World Warfare Economics - modern day GSG


Time Traveller
Jun 10, 2011
We are getting new modern day GSG in few days (starts in 2020). Others can hide now.

Game prerelease stream:
It will be in early access 21st December.

Now you can try to be worse than your political enemies, or better than your favorite politicians.
From what I heard early start DLCs are planned - Cold War (1945), maybe some even earlier starts.

Early start means easier to fix problems before they happen, for example in hypothetical Industrial Revolution start you could do Vicky 3 style worker coop communism (or social democracy if you want capitalism), and then spam nuclear plants like in its cold war mods.
Such hypothetical world could have Mars colony in 1970, as no on in the world is starving and has at least decent living standard (research capacity 10x of today world as everyone can have higher education).

Early start also would mean early dystopia, like 1984 combined with reckless disregard for environment and human life.
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