Your highest score (Normalized)

Target MC

Bad Monarch
Nov 10, 2010
Okay, this is just a fun thread in which you post the highest score you ever obtained after a victory (Score, Time, Conquest, Domination, Culture, Diplomacy, and Space Race).

Very much a basic thread with nothing new to offer other than posting your highest scores. I tried to conduct a search on these forums and I've come up with nothing regarding discussion of High Scores (other than the Civilization IV Hall of Fame).

So without further ado, I'll post my own highest score.

Unfortunately one of my computers was attacked by viruses and trojans last summer, which held the vast majority of my Civ IV games. I had to delete everything on it which included the Civ IV game itself, so I can only post the highest score that I have right now.

I definitely know I had somewhere around 300,000 as a final score in one of the games I played, but I cannot retrieve it because the record for this has been deleted.

My highest score for now is 143,667. Played as Shaka under Noble difficulty on a Pangaea map. I wiped out Justinian I with a chariot rush by 1700 BC, then finished off my other next door neighbor (Khmer) by around 300 BC. Soon afterwards I went ahead and declared war on Elizabeth and Gandhi. Did an axe rush with a few swordsmen for good measure. Wiped Elizabeth and Gandhi off the map completely. Suffered a STRIKE from building too many military units at once (when your slider is down to 0 percent and you're still experiencing a deficit). Around 500-700 AD declared war on Hatshepsut (Egyptian leader). Conquered two of her cities before she capitulated. For 100-200 years, was 3 percent off a Domination victory. Didn't even have Monuments in most of my cities. 1050 AD, declared war on Tokugawa. Captured one of his cities before he capitulated. Finished the game on 1170 AD. Won with a Conquest victory, received a score of 143,667.

Speaking of which that's not too far off from the score record (according to the CIV IV Hall of Fame) for a Noble difficulty Standard game. Someone managed to finish the game around 200 AD with a score of 167,000+, a little higher than what I had managed to do.

Those Ikhandas definitely helped my cause because of the -20% reduced maintenance. For being Shaka, you can run 10 cities at the cost of 8, 20 cities at the cost of 16, and so on. They definitely helped me win the game when I only had Feudalism as my latest technology. I didn't even hit the Renaissance.

Don't hit on me for playing Noble difficulty. I'm just not that competitive of a player, and I'm not quite good enough to be playing with the likes of the Monarchs-Immortals.

That's my story behind my highest score. Feel free to post yours.
Highest score were around 3.2 millions points.
Type "Seraiel" and then you'll get everything about high score insane quest.

If you want a well-written article on how to explode score, then go there.

My best was around 470 000.
I don't really gear a game for score maximization, but usually I alway try to optimize score, as long as it does't set back my winning date.
I believe I saw that on the CIV IV Hall of Fame. That's just crazy.

Anything above 1,000,000 as your final score is just awesome in my opinion.

Someone mentioned that some of these high scores involved spreading corporations in around the 1300s-1500s. That's pretty early for corporations, unless you happen to be one of those players who have gotten that far a number of times before.

Unfortunately I'm just not that good of a player. I got real lucky with 300,000.
Score is simply population points, so getting to a very high population using Sushi and Big & Small mapscript is the way.

It's imo the funniest way to play a game, because the game goes far beyond winning it, one actually has to be very aware not to win the game too early, as that might cost hundreds of thousands of points. Doing insane things like founding 200+ cities on as little space as possible (to stay under the domination limit) , micromanaging them because the advisor always stalls growth when they reach the happiness limit (ever played 1t 1h? amazing game :D ) , trying to conquer the complete world once one has reached the score's ceiling (and by that shoot far over the domination limit) , mass-tech-trading with AIs so the overall tech-tempo get's fastened up (ever had underdeveloped friends? gift them all your techs, there might be a chance that they research something you don't have! ) , are just some of the things one has to get comfortable with.

But not to sound too dopey, getting to a really high score means also pristine play because one has to have Sushi asap (1 AD is regarded as the point where one should have it from HoF players) , therefor one needs to understand very well how to get a good tech-rate, one has to get all the ressources from the AI, meaning one has to have really good diplomatic skills (because if they don't like you, they won't trade with you) , one should or has to play at the highest possible difficulty (because Deity get's a *2 multiplier over Noble i. e. ) , so it's the opposite of easy, but lots of it has nothing to do with playing the game like it was intended to be, and score is really only plain pop, which is only indirectly a measurement for skill, as getting 3 Million means, that one did a lot of right things (and had some luck on top of it) , but a 500 BC domination victory scoring only 200k means having the same skill, so don't let yourself confused by a stupid formula.

To get back at the op, Tachywaxon already said that I'm the one on the Quest to insanity, ahm, highest score :> If you're interested, in Replay #2 (Writeups linked in my Signature) I score 1.5M, in Replay #3 I got a little closer by scoring 2.3M, and the result of Replay #4 is still a secret, but I already spoilered in the Writeup, that I made it to put up a new highscore on Deity for non-Incan-Civs, but again, that doesn't say much else than that I score over 1.5M again, so follow it and be the first to know :)

Regards, Sera
I have in fact watched a number of users on Youtube who normally play on Immortal. A couple of them are frequent posters here on the Civilization Fanatics Forums.

143,667 just doesn't sound like too good of a score for those of you who normally score higher. But I was playing as Shaka, and got off to an excellent start. Two corn resources right off the get go, and Justinian I planted right next to me on my right. Had horses next to my capital Ulundi from researching Animal Husbandry, I just couldn't pass that opportunity to Chariot Rush Justinian. Captured two of his cities by 1750 BC, wiped him out completely. One of the best starts I ever had, and considering that I killed off the Khmer by 400-300 BC, that's two civilizations gone with four-five cities captured before I ever hit 1 AD. Yet I still made two-three cities on my own, so we'll talking about eight-ten cities before 1 AD.

If this was something like Emperor-Immortal, finishing at the same date I did on Noble, my score could of easily been over 300,000. Most of the time the game just doesn't want to give that out to you all too much. I had easy opponents and because I was beating everybody on a landslide with soldiers, Hatshepsut and Tokugawa were quick to capitulate.

Then again I guess Ikhandas were what helped me win the game earlier than expected. I was so close to a Domination victory though, and I was badly hurting for money with the research slider down to 0 percent. I lost a bunch of units from strike.

But I pulled through, and expanded in such a way that I didn't think I'd be able to accomplish.

I never got that lucky before. The only reason I had a score of 300,000 in one game I played was because I was using a Terra map script using Marathon speed. Eventually won Domination in that one, but to get well over one million in score? Just tell me exactly how do you go about that?

I mean lets be honest. Sids Sushi by 1 AD? For me that's like next to impossible. In the past I was able to reach the Modern era by the 1500s, but I had to be real good with diplomacy. Getting key technologies just when I needed them, and not screwing myself up too much to get caught in a dog pile.

I also hear about people getting to Liberalism by 200 AD, which is also pretty far fetched because most players don't get that far in technology just yet. Winning the Space Race very early is often sought by many, but I found that peaceful victories mostly give you meager scores.

To this day I could never figure out the 'corporation' influence on how your score is going to turn out. That's probably why some people managed to pull off ridiculously high numbers in score without too much trouble, although I suppose that they have their own special techniques in doing so.

I guess I should of made my opening post more organized, but I'm quite curious how high people can get in their ending scores. I haven't had the time to watch the replays, but just listing those scores here Seraiel is just, amazing.

Quite possible to pull off those scores with World Builder, but I'm more interested in those that didn't cheat to get their record finishes and high scores.

Oh what the hell, I'm rambling on here. This was meant to be a simple topic of posting your highest score.
Quite possible to pull off those scores with World Builder, but I'm more interested in those that didn't cheat to get their record finishes and high scores.
Well, let's not get carried away here. Looking at HoF game logs it's fairly obvious that most of those players would handpick AIs and regen the starting positions 20 million times and then abuse huts, events and vassals during the game. (And start over if something goes amiss.) You can call this playing style 'insane power gaming', which is definitely not everyone's cup of tea (for me it would somehow spoil the game), but not 'cheating' as HoF rules don't disallow either of the above. And I'm sure it takes a lot of skill and determination to finally come up with those record times and scores.
Quite possible to pull off those scores with World Builder, but I'm more interested in those that didn't cheat to get their record finishes and high scores.

I also wanted to say, HoF prevents players from cheating via a specific Mod (BUFFY) , recording every move, even before the game is saved, so the scores Tachywaxon and I mentioned were played without cheats, without reloading, without worldbuilder, without anything but good starting position, good skill and good luck.

If I would be allowed to cheat, I'd score 5M.

You're somehow like another user, tox_von, he also was all about score, could not believe what people had achieved already, and always said "this must have been done by cheating" until people convinced him that it's not possible. Haven't seen him here since he posted a game others should beat (and we did ^^) .

You saying "people pulled out those scores without too much trouble" is again very impolite, as you underestimate the amount of time invested into such games and the amount of skill necessary to beat a Deity AI and get Sushi by 1 AD. Your example of Liberalism at 200 AD is not nearly near what is "normal" in HoF, Liberalism at 800 BC is good, 200 AD may be normal or even underaverage with a non HoF start for a skilled player.

No offense, but just because it isn't possible for you to understand how people got such scores, this does neither mean that it was done by cheating, nor that it was easy.


P.S.: I find your argument "if this had been an Emperor / IMM game" lame, as it wasn't. Just get comfortable with the fact that you're playing Noble, a lvl that is made up for new players. Nobody starts at Deity, being a n00b is nothing one should feel bad for, staying a n00b is.
The obvious point here is that tech pace is a great deal faster on higher levels. On something like Noble or Prince you'll end up self-teching most everything because the AI behaves idiotically and can't keep up.

Sera's games, with a focused and skilled player, using all the tricks in the book and having great diplomacy to keep his allies teching quickly, plus Deity AI with all their bonuses, mean the tech rate is lol'ish.

I play Emperor or Immortal on Standard speed and the tech rate is nothing at all like a Deity game, but obviously still a lot quicker than say Prince.

Having said that, in some low-level games you can accelerate to a frightening tech pace in the later stages--simply beat the ish out of a few dopey AIs, take their land, and leverage a massive empire into lots of beakers. But I do think the early tech pace on these levels tends to crawl.

Oh, and it's just wrong to say these players "cheat." Seraiel plays a style of Civ I won't play, but only because I haven't the inclination or dedication. Read his threads, they're great. And the only goal is to have fun, even if you stay a noob forever!
I wanted to write the same about higher difficulty enhancing the tech-speed, ShengWuLien, but how come iggymnrr was able to pull of a 200 BC Space-Colony Victory on Settler?

And thx for the compliments :)

Regarding having fun vs staying a n00b: I could never imagine staying n00b could be fun.
Let me set a few things straight here Seraiel.

I'm fine and dandy for those who have pulled off record finishes and play Immortal-Deity on a normal basis. I've played a few games on Emperor-Immortal, the tech rate is definitely better because the AI tech rate is substantially better. As I had learned from watching people like TheMeInTeam, one of the keys is to search technologies (such as Aesthetics) and then use that to catch up in technology without doing something stupid (such as trading Assembly Line to a warmonger that you're going to declare war with).

Do I care how bad or good I am compared to other players? Not one bit. I'm quite offended with your statement pointed at me, and as such I'm not going to just sit here and be talked down to.

Label me newbie all you want, but quite honestly, all I'm saying is that I'm impressed with some of the entries in the Hall of Fame, and the scores players achieve in their own personal Hall of Fame. The Civ IV Hall of Fame on this website is far out of my range, so to speak. I'm just an average player.

I also wanted to say, HoF prevents players from cheating via a specific Mod (BUFFY) , recording every move, even before the game is saved, so the scores Tachywaxon and I mentioned were played without cheats, without reloading, without worldbuilder, without anything but good starting position, good skill and good luck.

I didn't say that anybody who wishes to participate, has participated, or is participating in the HoF is cheating nor has ever cheated. You're taking this all the wrong way, and quite frankly, I didn't know anything about the BUFFY mod until recently. I rarely visit the Civilization Fanatics' Forum, let alone post.

Now that I know, thank you for reminding me.

If I would be allowed to cheat, I'd score 5M.

Regardless, having a score of over one million is impressive enough in my opinion. Five million is impressive as well, but cheating just undermines the skill techniques and consistency players have attempted and accomplished through luck and courage. Doesn't matter how bad or good your ending score is, cheating takes the fun out of a game. Though I know that the Hall of Fame here on Civ Fanatics does not allow cheating, although you can rack up some insanely high scores with World Builder.

I'm just saying, don't be taking this the wrong path.

You're somehow like another user, tox_von, he also was all about score, could not believe what people had achieved already, and always said "this must have been done by cheating" until people convinced him that it's not possible. Haven't seen him here since he posted a game others should beat (and we did ^^) .

So what you're saying here, is I'm going to follow suit like he did?

Nice job at trying to draw conclusions. I guess I'll be his follow-up, if that's how you like to perceive this.

You saying "people pulled out those scores without too much trouble" is again very impolite, as you underestimate the amount of time invested into such games and the amount of skill necessary to beat a Deity AI and get Sushi by 1 AD. Your example of Liberalism at 200 AD is not nearly near what is "normal" in HoF, Liberalism at 800 BC is good, 200 AD may be normal or even underaverage with a non HoF start for a skilled player.

You need to understand that Diety players represent a very small minority who can compete on such a level and get such technologies that quickly. If you want me to understand that they struggle doing this in every single Deity game they play, then I'll take my comment back.

So what are you saying here? It's like you're trying to tell me that I'm not good or even halfway decent, scores of 100,000-300,000 mean nothing to you. Regardless, getting those technologies that early is pretty impressive, whether you like to think it is or not.

I can definitely see the potential of getting Liberalism at 200 AD if most people were to play at Epic and Marathon game speeds. Getting that at 800 BC is not that easy. Unless you're really lucky, your opponents are tech hoarders (usually Mansa Musa, Willem Van Oranje and Darius) or you manage to keep your research slider at 100 percent throughout the run to Liberalism, 800 BC isn't too commonly seen. Even on Marathon.

For a fact I've watched a good number of 'Let's Play' videos on Youtube where the player often uses the tech tree to get to Liberalism (because the first one to get it gets a free technology). On most of them, these players finished in roughly 900-1000 AD with several universities and the Oxford University national wonder built to boost research. That is nowhere near getting to Liberalism at 200 AD, let alone 800 BC.

If the AI tech rate on Deity is that much quicker than the AI tech rate on Immortal, then quite possibly, getting Liberalism in around 800 BC-200 AD isn't too far of a stretch.

Again, you're taking this the wrong way. In no way was I trying to insult people based on the assumption that they are able to compete on Diety and pull out those scores without too much trouble. It's interesting to speculate the ending results.

No offense, but just because it isn't possible for you to understand how people got such scores, this does neither mean that it was done by cheating, nor that it was easy.

Your point being?

I'm all in to learn more tactics and techniques from more skilled players. That's what the 'Civilization IV - Strategy & Tips' forum is good for.

Admit to me that I'm being offensive here. I never labelled anybody a cheater, a quitter, or any other 'derogatory' term in this thread. I'm quite curious about the scores, and it's interesting to learn the stories of those who achieved abnormally high scores from what the 'average' person could get. In this case, I guess the average person is me.

P.S.: I find your argument "if this had been an Emperor / IMM game" lame, as it wasn't. Just get comfortable with the fact that you're playing Noble, a lvl that is made up for new players. Nobody starts at Deity, being a n00b is nothing one should feel bad for, staying a n00b is.

I see no valid reasoning for you to type up this comment at all. I find this very offensive. So based on the way I play and what I achieved in the past, I'm a noob in your eyes, right?

Oh yes, I play Noble all the time. I'm too weak to even play Prince difficulty, let alone Immortal. I've been a n00b the whole entire time. Is this what you're trying to tell me?

Your entire statement here was not needed, and I'm pretty insulted that you seem to think that Noble players, or less skilled players in general, are considered n00bs until they step up their game.

Maybe some of these n00bs staying that way aren't willing to learn from others, I don't know really. There's always going to be someone better than you, faster than you, more skilled than you, and more competitive than you. That's just how the world works.

I wasn't using the 'if this had been an Emperor/Immortal game' comment as the basis for my argument at all. Had I finished the game on those difficulties, I would of gotten a better score. That's all I can say.

You've done nothing but make quick judgements on how 'inexperienced' and 'insecure' of a player I am. I don't see at all how you're not trying to talk down to me. Period.

Noble is a good place to start for past Civilization veterans, or those who are already familiar with the mechanics of past generation Civilization games. For those people are are entirely new to the Civilization series, or even the strategy genre, the 'Settler' difficulty is the place to start.

I play Emperor or Immortal on Standard speed and the tech rate is nothing at all like a Deity game, but obviously still a lot quicker than say Prince.

Then you're saying it's confirmed that the AI tech rate is a LOT QUICKER on Deity than the AI tech rate on Immortal.

AI gets two free workers on Immortal while the AI gets a free settler on Deity. Quite possibly, with that kind of a jump there's obviously a jump in the tech rate as well.

Oh, and it's just wrong to say these players "cheat." Seraiel plays a style of Civ I won't play, but only because I haven't the inclination or dedication. Read his threads, they're great. And the only goal is to have fun, even if you stay a noob forever!

I never said that. If such players are that good to be obtaining a high score at a finish date reasonably better than what the majority of Civ players would otherwise get, then they're definitely at the top of their game.

Seraiel was trying to point out to me that I'm a 'n00b'. I never bother with anything below Noble (Settler, Chieftain and Warlord) and usually go up to Monarch when I feel up to it.

I'm nowhere near as experienced or skilled as other players on Civ Fanatics, but that doesn't mean that I've stayed a noob forever. I find that to be an insult, and quite frankly this is derailing my thread off-topic.

I only wanted this to be a thread where you post the highest score you achieved, with a little background information behind it. So please, let's get back to the topic. I strayed a little off-topic myself unfortunately.
Ok ok ok, calm down, on thing after another:

Let me set a few things straight here Seraiel.

I'm fine and dandy for those who have pulled off record finishes and play Immortal-Deity on a normal basis. I've played a few games on Monarch-Emperor, the tech rate is definitely better because the AI tech rate is substantially better. As I had learned from watching people like TheMeInTeam, one of the keys is to search technologies (such as Aesthetics) and then use that to catch up in technology without doing something stupid (such as trading Assembly Line to a warmonger that you're going to declare war with).

It is basically right what you say, but first of, I wouldn't throw IMM and Deity in the same bucket, there's a huge difference in those two (i. e. Oracle on IMM can sometimes go as late as 1000 BC, on Deity, I've never seen it go later than 1800 BC, which is almost 50% earlier) .

Do I care how good I am compared to other players? Not one bit. I'm quite offended with your statement pointed at me, and as such I'm not going to just sit here and be talked down to.

Label me newbie all you want, but quite honestly, all I'm saying is that I'm impressed with some of the entries in the Hall of Fame, and the scores players achieve in their own personal Hall of Fame. The Civ IV Hall of Fame on this website is far out of my range, so to speak. I'm just an average player.

I didn't say that anybody who wishes to participate in the HoF is cheating nor has ever cheated. You're taking this all the wrong way, and quite frankly, I didn't know anything about the BUFFY mod until recently. I rarely visit the Civilization Fanatics' Forum, let alone post.

Now that I know, thank you for reminding me.

Regardless, having a score of over one million is impressive in my opinion. Five million is impressive as well, but cheating just undermines the skill techniques and consistency players have attempted and accomplished through luck and courage. Doesn't matter how bad or good your ending score is, cheating takes the fun out of a game. Though I know that the Hall of Fame here on Civ Fanatics does not allow cheating, although you can rack up some insanely high scores with World Builder.
I don't understand that last sentence. To be absolutely clear: HoF = impossibility to use Worldbuilder, the button in the options is deleted, the shortcut not working, no possibility to use it, playing the game on another pc and playing the map again with prior knowledge, not possible, one action that cannot be reverted and not saved or re-done, leads to exclusion of the game. BUFFY = ultimate anti-cheat / buguse / anything tool written by various Users, all HoF games checked by admins, why do you even mention huge Scores, HoF and Worldbuilder together?

I agree about the part that cheating takes the fun out of the game, because one is cheating onesself.

Regarding you telling me you don't care about other players: I don't believe that. Maybe it's true, but it's unlikely. I don't wanna be to harsh on you, but I have the feeling that you seem to often think "oh, I just got unlucky, if I hadn't been, things would have been" or "if this would have been that..." . Those sentences one of my teachers always called "if the word if wasn't there" - sentences.

I'm just saying, don't be taking this the wrong path.

So what you're saying here, is I'm going to follow suit like he did?

Nice job at trying to draw conclusions. I guess I'll be his follow-up, if that's how you like to perceive this.

No, that was not what I was saying. I only told you the impression I had of you, not anything I expect from you, no offense. I actually only smiled because you and that user searched for the same thing, highscore, and your first answer on people scoring higher than you was "cheating" , at least, that's how I percieved you. You and him got told the way to highscores very friendly, yet, your mind made it impossible for you to read / understand everything, maybe because those scores just seemed too unbelievable for you.

Read again what I wrote in my all posts above, I promise you'll better understand what I think then.

You need to understand that Diety players represent a very small minority who can compete on such a level and get such technologies that quickly. If you want me to understand that they struggle doing this in every single Deity game they play, then I'll take my comment back.

Now you got it. Deity is just so difficult, that even the best players don't beat every map with every Civ (implying Incans are excluded, but even with Incans one can fail) .

So what are you saying here? It's like you're trying to tell me that I'm not good or even halfway decent, scores of 100,000-300,000 mean nothing to you. Regardless, getting those technologies that early is pretty impressive, whether you like to think it is or not.

No, you have to read again what I posted before. The part about 300k being as good as 3M.

I can definitely see the potential of getting Liberalism at 200 AD if most people were to play at Epic and Marathon game speeds. Getting that at 800 BC is not that easy. Unless you're really lucky, your opponents are tech hoarders (usually Mansa Musa, Willem Van Oranje and Darius) or you manage to keep your research slider at 100 percent throughout the run to Liberalism, 800 BC isn't too commonly seen. Even on Marathon.

You are getting the right instinct now. 800 BC Liberalism is extraordinary, it needs everything going right and having everything right, that is the case in the top-HoF games, skill, combined with luck, combined with lot's of knowledge about the game, its settings, its opponents... What you imo underestimate is the amount of skill and knowledge, but I think you know better now that you know, that even the best players don't beat Deity regularly.

For a fact I've watched a good number of 'Let's Play' videos on Youtube where the player uses the tech tree to get to Liberalism (because the first one to get it gets a free technology). On most of them, these players finished in roughly 900-1000 AD with several universities and the Oxford University national wonder built to boost research. That is nowhere near getting to Liberalism at 200 AD, let alone 800 BC.

There is a difference in a playthrough video to an extreme form of gaming, the HoF gaming. In a video, a player plays to show, he probably plays a random map, maybe he can use cheats in between the clips, but with those finish dates, I don't think so.

In contrast to that, a HoF game can take infinite time, i. e. my last game took me 225h (think about youtubing that ;) ) , the start is cooked so as good as possible, the opponents are cherrypicked, and, the player can play 10 games, only 1 has to be successful.

Those things make the difference between 500 BC finish and 1000 AD finish.

Regarding Universities, you don't need more of them than you need for Oxford, and you need none of them (and neither Oxford) if you aim for an early domination Victory. High-lvl players regard Unviersities to be actually bad buildings when going for Cuirrasier-mapstomping.

Your point being?

I'm all in to find new tactics and techniques from more skilled players. That's what the 'Civilization IV - Strategy & Tips' forum is good for.

Admit to me that I'm being offensive here. I never labelled anybody a cheater, a quitter, or any other 'derogatory' term in this thread. I'm quite curious about the scores, and it's interesting to learn the stories of those who achieved abnormally high scores from what the 'average' person could get. In this case, I guess the average person is me.

There is one thing I have in memory, you wrote this:

To this day I could never figure out the 'corporation' influence on how your score is going to turn out. That's probably why some people managed to pull off ridiculously high numbers in score without too much trouble, although I suppose that they have their own special techniques in doing so.

This is just wrong and devalues the games those players have played.

If you want to learn about highscore games, just read the posts in this thread again, Tachywaxon said everything that's important, I repeated lots of that, and after all that help from us, you say "without too much trouble", which just shows that you didn't read thoroughly. As a hint: There are Writeups about highscore-games linked in this thread, in which the players scoring the highest scores were discussing everything needed, there is a guide on scoring extremely high which got mentioned, read them, than you'll know what you'll have to do to score high.

One friend (who is also studies medicine) once said to me, the difference between being grown up and being young is, that one is sending lots of information, the other one is receiving more. You are still young (at least you appear to be) , you have to get older a little bit, you can then get young again, meaning, read everything again, no offense has been made at you, every information was given to you.

I see no valid reasoning for you to type up this comment at all. I find this very offensive. So based on the way I play and what I achieved in the past, I'm a noob in your eyes, right?

Oh yes, I play Noble all the time. I'm too weak to even play Prince difficulty, let alone Immortal. I've been a n00b the whole entire time. Is this what you're trying to tell me?

I was telling you that you're n00b, yes, but I wasn't telling you that you were weak! n00bishness has nothing to do with weakness, n00b comes from new by, someone who is new, you are new, I was new, you are newb, I was newb. Search my posts, you'll find me saying me being n00b various times. Only real n00bs use the term n00b in an insulting way, you can think about that (again, this is no offense XD ) .

Your entire statement here was not needed, and I'm pretty insulted that you seem to think that Noble players, or less skilled players in general, are considered n00bs until they step up their game.

Maybe some of these n00bs staying that way aren't willing to learn from others, I don't know really. There's always going to be someone better than you, faster than you, more skilled than you, and more competitive than you. That's just how the world works.

Noble is a good place to start for past Civilization veterans, or those who are already familiar with the mechanics of past generation Civilization games. For those people are are entirely new to the Civilization series, or even the strategy genre, the 'Settler' difficulty is the place to start.

Noticed how I said "nobody starts on Deity" ? Where do you think I did start? (I'll tell you, it was Settler. )

didn't bother to read all of the texts here, since this kind of arguing is not my cup of tea here, but saw "let's play videos" mentioned...

As for why the players get Liberalism "too late" is most probably because players doing videos have to play quick and can't concentrate too much on the game since they have to comment and try to appease watchers, which is actually tougher then you would imagine.

marathon gets you high scores, another parameter is map size, but marathon is mandatory.

My best is monarch standard for ~480k (from memory) of course on marathon.

Score starts to diminish after some year (I think it is said it's 1300 AD) and as I understood it it's hardcoded date not number of turns (which of course heavily favors speed which allows more turns before you reach that date)
Sera, I’d say you’re a little bit unforgiving to people not sharing your enthusiasm for HoF record scores.
It is basically right what you say, but first of, I wouldn't throw IMM and Deity in the same bucket, there's a huge difference in those two (i. e. Oracle on IMM can sometimes go as late as 1000 BC, on Deity, I've never seen it go later than 1800 BC...
Well, I have. And I'm sure I played less games on Deity than you, since my usual level is Immortal. The real difference is the 17 AIs you pack into your games (the OP did not specify the map type he plays at but as he apparently doesn't play Marathon, i have a hunch he prefers standard map sizes on normal speed like me). And no, for 6 (random) Deity AIs Oracle before 1800 BC can still be considered fairly early, although it's not as uncommon as on Immortal. Throwing all Deity games under the same hat is a bit unfair.
I don't understand that last sentence. To be absolutely clear: HoF = impossibility to use Worldbuilder...
I think the OP must have referred to MapFinder.
... the start is cooked so as good as possible, the opponents are cherrypicked, and, the player can play 10 games, only 1 has to be successful.

Those things make the difference between 500 BC finish and 1000 AD finish.
No, those things make the difference between never be in danger of losing the game and making victory itself a challenge (unless you play badly, which you don’t). It still needs a lot of skill to optimize the finish like you do, but you have to understand that many other players enjoy this game because it provides them with a random challenge and not because they want to learn how to get better at milking the score. We’re all different. You just play a very special version of Civ 4, and your HoF results prove that you’re good at it. Don’t judge others for enjoying other aspects of the game, especially if these aspects actually come closer to what the game was originally meant to be.
You are still young (at least you appear to be) , you have to get older a little bit, you can then get young again..
Well obviously the OP is still very young because he’s only playing on Noble. Has is ever occured to you that he could be simply… I don’t know… new to the game?

Edit: I completely forgot. Just for the record: my best score so far was ~220.000 with Mansa (dom) on Immortal/Pangea/normal/standard. but then again I never try to optimize score at all, so I don't think this is saying much.
Sera, I’d say you’re a little bit unforgiving to people not sharing your enthusiasm for HoF record scores.

No, I'm just tired atm ;)

Well, I have. And I'm sure I played less games on Deity than you, since my usual level is Immortal. The real difference is the 17 AIs you pack into your games (the OP did not specify the map type he plays at but as he apparently doesn't play Marathon, i have a hunch he prefers standard map sizes on normal speed like me). And no, for 6 (random) Deity AIs Oracle before 1800 BC can still be considered fairly early, although it's not as uncommon as on Immortal. Throwing all Deity games under the same hat is a bit unfair.

17 do make a difference, but not only in a positive way. Don't forget that Huge Marathon maps have highly increased tech-costs and that bulbing is a lot less effective. There is a reason, why WastinTime got Sushi almost in the same year as Kaitzilla and me, all on different map-sizes. This game is extremely well balanced. (With Incans and Marathon as exceptions. )

I think the OP must have referred to MapFinder.

You can be quite sure he ment Worldbuilder, he did not know BUFFY, how should he know Mapfinder?

No, those things make the difference between never be in danger of losing the game and making victory itself a challenge (unless you play badly, which you don’t). It still needs a lot of skill to optimize the finish like you do, but you have to understand that many other players enjoy this game because it provides them with a random challenge and not because they want to learn how to get better at milking the score. We’re all different. You just play a very special version of Civ 4, and your HoF results prove that you’re good at it. Don’t judge others for enjoying other aspects of the game, especially if these aspects actually come closer to what the game was originally meant to be.

Did I judge?

I agree on the intention of what you're saying, the difference between "winning or losing" and "making winning itself the challenge", but when you say that, you have to notice that both are the same, they're about excitement, and when you say that every Hall of Fame game is won from the beginning, you're absolutely wrong. You would not speak as high of me as you do, if you'd know how often I crashed and burned, and that is what I wanted to bring near to the op, as he said "oh, well, if it's like that, it must have been easy" , not reading my whole paragraphs about how playing Deity is not even real playing anymore but more a form of Masochism and not reading, that even the best players don't win every Deity game.

Well obviously the OP is still very young because he’s only playing on Noble. Has is ever occured to you that he could be simply… I don’t know… new to the game?

You have to get the context there, young was ment to mean "say a lot and read little" and old ment "recieve more, talk less" .

Edit: I completely forgot. Just for the record: my best score so far was ~220.000 with Mansa (dom) on Immortal/Pangea/normal/standard. but then again I never try to optimize score at all, so I don't think this is saying much.

This is what I said, Score is plain pop, means almost nothing, except when coming to the extremes or when combining the data with the finish date.



P.S.: Was just thinking, on standard / normal 220k without optimizing the score means you could have slaved harder :mad: .
It is basically right what you say, but first of, I wouldn't throw IMM and Deity in the same bucket, there's a huge difference in those two (i. e. Oracle on IMM can sometimes go as late as 1000 BC, on Deity, I've never seen it go later than 1800 BC, which is almost 50% earlier).

So what you're technically saying here, is the jump from Immortal from Deity is a higher jump from anything else in the game.

I believe TheMeInTeam said that Immortal to Deity is similar as in Noble to Immortal. Deity is only one level up from Immortal, but I guess CIV 4 developers wanted to set a standard for the best of the best to reach.

This also means that the AI in general has a substantial discount on Deity as opposed to their discount on Immortal.

I don't understand that last sentence. To be absolutely clear: HoF = impossibility to use Worldbuilder, the button in the options is deleted, the shortcut not working, no possibility to use it, playing the game on another pc and playing the map again with prior knowledge, not possible, one action that cannot be reverted and not saved or re-done, leads to exclusion of the game. BUFFY = ultimate anti-cheat / buguse / anything tool written by various Users, all HoF games checked by admins, why do you even mention huge Scores, HoF and Worldbuilder together?

Perhaps this is the biggest flaw I have committed. I wanted this to be a simple posting of high scores that players have achieved. Yet I made the mistake of mentioning Hall of Fame, World Builder and High Scores all in the same topic, because I feel that they hold some connection.

I should of said without using World Builder for scores, and I probably shouldn't of mentioned the CIV IV Hall of Fame on Civilization Fanatics, since I'm not planning on competing anytime soon.

I agree about the part that cheating takes the fun out of the game, because one is cheating onesself.

At least there's one thing we both agree on.

Regarding you telling me you don't care about other players: I don't believe that. Maybe it's true, but it's unlikely. I don't wanna be to harsh on you, but I have the feeling that you seem to often think "oh, I just got unlucky, if I hadn't been, things would have been" or "if this would have been that..." . Those sentences one of my teachers always called "if the word if wasn't there" - sentences.

I can say the same to you. But quite honestly, you just seemed to view my statement as being highly insulting when I had no intention at all to make it out that way. Even if you didn't mean it, I felt for a bit that you were being harsh, because I'm not as experienced of player.

That victory with Shaka is the best score I have for now, and my general average for scores is between 20,000 and 80,000. Since I wasn't able to find any topics regarding high scores on the -personal- Hall of Fame, I just thought it would be fun to make this thread to see how high people can go.

Instead, I'm finding that I'm arguing with you. No offense, but you really took my statement the wrong way.

No, that was not what I was saying. I only told you the impression I had of you, not anything I expect from you, no offense. I actually only smiled because you and that user searched for the same thing, highscore, and your first answer on people scoring higher than you was "cheating" , at least, that's how I percieved you. You and him got told the way to highscores very friendly, yet, your mind made it impossible for you to read / understand everything, maybe because those scores just seemed too unbelievable for you.

First impressions are often misleading.

Maybe the user left because he was given a bad impression. But no. I definitely know that you can achieve otherwise unobtainable high scores with World Builder, and unfortunately I happened to mention it because it helped you reach a higher score in the end game by cheating.

You can definitely rack up scores in the millions on Marathon game speed. On Normal and Quick speeds the scores tend to be a lot lower. This is probably based on how the gaming mechanics work, but I wouldn't disagree that Marathon abuses the game in which you can get higher scores than what you could obtain otherwise.

I have no idea how that factors in, since the speeds I enjoy the most (Normal and Quick) give me a decent score should I play well, but nothing like the stuff given off of Marathon.

And since those scores you listed are far beyond what I'm used to seeing, I quickly regarded them as being 'unbelievable'.

Read again what I wrote in my all posts above, I promise you'll better understand what I think then.

Point taken. I think you misinterpreted me when I wrote out what I was saying.

Now you got it. Deity is just so difficult, that even the best players don't beat every map with every Civ (implying Incans are excluded, but even with Incans one can fail).

I guess Quechas with their 100 percent bonus against Archers makes the game too easy in regards to attacking them in cities. I happen to think that on higher difficulties, the bulk of your success depends on luck and persistence.

No, you have to read again what I posted before. The part about 300k being as good as 3M.

I'm not sure what to say about this, other than a score of 300,000 being great for me, in regards to my -experience-.

You are getting the right instinct now. 800 BC Liberalism is extraordinary, it needs everything going right and having everything right, that is the case in the top-HoF games, skill, combined with luck, combined with lot's of knowledge about the game, its settings, its opponents... What you imo underestimate is the amount of skill and knowledge, but I think you know better now that you know, that even the best players don't beat Deity regularly.

You're starting to remind me of the top ranked raiding guilds with the best players on World of Warcraft. Comparing them to the Deity players of Civilization IV, quite a number of similarities actually.

People who get to Deity should feel proud just as much as those who do Heroic Raids on World of Warcraft. Unfortunately World of Warcraft isn't nearly as good as it used to be, so there might be a change in direction in regards to Blizzard.

I'm branching a little off-topic here, but having played other strategy games and other MMOs, the top ranked players and those who play at highest difficulty are actually the ones who study every possible detail to ensure a victory.

I'm not saying that strategy games are easy. The Civilization series always had a steep learning curve. Although I don't know about the newer Civilization games, especially Civilization V. The strategy genre is very difficult to master, and Civilization IV is no exception.

So I think you once again, misinterpreted what I said. I knew that you took offense when I said that Deity players can rack up high scores without too much trouble. Not underestimating here, I'm just saying, I don't have quite the patience to ever consider being at that level. Even if it is well, obtaining a decent score.

There is a difference in a playthrough video to an extreme form of gaming, the HoF gaming. In a video, a player plays to show, he probably plays a random map, maybe he can use cheats in between the clips, but with those finish dates, I don't think so.

I watched at least five different people make a 'Let's Play' of Civilization IV. Every single one of them gave the audience (the viewers of Youtube) a different approach to playing the game. It was great watching them play and hold a sense of humor at the same time.

A couple of them even gave tips on improving your score by game's end. But none of them gave out the scores nor the technologies researched so early as you listed. The finish dates they made are more or less standard for an experienced CIV IV player.

Hall of Fame gaming is essentially hard competition. No offense, but I find it as something that appeals to the skillers, the elitists, and the more-so obsessed who concern themselves with every little detail. It can be fun, but it can also be seemingly cutthroat. A lot like competitive multiplayer in general, whether it be racing someone to the end game or getting the maximum efficiency in skilling on a MMORPG.

Not sure where you're trying to get at here in terms of finish dates.

In contrast to that, a HoF game can take infinite time, i. e. my last game took me 225h (think about youtubing that ;) ) , the start is cooked so as good as possible, the opponents are cherrypicked, and, the player can play 10 games, only 1 has to be successful.

Now this is certainly something I never heard about before.

If the game took you 225 hours, are you essentially writing down details on a notebook? Keeping documents on a Word processor? Drawing out the yields and the number of tiles in your given territory?

That's definitely not normal. I had a Marathon game that lasted 12-13 hours, but this..... this is something interesting.

I don't visit the Civilization Fanatics Forum often, but since I'm here I just want to ask you a question. Are you a regular Deity player?

Those things make the difference between 500 BC finish and 1000 AD finish.

If someone was willing enough to post a Youtube video showing him/her actually getting to Liberalism at 500 BC, I think even the Emperor/Immortal players would be happy to see it.

I'm sorry, but that kind of approach is leagues above my skill, and certainly far beyond average.

Regarding Universities, you don't need more of them than you need for Oxford, and you need none of them (and neither Oxford) if you aim for an early domination Victory. High-lvl players regard Unviersities to be actually bad buildings when going for Cuirrasier-mapstomping.

I never said anything regarding Universities being needed for Domination victories. In fact I've played games where I didn't need Universities to get Domination, and truth be told, I also used Cuirrasiers.

I'm not sure where you came up with the thought that you need Universities to get early Domination.

This is just wrong and devalues the games those players have played.

You're taking this too seriously and more than what it was intended to be.

All I can say is I didn't know. I'm starting to hear that Deity is almost completely different from Immortal, so I was quick to assume that -frequent- Deity players would actually finish the game and get a good score without too much trouble. But it turns out that that is not quite the case.

If you want to learn about highscore games, just read the posts in this thread again, Tachywaxon said everything that's important, I repeated lots of that, and after all that help from us, you say "without too much trouble", which just shows that you didn't read thoroughly. As a hint: There are Writeups about highscore-games linked in this thread, in which the players scoring the highest scores were discussing everything needed, there is a guide on scoring extremely high which got mentioned, read them, than you'll know what you'll have to do to score high.

The fact is I don't frequent these forums very often and I haven't been playing Civilization IV too much. It's something I play to have leisure and be a little casual, but casual just doesn't fit at all for the more competitive players.

Perhaps I am ignorant on a lot of these pieces of information because I'm not a daily poster. I jumped face first and quite honestly, all this was intending to be was a thread to post your HIGH SCORE.

We're really branching off-topic here. I might as well hop over to the 'Strategy & Tips' forum to discover things if we're going to keep talking 'Help & Advice' on raising score. Which is not why I made this thread.

One friend (who is also studies medicine) once said to me, the difference between being grown up and being young is, that one is sending lots of information, the other one is receiving more. You are still young (at least you appear to be) , you have to get older a little bit, you can then get young again, meaning, read everything again, no offense has been made at you, every information was given to you.

I don't know what to say about this.

Passing judgment on how old or young one is after getting into debates like this isn't really the best approach.

Perhaps I'm the one to receive information because I'm less informative of Civilization IV.

I was telling you that you're n00b, yes, but I wasn't telling you that you were weak! n00bishness has nothing to do with weakness, n00b comes from new by, someone who is new, you are new, I was new, you are newb, I was newb. Search my posts, you'll find me saying me being n00b various times. Only real n00bs use the term n00b in an insulting way, you can think about that (again, this is no offense XD ).

If that's how you like to see it that way, then perceive it as that.

I signed up on November 2010. Haven't been around long but I'm certainly not entirely new. I'll admit though, I quit posting for about a year and a half, and just recently got into Civilization IV not too long ago. As already mentioned, won a game with Shaka, got a score that was reasonably good for me, and decided to a make a thread based on high scores people have accomplished.

Noticed how I said "nobody starts on Deity" ? Where do you think I did start? (I'll tell you, it was Settler. )

You said that Noble was for new players, not Settler. I only suggested that people who are new to the strategy genre, or the Civilization series for that matter, start on Settler.

I started on Settler as well. Civilization IV was quite a jump from the first two Civilization games. I was never able to play Civilization III unfortunately. The first thing I did when I bought the vanilla game in 2006 was head straight to the Tutorial and hear Sid Meier in the background giving advice.

And yeah. Starting on Deity is just asking for trouble.

But all being said and done, I really want this thread to get back on-topic.
P.S.: Was just thinking, on standard / normal 220k without optimizing the score means you could have slaved harder :mad: .
I happen to be one of those SP + Caste workshop worshippers :)
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