World War II in the Pacific

Nice job on this, thanks.

One question. I started the scenario as Japan and have not played any turns, but I see that many of my main cities are amazingly unhealthy. Was that intentional? Does the unhealthiness abate? In Tokyo, I start with 17 unhealthy, and no ability to fix it with buildings or resources.
Really enjoying the scenario.

Playing as Japan, and on the AI turns I get a dozen or so python errors. It does not hang the game.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvEventInterface", line 25, in onEvent

File "CvEventManager", line 187, in handleEvent

File "CvWWIIEventManager", line 443, in onUnitBuilt

ArgumentError: Python argument types in
CyUnit.setName(CyUnit, NoneType)
did not match C++ signature:
setName(class CyUnit {lvalue}, class std::basic_string<unsigned short,struct std::char_traits<unsigned short>,class std::allocator<unsigned short> >)
ERR: Python function onEvent failed, module CvEventInterface
It's really an awesome scenario, although I've only played a few turns...:goodjob: just a quick question: is there a way to know where strategic points are located? I mean, some are obvious and Gaius Octavius named them some time ago (Tokyo, Sidney, Philippines, etc), but what about the rest of them? And as wotan321 said, what about all that unhealthiness?
Where is everyone?

I went in and remmed out the offending python so I don't get the errors but most of the unit naming features are gone, of course.

Speaking of Python, go into one of the events files, 45°38'N-13°47'E, and you will find the cities you need to capture to win the game. The capital of Australia is one, as is San Francisco, so good luck with that.

I betcha the unhealthiness is there cuz the developers didn't test playing as Japan, since its not a problem if you play as USA. That too can be fixed with a little XML editing.

Minor glitches on a fantastic mod! Thanks to the folks who developed it!:king: I am especially impressed with they events, they really add a lot to the scenario.
Speaking of Python, go into one of the events files, 45°38'N-13°47'E, and you will find the cities you need to capture to win the game. The capital of Australia is one, as is San Francisco, so good luck with that.

Well, I've found an easier way... just reading the included readme.txt was enough :lol:
So the cities are:
Calcutta, Rangoon, Singapore, Chungking, Batavia, Peking, Nanking, Manila, Shanghai, Okinawa, Tokyo, Iwo Jima, Saipan, Port Moresby, Sydney, Guadalcanal, Kwajalein, Midway, Pearl Harbor, and San Francisco.

Minor glitches on a fantastic mod! Thanks to the folks who developed it!:king: I am especially impressed with they events, they really add a lot to the scenario.

I can only quote you, really an impressive work! :goodjob:
So who is down for a multiplayer game? ;)

I will definetly try MP but first I need some time to try this scenario in single player (I've just started a game as Hiroito)... and at the moment I don't have so much free time. But I will surely chime in when I feel ready! :D
Well the beauty of playing this scenario multiplayer is we will use the play-by-email technique. So you can play your turn whenever you find the time in your schedule and then pass it on to the next player. No need to rush, it can take some time just to complete one turn :)
Sorry for taking so long to reply. I don't get on CFC regularly, as you can tell. :)

The unhealthiness issue is not really a glitch, just a byproduct of the very large size of Japanese cities. Eventually you run into a practical growth limit. I was aware of it during testing but it was never a major concern, since it doesn't affect much.

wotan321: You can make the python exceptions go away without deleting all the files. There is an option in the default Civ 4 .ini, I believe. The messages seem to be from a syntax bug in the code that I haven't quashed, but they have no impact on the game.

45°38'N-13°47'E: Those are indeed the objective cities, and it's necessary to take all of them if you want to win a conquest victory (i.e. a decisive strategic victory in the Pacific War). San Francisco and Sydney were thrown in to simulate just how hard it would actually be for Japan to pull that off.

However, you can still win the game without capturing them all if you hold the most objectives at the end date (1946). Or, if you're one of the Allies and Japan is defeated by mid-1945, and you hold a supply of atomic bombs, there is a special surrender event that triggers. Japan gets the option to surrender immediately or slug it out in the home islands.

Thanks for everyone's feedback. I'm glad the scenario is generating new interest. :cool:
Well, this is a great scenario indeed and I hope to have a chance to try it in MP soon. I've finished a game as Hiroito in single player and AI has been easy to defeat. Sadly AI really can't use naval power as we knew. I was about to win a conquest victory already in 1943 but I delayed my invasion of US and Australia just to see what kind of events were going to happen in 1944 and 1945. It became slightly harder in the late game due to british and US reinforcement events but 10 turns from the end of the game I simply clicked "End of turn" without doing anything and I won anyway. When I finished the game I noticed that since I was playing the "custom scenario" I was at war with Russia and Mongolia too from the very beginning of the game; but this hasn't been a problem anyway, it just meant killing some more russian units with a couple of nukes.
Now I'm playing with Roosvelt and in late 1942 Japan hasn't taken Philippines yet and has moved its Kido Butai in a city in Japan without moving it from there anymore... Again, AI isn't really able to use naval power; I can kill those carrier any time but I'm not doing it because I want to reach 1945 anyway. I suppose that even if I keep skipping turns, Japan won't be probably able to win the game anyway.
When I finish this game, I think I'm ready to start a much more challenging MP PBEM game.
If cav scout or someone else is still willing to play, I think I'll be ready soon. BTW, how do we play? Japan vs US or is someone else willing to play as Commonwealth as well?

And thanks again to Gaius Octavius for this great job! :goodjob:
I'm ready for a PBEM game anytime. :) We can play with anywhere between 2-4 players, the more the merrier! All the playable factions need to be human controlled to maintain game balance. If it's just two players then one person plays Japan and the other plays all 3 allies.

I have multiplayer experience with the previous iterations of this fantastic scenario so for this first game I call Japan. :D I promise to give you guys a run for your money ;)

Japan: Cav Scout
United States:
I'm ready for a PBEM game anytime. :) We can play with anywhere between 2-4 players, the more the merrier! All the playable factions need to be human controlled to maintain game balance. If it's just two players then one person plays Japan and the other plays all 3 allies.

I have multiplayer experience with the previous iterations of this fantastic scenario so for this first game I call Japan. :D I promise to give you guys a run for your money ;)

Japan: Cav Scout
United States:

Ok, I'm in as US but I don't think I can start before next week; anyone else wants to join us?

Edit: of course I'd say we play at least another game with me playing as Japan and you as US.
45°38'N-13°47'E;10143310 said:
Edit: of course I'd say we play at least another game with me playing as Japan and you as US.

I heartily agree.

So who else is game? The MP experience is enhanced when you have 3 allied players planning and coordinating with each other.

Japan: Cav Scout
United States: 45°38'N-13°47'E
Is there anyway to increase the turn limit in this scenario? I want to play a total victory match against the AI (Japan) as the US. I know there is a cheat console but couldn't find a cheat to increase or eliminate the turn limit?
If you don't talk about an already running game, then you can open the worldbuilder file with a text editor (rightclick, open with notepad or wordpad), and you will see at the top something like these lines:

delete the MaxTurns line, save it, done.
That is the way to do it, but I wouldn't advise playing against the AI under any circumstances. It's just too poor to handle naval combat effectively. Find yourself a couple of friends and play online instead. :)
I heartily agree.

So who else is game? The MP experience is enhanced when you have 3 allied players planning and coordinating with each other.

Japan: Cav Scout
United States: 45°38'N-13°47'E

Hi cav scout, at the moment my pc is out of service because my video card is fried... Hopefully next week I'll get a new one and then we can talk again about our MP game; if we can't find anyone else, I can ask my wife to join us although she doesn't like war very much (we usually play together with CIV4 but she prefers development over war). Or maybe better we could ask in the MP forum. I'll get back to you as soon as my pc is working properly again. If someone else reading this thread is willing to join us in the meantime, you're welcome! :)
If you don't talk about an already running game, then you can open the worldbuilder file with a text editor (rightclick, open with notepad or wordpad), and you will see at the top something like these lines:

delete the MaxTurns line, save it, done.

Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!

I still see the 98 turns listed in the mod? Actually, I'm on turn 94 now but will the WWII In the Pacific mod scenario keep playing even after I reach 0 turns? I deleted the max turns line from the WB file.
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