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Your Own "What" Moments


Sep 26, 2010
I just started a new game with the intention of going for the Bollywood Achievement as Gandhi, and I set resources to "abundant." This is my starting location.

Six... sugar... SIX. All of them on flood plains.

Also, I'm fine with barbarians keeping up with the most recent technology, but this is ridiculous.

You set it to abundant, and the map generator is setup to purposely give you a better than average starting position so really, the blame is yours for the 6 sugar.

As for the barbarian infantry, in reality those would be akin to terrorists or "freedom fighters", they should probably change the name of barbarians for more modern times, but it's not like we don't have para-militaries around the world even today that swear no allegiance to anyone.
You set it to abundant, and the map generator is setup to purposely give you a better than average starting position so really, the blame is yours for the 6 sugar.

Now, I often play with resources set to abundant. I've never seen anything as ridiculous as 6 sugar before.

...This thread isn't meant to criticize the game, I was more amused by the start than anything else. I take it people here are defensive?
Also, I'm fine with barbarians keeping up with the most recent technology, but this is ridiculous.

No it's not. It's amazing. I can't tell how badly I want your barbarians :D In my games it's 1970AD and all I'm getting are Brutes and Spearmen :sad:
Try sailing a cargo boat past Somalia today, and tell me there are no barbs on the waters there.

I wonder what sort of naval units barbs can get.
I want to see the kind of havoc a barbarian submarine could wreak if no one thought to have some destroyers out. Imagine your ships sometimes just disappearing without a trace...

Well... I guess the game would still tell you "Your unit was destroyed by a Barbarian Submarine", and most likely zoom to the combat, but I like imagining that it would be creepy and mysterious. :D I kind of wish submarines worked like privateers from Civ4 to an extent and that you could snoop in other civs' territory without open borders (being seen while in their territory could result in a declaration of war/huge relations hit) and maybe anonymously sink ships if there are no destroyer-type units to identify you. At least CiV submarines are incredibly strong and able to attack safely from a distance. Civ4's "melee subs" were so silly. Something has gone horribly wrong if you're getting point-blank return fire from the ship you just tried to torpedo. That's not what submarine combat is like.
I got a good "What!?!" moment for you. It's got to be a bug too. No pics or anything, but it's happened twice so I know it can be reproduced. Here goes....

I am playing as Russia, and move my spearman to the borders of a city state to steal a worker. I didn't know it at the time but Persia had declared to protect the CS. So my turn comes, I declare war and steal the CS's worker. Same turn I ask and get peace, and my free worker. Persia pops up saying how he doesn't like my agression blah blah, and I choose the nice answer, saying I'm sorry and will stop(I'm already at peace mind you), he says ok and he will be watching the situation closely. Next turn I move both my worker and spearman towards my lands, then my next turn Persia pops up again. Here is the "What!?!" moment. He says something along the lines of,"Your word can not be trusted. This is obvious because of your conquest of Catherine. Watch your back". I'm Catherine!!! I can't be conquering myself now, can I!?! I've had this happen twice, in two seperate games. I think he pops up the second time because I get a tresspassing for being in the CS borders between turns, but still he's mad because I'm lying and conquered Catherine? What!?!
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