Write Civillization with your elbow

c xkji cvkj,lkizagfvtijko n
c dki9vilii8uzaQfrttfiio
Had to do it really slowly and backspace with my elbow a lot

An attempt done quickly and with no erasing:
cc vkilv kil.,likxzazsty6h5ikloln
sddcik vjil.uzAzGTFKOLMN

I'll call that an improvement.

(I can't imagine that 2011 me didn't deliberately screw it up as much possible for his own amusement. There's no way it could have been that bad)
civiliisation - using the "tilt the keyboard and move it around to line up with a stationary elbow point" technique
Oh GOD!...
OK, another thread then :)
Lets see if it kicks off somewhere less immature.
Carry on!
I typed it like "cary on" at first. That made ME giggle.
I guess humor is subjective? So i have seen.
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