Zorzak's 1st - Baguldar

1960 send to Rick..
And so the game.. ENDS...
Let me announce that Persia has quit neutrality and become Viking's ally.
I'm very pleased to report that my votes and votes of Persia ensured our mutual diplomatic VICTORY!
Rihiter and I, we are co-winners, and Dan, Burliconi and Rick, well guys, you lost..
That was long and exhausting game. I had to fight, three, even four players ganged up against me...
But somehow I survived (mostly due to fact that YOU made very big mistakes :)
And when many, many turns ago I captured one Asoka's city with Apostolic Palace, I didnt know that would be the most important thing for me.. This city was very poorly defended... I keep only 2 rifleman there.. You losers should not allow me to keep it :)
Thanks for game (although I considered it unfair in many ways, it's no matter now, since I happen to win).
Special thanks to my ally and co-winner Rihiterious - you were only reasonable man in this game (Burliconni I don't understand your tactic - you did everything to lose...)

Alexx, King of the Vikings
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