You know you play Civ4 too much when...

24. You wonder why there are no air units stored in the two forts that make up the Panama Canal.
25. When you start to believe that Portugaliese did they expeditions with Carracks and they did not use Caravels.
26. You wonder what your diplomacy modifiers are with people that you meet.

27. You can remember how your war went against Montezuma five days ago, but can't remember what your fiancee told you five minutes ago.
29. You wonder why there are 3 banks in your suburb.
30. You are surprised that only New York has a Wall Street yet.
EDIT: 31. And that only Oxford has an Oxford University, and only London has a Scotland Yard...
EDIT: 32. You wonder why, when France got invaded in WWII, they didn't just fortify their Spearmen in Paris, to counter the German panzer "SOD".
33. You barricade yourself in your house because you thnk that the 25 people at your neighbor's party are forming an SOD.
34. You look at a World Map or a Globe, and can't find an Empire you always win with.
... Why can't I find the Incas on here? ...

I don't get 6,9,10,11,12, so, I must not play Civ4 enough.
And Yes, I too vote #22 is the best!
35. You don't understand why you end up with 20% less :gold: when you go the Mall.
36. You wonder why the US hasnt been around since 4000 BC.

37. You wonder why the country to the south of the US isnt ruled by a warmongering psycho.

38. You start making Soviet Russia jokes about SODs kill with YOU!!!
40. When you visit a real Winery and ask the owner why do they need Monarchy to produce the wine.

(I really went to a winery and well, thought about asking, even though I didn't - :D)
42. Whenever I look up and see mountain ranges one by one raising red beneath the harvest moon.

43. I negotiate my new job salary in terms of gold per turn.
45. You size up your neighbors for an axe rush.

46. The mantra on vacations is, "Just... one... more... night..."
47. You do axe rush your neighbours.

I'm typing this in the prison library. I don't think the judge believed me when I said it was because they were building an extension.
48. You paint lime green borders around your house.

49. You tell those Jehovah's Witnesses "We will never give up our beliefs"
48. You paint lime green borders around your house.

49. You tell those Jehovah's Witnesses "We will never give up our beliefs"

Two of them came to my door a couple of weeks ago, and I almost brought up the Ancient Alien theory with them, just to see how they'd react.

Something along the lines of:
"If everything in your bible/koran/every religious book on the planet, is 100% correct and real, And all of those angels, gods, demons etc. are not humans from earth, then, they are aliens from other planets.
So, you believe we have been visited by aliens from other planets?
ok, have a nice day. :) "
Then, I'd close the door on them, while they ponder what I just said and re-examine what they have been speaking to others about in a whole new light.
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