You have the game - Does it work for you?

Does the game work for you?

  • Ive had no problem

    Votes: 51 54.3%
  • Some difficulty, but I can play

    Votes: 28 29.8%
  • I cant play the game.

    Votes: 15 16.0%

  • Total voters


May 10, 2003
I am interested to see the percentage of people that are not able to get the game running. Personally I had no trouble and am ejoying it.
Works for me out of the box. Definitely runs better since I updated nVidia drivers. The only issue I still have is sound stuttering on wonder videos. ONLY wonder videos, all other videos are fine. And it seems if I turn off AA altogether even the wonder videos work. odd
Hi there
It doesn't work on my laptop which meets all the requirements except TnL.
Of course I'm disappointed, following the hype of several months.

I'm not a gamer; like many of us I'm just a Civver, and I was expecting the game to be more accessible to us.
I would have liked to see " I cant play the game" split into:
* I cant play the game and have the minimum requirements
* I cant play the game but don't have the minimum requirements.
JiggleTheHandle said:
I would have liked to see " I cant play the game" split into:
* I cant play the game and have the minimum requirements
* I cant play the game but don't have the minimum requirements.

Youre right, that would have been a good idea. I dont think I can edit the poll now though. If people dont meet the minimum requirements they probably shouldnt have bought the game though...
the only problem I encountered was right after it installed I tried running it without a restart. It locked up before the Take2 animation, so I restarted it. Then it worked without any problems.

My specs:
1.6P4 (the only thing not at Recommended level)
896 RAM
nvidia GeForce4Ti 128MB

I thought it might run a little slowly, but this game is AMAZING!!!
Works fine on my computer. I only have graphical lag when I'm zoomed out all the way and panning around the map. Also later in the game when every civ has lots of cities and units, it takes around a minute between turns because it has to computer everything for every city, unit and civ.

My specs are:
Dell Inspiron 9100 notebook
P4 3.2 Ghz
1 GB 333Mhz DDRRAM
ATI 9700 Mobile 128MB
Integrated Sound (it's a laptop what did you expect?)
60 GB HD
Works a lot better after doubled my RAM. It still crashes to desktop every once in a while during wonder movies, so I updated my nvidia drivers to the latest, I haven't played since so I don't know if that will make a difference.
I'm well over the minimum requirements btw.
TnL is a vital function of most 3D games (Texture and Lighting). Not meeting this as a minimum requirement basically means you can't display the games graphics so I don't understand why you could argue that point. TnL has been virtually standard on graphics cards since the GeForce 256.

As for me, no problems and no crashing, its running ace.
Spare me, anyone who votes "I've had no problems" is a straight out lier. 9 of my friends bought this game (Part of a Online Civ club) and every single one of them has had at least 3-4 technical issues prior to getting the game to run right for those that are able to run it at all.

Right now

3 of us can't play at all due to constant desktop drops despite all of the "fixes" out there

I can't load saved games while there are 2 of us that can't save games (getting all manner of errors and or desktop drops while trying to save games).

All of us are experiancing horrible lag and there isn't a single person in the group with anything less than a 3.+ Pent 4 with at least 1 gig of memory in the group.

To say there are "no problems" is just down right ridiculous and I think the majority of the people who come on these forums and proclaim that do that just to annoy everyone (Reverse Trolls). Quite frankly if the freaking game was working I wouldn't even bother coming to this sight and I can't imagine why anyone that has a working game would either, short of looking for Strategy tips. I would be playing it. I think the percentage of people having problems is far higher then polls show.
Rabbit_Alex said:
Works fine on my computer. I only have graphical lag when I'm zoomed out all the way and panning around the map. Also later in the game when every civ has lots of cities and units, it takes around a minute between turns because it has to computer everything for every city, unit and civ.

My specs are:
Dell Inspiron 9100 notebook
P4 3.2 Ghz
1 GB 333Mhz DDRRAM
ATI 9700 Mobile 128MB
Integrated Sound (it's a laptop what did you expect?)
60 GB HD

I hope you voted "Had some problems" because 1 minute between turns on a high end machine like yours that exceeds minimum requirements ten fold is ridiculous.
xguild said:
Spare me, anyone who votes "I've had no problems" is a straight out lier. 9 of my friends bought this game (Part of a Online Civ club) and every single one of them has had at least 3-4 technical issues prior to getting the game to run right for those that are able to run it at all.

Right now

3 of us can't play at all due to constant desktop drops despite all of the "fixes" out there

I can't load saved games while there are 2 of us that can't save games (getting all manner of errors and or desktop drops while trying to save games).

All of us are experiancing horrible lag and there isn't a single person in the group with anything less than a 3.+ Pent 4 with at least 1 gig of memory in the group.

To say there are "no problems" is just down right ridiculous and I think the majority of the people who come on these forums and proclaim that do that just to annoy everyone (Reverse Trolls). Quite frankly if the freaking game was working I wouldn't even bother coming to this sight and I can't why anyone that has a working game would short of looking for Strategy tips. Which by the way there are very few of which makes me believe the percentage of people having problems is far higher.

I honestly have had no problem... no lag or anything. Are you playing multi-player? Maybe there is lag doing that - I havent tried myself. I did install the game into a fresh install of XPsp2 though, so that might have helped.

I come to these forums to get a civ fix when I cant play the game. This post is not a "reverse troll" .
no problems of any kind until last night when I used the strategy layer. The game now crashes out with that save when I try particular actions in the game.
Other than that it was smooth sailing :(.
xguild said:
Spare me, anyone who votes "I've had no problems" is a straight out lier. 9 of my friends bought this game (Part of a Online Civ club) and every single one of them has had at least 3-4 technical issues prior to getting the game to run right for those that are able to run it at all.

Then I guess I'm a liar, and I'm also lying about enjoying the game with no crashes, display bugs, installation issues or etc.

All I have is some video lag, and slow graphics if I turn graphics to high and increase my resolution.

No other problems for me!

And that's the truth!

Athlon XP 2600+
Nvidia geforce 5200
512MB of RAM


P4 2.8 GHz
Nvidia geforce 6600

Both working fine. Probably some memory leaks, but hardly noticeable so far.

I realize not everyone has serious game breaking bugs, but for 23 people to say they have had "no problems" is just unrealistic. To this day I don't think a PC game has been invented that would qualify as a "no problem" game, let alone this one.
xguild said:
Spare me, anyone who votes "I've had no problems" is a straight out lier. 9 of my friends bought this game (Part of a Online Civ club) and every single one of them has had at least 3-4 technical issues prior to getting the game to run right for those that are able to run it at all.

Hmmm ... I suppose I'm a liar then. 10 people, btw, is a very poor sample size to be making any sort of declarations such as 'everyone else must be lying.'

xguild said:
Right now

3 of us can't play at all due to constant desktop drops despite all of the "fixes" out there

Nope, never had any sort of crash in the game.

xguild said:
I can't load saved games while there are 2 of us that can't save games (getting all manner of errors and or desktop drops while trying to save games).

No problems saving or loading from saves.

xguild said:
All of us are experiancing horrible lag and there isn't a single person in the group with anything less than a 3.+ Pent 4 with at least 1 gig of memory in the group.

I had some initial lag, though I have an older video card (Ti4200 128mb), so I just turned the graphics down and everything is running smoothly now.

xguild said:
To say there are "no problems" is just down right ridiculous and I think the majority of the people who come on these forums and proclaim that do that just to annoy everyone (Reverse Trolls). Quite frankly if the freaking game was working I wouldn't even bother coming to this sight and I can't imagine why anyone that has a working game would either, short of looking for Strategy tips. I would be playing it. I think the percentage of people having problems is far higher then polls show.

Sure, there are likely problems with the game, but I haven't experienced any as of yet. And I'd imagine there are others like me. As for why would I bother coming to this site if the game was working ... well, adults usually have to go to work at some point ... enjoy your childhood/teenage years/college life while you can.

Edit: I'd like to add that the reason software designed for the Mac usually 'Just Works' is because there is a limited number of hardware combinations that programmers have to think about. That's not the case with a PC where there is virtually an infinite number of hardware setups that a piece of software might need to support. That being the case, it's pretty much impossible to design a piece of software that is going to be flawless on everybody's machine.
xguild said:
I realize not everyone has serious game breaking bugs, but for 23 people to say they have had "no problems" is just unrealistic. To this day I don't think a PC game has been invented that would qualify as a "no problem" game, let alone this one.

Well yeah, I guess you're right, if you're on a crusade to prove the game sucks beyond all recognition and should be banned and boycotted, I guess that's a good way of seeing it.

But if 23 people on your poll are able to install and play the game without running into these major bugs and just experience a bit of lag here and there, then how can you dispute that?
I've had one crash so far. As far as software goes, I consider that "no problem." If that makes me a "liar," so be it.
I had to reinstall for the ATI thing, then I downloaded the Omega drivers, then I had to change the Sound Acceleration and turn off the pointer trail.

Now though, I can actually concentrate on playing the fantastic game :).
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