a breakdown of where hammers are coming from, I do not think you should see a "+1 republic" or "+1 chosen policies" modifier.
This is what I thought too. So in the tooltip when you hover over hammers in order to see a breakdown of where hammers are coming from, I do not think you should see a "+1 republic" or "+1 chosen policies" modifier.

Yes it kind of makes sense to put it as a base production boost so it's easier to quantify it with other modifiers such as railroad etc., and it lowers clutter in the tooltip. It's easily missed however so to be sure it could be good to check from a previous save.
Republic will add one production to the city tile. So after republic normal city tile will give 2 production, a city on a hill will give 3.

It is the same way maritime city states add food.
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