"Wow, That Can't Be Good..."

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Desperate needs = desperate ways. Even if we did attack a new-fangled German army with a cavalry, how much could we do?

Just to chime in, Polish cavalry never charged German tanks... which a lot of people think actually happened, for some reason.
Just to chime in, Polish cavalry never charged German tanks... which a lot of people think actually happened, for some reason.

Youre right there. Cavalry (not sure what nationality) DID charge German MACHINE GUNS. In the FIRST world war.

But lets stop with the Polish stuff.

(that would make an excellent quote)
Oh for the love of GOD,Winthski!

Sir,you make MY point for ME.

And you made a fine joke while doing it.

Ok,2 jokes. If you knew me,the "Mr.Macho" thing is pretty wonderful too.

Your basic point is, if cro-magnons,like me, make irreverent comments about history. THIS WHOLE THING COULD DEGENERATE INTO THIS:

Because it can start to a whole series of:

Somewhere in Little Bighorn, 1876:
George Custer: Ha! I got a fancy rifle and a motley crew, now let's defeat those dirty, outnumbering us Injuns!


My point EXACTLY. Winth, that was FUNNY. That made me and i'm sure lot's of people SMILE. That's pretty much what happened too. Such arrogance,Custer is a symbol for the worst traits of my country. It's also funny 132 years later.

Hell, along that vein, there is a bumper sticker you will see on rusty pickups on the navajo reservation that say
"CUSTER DIED FOR YOUR SINS" (yeah,i know..Navajos had nothing to do with custer)
That's funny too. Let's enjoy ourselves here.

I'm not going to bash on YOUR country,sir. I will tease the english,the germans,the french and i will hammer the U.S. And i will do it with affection and a big dumb grin on my face. But i'm not gonna bash POLEland (where strippers come from)

One thing about the Poles, they were never dumb enough to jump on horses and literaly charge tanks.
It's a popular myth that i'm sure the whole crew on this fine board know isn't correct. (some guy already pointed that out. Here be his props!)

But most people have that visual tucked into their Psyche,hence,the big grin. And it ties in nicely with CIV.

You know, guy with his brand new Knight watching a modern battleship sail by his island?

You will notice how nobody from Finland has jumped in and pointed out that THEY had no tanks and THEY showed Mother Russia what guys with skis,rifles and determination can do.

So yeah, Oprah Winthski, lighten-up and have a little fun. Ease up on the righteous indignation.

Having your officer corp marched into some woods and executed in mass by the russians was horrible. And i'm not going to make light of Poland's suffering through the centuries (square wheels,holding your weapons backwards etc. very traumatic)

If we can have a posted "humor-free zone" I will try to respect it like a "no-smoking" area.

If I have offended you, i didn't mean to.
I was actualy stunned to see anybody take what I said in anything but a quick smile at real life imitating civ. (yeah,not imitating real life EXACTLY Mr.Spock)

In the future, just ignore me. You will never find me amusing. Just accept that ,as i have. I will read what you write,because i just may learn something.
I will try to be courteous and respectful.
You should see my name...and scroll right down the page past it :lol: because i just may be goofy or inprecise that day. I don't want you more annoyed than you already obviously are. I imagine OCD is hard to live with and i don't want to add to your burden.

As for myself, I'm going to enjoy this place and learn a little something each and every day,and not just about the game. There's a wonderful world-wide bunch of smart people here with a multitude of things to share with a simple creature like me.

Is it just me, or does this board take forever and ever to load pages?

(Note to Spock: forever and ever was just an exageration and the exact real time of page loading is condsiderably less time consuming than eternity.-thank you for your indulgence of my out of control whimsy in this instance)
No problem, colusaboy. After all, I'm not much into hot debate myself. I was just a bit offended that there is a certain stereotype, which I heard comes from some poorly implemented education about such things (do you know how many times I heard that in England you learn that in Poland white bears are moving across the street?). However, I didn't use it and never will into any debate because I have never seen a school book from England.

I wasn't going for some "Poland should be in Civ! Zomg!" flamewar. I just got maybe too serious about it. I, too, like some jokes about French, about English, etc. It felt quite strange that you were talking about all the situation like it was some sort of a Civ game. I didn't get the joke (and, in fact, I didn't even grin at the one with "Cavalry charging at a tank"), I have been reading some trash posts at the whole "[xxx] civilization should be in the game" threads, and thus I took it as an another post of an arrogant who knows about it as much as I know about the industry of Indian bicycles (now with even two more handlebar grips for your Shiva followers!). It didn't quite sound like a joke from the "French military defeats" series, more like a "Hey, Poland sucks, everybody knows that". Because it was quite like you were saying: "Germans attacked Polish, because it was just a mercy to remove this country of drunken freeloading bastids, I hope they will fry..."

Yeah, I had a lot of hot air in myself that time when I wrote that post... So let me appreciate that you have given my sense of humour back. :crazyeye: Just... who the hell is Oprah Win... on which person is that pun for? :lol:
Oh wow, i'm new. I didn't know folks were abusing the people of Poland.

Hell,let's have a beer....AND ABUSE THE FRENCH!! :lol:

Moderator Action: Lets not abuse ANYBODY.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

That way everybody can share a smile.

.ok,maybe the French will get mad at us....

but they will surrender quickly and let us get back to some beer drinking and playing of CIVilization.

I'm glad to meet you and the other players on this board. I'm new and I guess this is MY introductory thread :blush:
And I would like to add that Poland will be safe from German tanks for a long, long time... even without an effective cavalry force. We know better than to take expensive vehicles into Poland.


Spoiler :
Stereotypes and prejudices are a strange thing... the Poles I know are all hardworking, honest and highly professional people.
Military units eaten by wolves??? Never happend to me. The only purpose of wolves are training my military units. And 2 of 3?

It's this guy's fault.

Yeah, bad day with the RNG - either that, or the BBQ sauce my warriors like to shower with, I dunno... :)

EDIT: ooops, sorry, posted in response without reading the rest of the thread - didn't mean to interrupt a 'moment' there... :) I'll grab a beer too and join ya!
I found Tokugawa by caravel with only bowmen in 3 cities on an island once, thought "hee hee" and went back with 3 galleons with Redcoats/Cannon combo's, (took about 200 years, but who's counting?) declared war, sailed in.....

He'd made friends with everyone else, shared the major religion (I didn't) and had upgraded to a mix of musketmen and Grenadiers...enough to nix my invasion - and I found myself at war with almost everyone else.

Check those advisors springs to mind. Ho hum.
Well now colusaboy you've offended me. The French have kicked all your ancestors ass for thousand of years. 25% of the words in your language and almost all your military vocabulary comes from french language, since the french have beaten the crap out of anybody around for hundreds of year. And yes, we've got our count of defeats too. That comes with being at war almost everytime. Yeah, we've lost one war : but even when the government surrendered, the French were still fighting. You'll bash us when the US will have fought a war at least once. An by "fight", I don't mean carpet bombing a city full of women and children or nuking it, or prey on a weaker country to steal their oil while playing the good guys fighting for freedom. You guys never fought a war on your land except against yourselves, and never went into a war you were not sure to win. And still, you can't win a war by yourselves. So, instead of bashing on supposed french cowardry when we don't want to help you invading a country under falses claims and steal everything they have, man up and try for once to assume your greed.

France has been a prime military power for more than a thousand years, and still is. And if you pick a fight with a French, you'll end up picking up your broken teeth with your broken fingers way before you see him surrendering, because amongst others defauts the French is aggressive, stubborn and proud. Learn history, and leave the Fox TV right-wing bull**it to the morons, since you claim you're not one. You've proven once enough that Americans are ignorant and arrogant ass*oles, but that's a widely known fact now, so you and the others morons can relax, you've made your point.

Moderator Action: Flaming - warned.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

Sorry guys for losing my cool, but there's way too much France bashing around here, on a way too regular basis.

Oh, by the way : without the French, you'd still be English. You should be grateful, that's a really awful fate we saved you from.
You guys never fought a war on your land except against yourselves, and never went into a war you were not sure to win. And still, you can't win a war by yourselves.

You've proven once enough that Americans are ignorant and arrogant ass*oles, but that's a widely known fact now, so you and the others morons can relax, you've made your point.

War of 1812. The British burned DC. :mad:

And he's proved it to you? Good. Now we don't have to try so hard to prove ourselves. Thanks. :mischief:
... You've proven once enough that Americans are ignorant and arrogant ass*oles, but that's a widely known fact now, so you and the others morons can relax, you've made your point...

If you don't like the French being all lumped together and denigrated, why do the same thing to the Americans? Ignorant? Heck, some of us even finished fifth grade. ;)
[...] The French have kicked all your ancestors ass for thousand of years. [...] An by "fight", I don't mean carpet bombing a city full of women and children or nuking it, or prey on a weaker country to steal their oil while playing the good guys fighting for freedom. You guys never fought a war on your land except against yourselves, and never went into a war you were not sure to win. And still, you can't win a war by yourselves. So, instead of bashing on supposed french cowardry when we don't want to help you invading a country under falses claims and steal everything they have, man up and try for once to assume your greed.

[...] You've proven once enough that Americans are ignorant and arrogant ass*oles, but that's a widely known fact now, so you and the others morons can relax, you've made your point. [...]

The bold items are items that are opinion, yet you've stated them as fact. By wildly announcing claims that "france > usa fact" you are showing your ignorance and arrogance as well. The man (boy, should I say) who pissed you off is not representative of the entire American demographic. I have mighty respect for French people - I know some personally. I am American, too.
It's not worth it to lose your cool over one 'ignorant and arrogant' idiot.

Moderator Action: Please report posts like this - don't respond to them.
Some people on this thread take life to seriously. Relax and learn to laugh at yourselves when somebody pokes fun at you. Or, better yet, send it back to them in good fun.

Getting all serious and everything will give you ulcers and a heart attack.
If you don't like the French being all lumped together and denigrated, why do the same thing to the Americans?
To make a point. You don't like it ? Good. Now you know how that feels. Maybe the next time someone says something offensive about the French or anyone, you'll react too. I didn't see many Americans responding to the anti-French stuff. "Qui ne dit mot consent" : who stays silent agrees. I'd like to see that all Americans don't give in that stupidity. Thing is, I don't see it : no mod warning, noone saying anything... So, well... Let's fire back. :p

Sorry for the flames, but I was restraining them for too long (and I actually tried to stay moderate). Colusaboy didn't even deserve it, but I had to release the steam, and he was the one who said the wrong thing at the wrong time. At least, he's not showing a sign saying "France : surrendering to almost anyone since 55 BC" like some other moron around. But eh, when you bash someone, you have to expect a cluebat coming back in your face sometimes.
Sorry for the flames, but I was restraining them for too long (and I actually tried to stay moderate). Colusaboy didn't even deserve it, but I had to release the steam, and he was the one who said the wrong thing at the wrong time. At least, he's not showing a sign saying "France : surrendering to almost anyone since 55 BC" like some other moron around. But eh, when you bash someone, you have to expect a cluebat coming back in your face sometimes.

Can't we all just agree that both the people with dumb stereotypes and the people who can't take a joke are equally annoying and get back to discussing the actual topic?
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