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Wyrm's Infantry WIP thread

Now that the preliminary toadying is out of the way: it struck me that this unit looks like it could be the basis of a zouave. I don't know how fun the needed changes would be, however.

I thought about that for only a moment and decided against it. The poofy pants would be too much of a head ache and I wouldn't know where to start. I'll leave the zouave's up to the Poser poeple.
Some info about Russian WWI assault troops.

Russian WWI elite assault units (companies and battalions) were organized in 1916 and named «ударные части» (udarnye chasti, "assault units") or «части смерти» (chasti smerti, "death units"). Most famous unit of this type was First Kornilov Assault Regiment, generated in August 1917. First Russian serial MP – Fedorov submachine-gun («Fedorov avtomat») was created for this units including. But Russian Revolution defeat plans to re-equip Russian Infantry by Fedorov avtomat, and only some infantry units had it by October 1917.

NCO and officer of the first Russian Assault units, 1916.

Fedorov avtomat

NCO and helmet insignia of First Kornilov Assault Regiment, 1917.

Fedorov avtomat in hands of Russian WWI pilot.
I've always wanted to make one of these
The Royal Regiment of Wales / South Wales Borderers? (Regimental motto "Ich Dien" = "I Serve")

Oh there is a huge online arguement about who was where at what time etc etc etc... I ignored it all and the unit is only accurate to the movie. I liked black highlights better than green.
Oh there is a huge online arguement about who was where at what time etc etc etc... I ignored it all and the unit is only accurate to the movie. I liked black highlights better than green.

That works for me :)
This is what I have sofar for the Italians.

Early war, Bersaglieri, Alpini, Latewar.

Any experts have anything to add as to color/kit?
I sampled Shiro's pictures from OSPREY books.. I think we've already established that the book you sent me has suspect colors.
What good is an anti-virus program if it keep me from using Bryce?????????? I'm going to bed.
What good is an anti-virus program if it keep me from using Bryce?????????? I'm going to bed.

You'd think the AV software would have an option to Allow or Disallow certain programs.
Tank_Guy you would be surprised how many things can be blocked by a anti virus program and not even notice or have it tell you. I remember a few years ago I had Norton and when I tried to use this one certain university service to search for science papers it would block the search engine. It took me a month for me to realize why my friends could use it and I could not. There was also no way for me to tell Norton to allow this service to load so I eventually got rid of Norton because I could not stand not having access to the journals.
I don't know what's wrong. I've used Kaspersky for a long time. When I bought my new 1TB drive I couldn't reinstall the same old install file and use my activation code that is still valid until August. I tried against last week when I wasn't doing any work. Last night I tried rendering the Italians and it would quit on me. Never happened before. I don't know what changed. So I shut off Kaspersky and Bryce worked fine. But it was only the bmp's being exported, it would make an AVI file just fine.
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