[C3C] You've Suffered an Embarrassing Cultural Defeat!


Nov 21, 2015
Whaaaaat!!! I was in the drivers seat taking my time, the most powerful military, taking cities & the Frenchies win a Cultural Victory. Man, For some reason, I thought in order to win a cultural victory you had to satisfy both the city requirement 20,000 culture points and the civilization requirement 100,000 culture points. I didn't realize you can win by satisfying one of the two! So, Paris had something like 10,000 culture points and I figured it would never reach 20,000 be games end. However, I noticed early in the game France had an alarmingly high civilization culture score.

Argghh! I think I already knew that you only had to satisfy one, but its been so long since I played I must have forgotten. Oh well... bastards
I've never gone for a histographic / time victory, but I can imagine that would be one of the risks. Making sure that none of the AI win by another victory condition before you run out the clock. What difficulty level do you play on?
I've never gone for a histographic / time victory, but I can imagine that would be one of the risks. Making sure that none of the AI win by another victory condition before you run out the clock. What difficulty level do you play on?
Long time since i posted but... Monarchy.
Its one of the reasons most of my vicotries are by domination and thru war.
I try not to let the others run away.

How did the French manage to do it?
They got 100,000 cultural points in the Entire Civilization Bracket.
French Wonders:
Pyramids, Hanging Gardens, The Great Wall, Sun Tzu's Art of War, The Sistine Chapel, Copernicus Observatory, Shakespeare's Theater, J.S. Bach's Cathedral, Newton's University, The Knights Templar
The U.N.

I imagine all those wonders helped.

It was one of those games where I was getting beaten to the punch on nearly everything (Wonder wise and tech wise). I got stuck in the beginning trying to build wonders and didn't expand enough and by the time I did it was too late. I almost quit the game early, but stuck with it and I managed to rally late in the game. At games end I had 47 cities and the French had 25. But, alas no dice...
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