New DLC at August: Korea ()

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Jul 19, 2011
Official Korean Home page:
This DLC will be released for August.
Who is a suitable leader of Korean civilization?

Five candidates:
1. 단군왕검 (檀君王儉, Dangun Wanggeom)
Dangun Wanggeom was the semi-legendary founder of Gojoseon, the first Korean kingdom, around present-day Liaoning, Manchuria, and the Korean Peninsula. He is said to be the grandson of heaven, and to have founded the kingdom in 2333 BC. The earliest recorded version of the Dangun legend appears in the 13th century Samguk Yusa, which cites China's Book of Wei and Korea's lost historical record Gogi (古記).

2. 광개토대왕 (廣開土大王, Gwanggaeto the Great)
Gwanggaeto the Great of Goguryeo (374–413) (r. 391–413) was the nineteenth monarch of Goguryeo, the northernmost of the Three Kingdoms of Korea. His full posthumous name roughly means "Very Greatest King, Broad Expander of Territory, buried in Gukgangsang.", sometimes abbreviated to Hotaewang or Taewang. He selected Yeongnak as his era name, and was called King Yeongnak the Great during his reign.

Under Gwanggaeto, Goguryeo once again became a major power of East Asia, having enjoyed such a status in the 2nd century CE. Upon King Gwanggaeto's death at thirty-nine years of age in 413, Goguryeo controlled all territory between the Amur and Han Rivers (two thirds of modern Korea, Manchuria, and parts of the Russian Maritime province and Inner Mongolia).

In addition, in 399, Silla submitted to Goguryeo for protection from raids from Baekje. Gwanggaeto captured the Baekje capital in present-day Seoul and made Baekje its vassal. Many consider this loose unification under Goguryeo to have been the only true unification of the Three Kingdoms.

Gwanggaeto's accomplishments are recorded on the Gwanggaeto Stele, erected in 414 at the site of his tomb in Ji'an along the present-day Chinese-North Korean border. It is the largest engraved stele in the world.

3. 선덕여왕 (善德女王, Queen Seondeok)
Queen Seondeok of Silla (606 - 8 January 647) reigned as Queen[1] of Silla, one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, from 632 to 647.[2] She was Silla's twenty-seventh ruler, and its first reigning queen. She was also one of the first female sovereigns in East Asian history and encouraged a renaissance in thought, literature, and the arts in Silla.

4. 태조왕건 (太祖王建, Taejo Wanggeon)
Taejo of Goryeo (January 31, 877 – July 4, 943) was the founder of the Goryeo Dynasty, which ruled Korea from the 10th to the 14th century. Taejo ruled from 918 to 943.

5. 세종대왕 (世宗大王, Sejong the Great)
Sejong the Great (May 7, 1397 – May 18, 1450, r. 1418–1450) was the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. During his regency, he reinforced Korean Confucian policies and executed major legal amendments (공법; 貢法). He also used the creation of Hangul and the advancement of technology to expand his territory. He is the third son of King Taejong and Queen Consort Wonkyeong.

Sejong is one of only two Korean rulers posthumously honored with the appellation "the Great", the other being Gwanggaeto the Great of Goguryeo.


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A news update was posted July 7th 2011. First link in the left hand section. It's in Korean tho so I dunno.
mmhh....gngngn....mmpff...that somehow doesn't sound really reliable as info. Would they tease the customers with holding back the info if they really had it?
Don't know, and Korea has already been announced two times in some ways....

...not yet time for the main page, imho.
mmhh....gngngn....mmpff...that somehow doesn't sound really reliable as info. Would they tease the customers with holding back the info if they really had it?
Don't know, and Korea has already been announced two times in some ways....

...not yet time for the main page, imho.

Don't get suckered in. Wait for a more official release before posting.

IF they were going to release information on a Korean Civ DLC, it would not be in Korean on a 'korean' official site just for Koreans. (less money to be made that way since you know, all of us want to play them) That's bad marketing. (ok, so they do that too, but the marketing side seemed to be slightly more useful than the management side)

It could likely be meant as 'we're releasing some DLC in Korea' or 'translating DLC into Korean language' etc.

Besides, wasn't this the exact place of the last attempt to claim a Korean Civ was coming as DLC?

hell... is this image shown any different than the last one? Ie, this could be a new thread about an old link...

grain of salt and all that.
Don't get suckered in. Wait for a more official release before posting.

That's why i asked for more infos ;).

It could likely be meant as 'we're releasing some DLC in Korea' or 'translating DLC into Korean language' etc.

Besides, wasn't this the exact place of the last attempt to claim a Korean Civ was coming as DLC?

hell... is this image shown any different than the last one? Ie, this could be a new thread about an old link...

grain of salt and all that.

Strikes me as not quite sure at the moment due to that, and not as fitting due to the mentioned time difference until august,
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