Wonders that look best on the map


Aug 20, 2012
Istanbul, Turkey
In ascending order of visual awesomeness, for me they are:

- The Oracle (though it's a bit too Heroes of Might and Magic-y)
- Angkor Wat
- Sydney Opera House (when it's jutting southwards)
- Machu Picchu
- Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

What do other people think?
Both mountain wonders Macchu and Newenstein (sp?) look awesome. Except if I build both in same city, only Macchu shows up.
The Great Pyramid of Atlantis - built in the water in Vanilla - is the best for me.
I actually like the Colossus of Rhodes, even though I rarely build it. Sydney Opera House is another rarely-built wonder that looks good. Also, the Great Wall can be pretty cool under the right circumstances. If it surrounds your whole empire, it's awesome. If it only surrounds one city, it looks a bit silly.
As long as they show up where they're supposed to, they all look pretty cool.

Of course when Stonehenge ends up being in an ocean tile in my coastal capitol, I get very sad. :(
I once had a gigantic capital on a desert hill, surrounded by mountains in 4 back tiles, with Petra jutting out right in front of it as if it were an ancient stone gate to the cosmopolitan imperial capital hidden away in the mountain valleys with Maccu Piccu nearby. I wish I took screenshots.
Wouldn't it be cool if you were given the option of where to place the wonder on the map (within reason).
Purely for aesthetic reasons.

Then you could place the great wall in a place that actually makes sense strategically (again, only for aesthetics), like as a barrier between you and your biggest foe at the time. Ofcourse, I'm not suggesting the affect would change, but you could build your own narrative around it for roleplaying purposes.

It would kinda help me really feel "connected" to the empire I created, if I could influence things like that. That, and naming rivers, mountain ranges, and regions.
My favorite is Machu Pichu built on Old Faithful tile. It always looks like the Incas were smoking some weed :)
99% of the time my capital is a coastal city and it never fails that the Oracle ends up in a water tile.

My fav is the Great Wall although I don't really like that it moves with each border expansion. It should stay put from the time you originally built it. Personal preference.
Twice I have built Machu Pichu on top Old Faithful. It was beautiful site to behold.
I also like the way Stonehenge looks in the ocean.
Chichen Itza also looks good in the ocean. Basically any wonders built in the ocean are awesome. Other than that, I like the looks of Himeji. Neusch could have been pretty, but it looks unfinished.
I love Hagia Sophia! IMO it looks amazing on the map, always close to the city but yet a bit far, so majestic.... The N. Castle is also quite nice, and so is the Colossus. I also like the Taj Mahal.

BTW, does the Hubble Space Telescope shows up on the map? I know it doesn't make sense, but I thought the only one that didn't was the Great Firewall, and now I'm unsure.
For those who want a reminder of what the wonders look like on the map, there is a gallery here:


BTW, does the Hubble Space Telescope shows up on the map? I know it doesn't make sense, but I thought the only one that didn't was the Great Firewall, and now I'm unsure.
Yes, see:


My favorite wonder graphics on the map are:

Hagia Sophia
Hanging Gardens
Machu Picchu
Hubble Space Telescope
Himeji Castle
Taj Mahal
Thanks. HST does seem nice on the map :)
Machu Picchu


Hanging Gardens
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