Worst AI Controlled Civ


Goblin Axeman
Nov 7, 2011
Want to know your opinions about the worst Civ when controlled by the ai. I want to make the case and say Monty. All of the others have their bad points (babylon seems stuck on three disconectted cities) but Monty is pretty good at Jaguaring himself into poverty, then falling to any expander. I have even tried gifting him my military, only to see him disband half of it...
Japan, China, Rome, Greece, India, America, The Ottomans.

Normally, whenever I play, I could find those civilizations are pretty powerful, but when it comes to AI, they can get eliminated pretty soon on the map. It's very surprising that Siam is very powerful controlled by AI and I am suspecting if that's a bug.
Siam does well in large part b/c the UA forces the AI to properly take advantage of CS's. And yes, I DID just use 3 acronyms in the same sentence!

Monty would probably be my vote for weakest AI as well. He just pisses everybody off overbuilds his weak military units.
I wouldn't mess with Japan or Songhai. They are leagues ahead of any other AI.
basicly the AI is bad at using any civ.
Rome, Greece and Songhai tend to not do so bad in my games though.
Japan agresses way to early usualy.
Mongols got no clue on Keshiks.
Babylon - what's tech lead? at least they settle the GS for you
Monty is strong early but falls back as soon as one of his neighbors discovers iron and from there on it's downhill for beeing a diplomatic cruise missile so early...
Funny to see people mention the Greeks for the Iroquois. The Greeks are almost always a Runaway AI in any game of mine in which they appear. The only game in recent memory in which they weren't, it was because the Iroquois wiped them out on their way to becoming the game's Runaway.

I'd have to agree that pound for pound, Monty tends to play the worst (unless he's my in-game AI buddy...which he frequently is. :) ). Still, I've posted previously about a Monty AI who played a darn good game.
Since every game is different and it all depends on many factors why a civ act more or less stupid, i would say ALL OF THEM.
Japan, China, Rome, Greece, India, America, The Ottomans.

Normally, whenever I play, I could find those civilizations are pretty powerful, but when it comes to AI, they can get eliminated pretty soon on the map. It's very surprising that Siam is very powerful controlled by AI and I am suspecting if that's a bug.

In my games Greece always does rather well.
In my games Greece always does rather well.

In many of my games, Greece has started off well, but then got out teched... it's then relatively easy to clear up their mess! It's the same with Monty only he doesn't get as far as Alex.

All the civs have done well with me at some time, Germany can be very awesome with a lead going into modern, as can Japan. Trouble with Japan is that they don't know when to rest those zeros, they just attack with little or no hp... but no civ seems to be able to use aircraft well.

Probably the most pathetic is America, which is not helped by it's UUs. Minuteman is superseded almost immediately, and they don't know how to use B52s, so lose them before they really get useful.
Monty and Harold seem to be hit-or-miss in most games for me. They'll throw everything they have at a neighbor and usually lose, putting themselves so far behind at the early game that they never recover.
I have to agree with Quasar, America never seems to do well in the games I've had. Siam is almost always very good, which always causes me to inwardly sigh when I see him pop up on the map.

I just d'loaded most of the DLC and have started a game with the Koreans in it for the first time. So far they are staying rather small, they are sandwiched in between Japan and Songhai with me (China) far to the North. I don't see them lasting too long as Oda has already denounced him. :(
-America will do well if they can sneak in an early kill. I am wary when I start by them.
-Siam is a better peacemonger than Ghandi, imo.
-Monty is only good before iron, I agree.
-Askia or Alex are the best vanilla attackers.
-Germany will do okay later on, he tends to build up forces in his 3 cities and slamanother ai. hit or miss.
-Khan can do okay if his medieval era atk succeeds.
-Russia is a two-faced but rather effective attacker.
-The Native Americans expand way too fast to keep up with, and when they want war they can pose a problem for sheer numbers.
Iroquois don't develop their land

I think every game I played, Iroquois didn't build their 2nd city until very late, never got past 3, and still managed to be far behind on social policies. Perhaps they are playing for the "nobody will notice me and I'll be the last one standing after the nuclear war" victory...
I think every game I played, Iroquois didn't build their 2nd city until very late, never got past 3, and still managed to be far behind on social policies. Perhaps they are playing for the "nobody will notice me and I'll be the last one standing after the nuclear war" victory...

I thought the Hiawatha was s'posed to expand a lot to take maximum advantage of his UA?
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