your personal secretary!

i know that smart players themselves won't settle for worker automation. it's far from perfect.;)

kingjoshi, about that modmanager you made, how does that work?
The mod mananger is simple. It copies Everything, including subdirectories, from Source folder to Destination folder. Another folder is created (usually the name of the mod) that stores the log file and the backup folder. Any time a file is about to be copied or overwritten, it's written in the "UnInstall.log" file. Instead of overwrite, I move the file to the Backup folder and then copy from the source to the destination.

A list of mods that you've installed is kept track of and you can view any file that's been copied over. If can also check to see if any mod overwrote another mod. I did this in VB. The interface isn't beautiful, but it works. Also, the mod must first be put in the same hierarchy as Civ3. If you are going to install a Unit, then you should have a folder name "ART" which has a folder named "UNITS", which has the folder named after the unit with all the files. Then the folder which contains this "ART" folder will be considered the source.

Sounds more complicated than it is. But it's all in the readme.txt and doesn't need any installtion or other files (except "ModManager.ini" which is created on the first run").

I'm going to create a utility program next and I might include some of the things you want. However, you would have to save your game and then run the program. the program could read the last saved game from the Civilization.ini and then read that save file and then give you a report or notice. I haven't decided what to put in it, but I first need to figure out more of the SAV file. I have Gramphos' help in deciphering the file format so that's tremendous right there. I think a beta will be out in a week (since I haven't started yet :).
Originally posted by Gastric ReFlux
Things I'd like to see:

A list of all my active trades on one screen instead of calling up each leader and then clicking on Active.

A screen that lists alliances and MPPs instead of looking at the colored lines.

A text description of the other Civs' governments, attitude towards me, and comparison of military strength.
I agree completely. I think the city screen (F1) is great like it is, but the diplomacy screen (F4) is painful to use. I would prefer to see some other things streamlined before any automation enhancements.
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