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ZombieNES: Vanity City

Frank's daily babbling.

<Frank> You see jimmy, this is a bit like starting a new course; you take your best wood and whack the hell out of that ball!
<Frank> At this point it is a strong drive we need! We got to aim high!
<Frank> I can't speak for the other folks but between you and me Jimmy, i do not want to stay holed up like a rat forever. We got to better our situation.
<Jimmy> *nods*
<Frank> Ahhh, i sort of miss that ol' grumpy Bennett. Sure, he was not the best company, but you could always count on him acting with Gusto! I wonder what happened to him...
<Frank> Anyway Jimmy, i think the first step is to get to know the surrounding as well as we can. Yesterday the other folks found bicycles, I say we ought to use them for scouting.
<Jimmy> There are 3 of em, we could get another one of the survivors to come with us.
<Frank> Good thinking Jimmy! And if we are lucky, we may get to do some golf club bicycle jousting with a couple sloppy zombies!
<Frank> Anyway Jimmy, the priority should be to spot good scavenging places, other survivor forts and maybe do some light duty scavenging, if we find interesting stuff along the way.
<Jimmy> We will not be able to take much back with us while ridding bicycle.
<Frank> Indeed, the priority should be anything useful in making a detailed map of the area, we may need some paper and stuff.
<Jimmy> If we are lucky maybe we can find a gas station with already made maps
of the city.
<Frank> That would be awesome now wouldn't it! That would be a great help but we would still need to make our own local detailed map of the area.
<Jimmy> *nods*
<Frank> Lets get to it Jimmy!
Next orders:

-Frank wants to organize a bicycle trip with advanced scouting in mind. He asks the group for someone to go with him and jimmy, ideally another scavenger or a soldier.
Bloody hell. sorry for missing a day. I was with my family. I'll get orders in this day.

Octavia made a face as she saw the burn victim, the man called Isaiah. Her heart went out to him, truly it did. No matter what he and his kind had done to Ocativa and her kind, all that was in the past now. After all, the world had ended.

Who had this man been before the end of civilization? What were his dreams, his passions, his hates? Did he even hate people like her and her brother?

"Hey," She said to Ken, the nurse, perhaps the only other person within miles to know how to do anything remotely medical. Granted, he spent most of this time around the group of old men who gave her evil looks whenever she or her brother passed, and she shot them right back, but necessity now trumped bad blood.

"That guy, Isaiah," She lowered her voice, "Those burns ain't no good, we should do sumthin' 'bout'm. I mean, I ain't much of a nurse--I was in school t'be one for a while, but higher things called me. I know enough t'know that he ain't no good and won't be unless we do sumthin' 'bout it.

"My brother, God rest his soul, he ain't all the trouble he seems t'be. He actually went out t'find some medicine and stuff t'help out in cases just like this. I could ask him to go out t'morrow to find anythin' you think we might need to help that Isaiah guy be better. I could even help so long as you just told me what t'do. How 'bout it?"
I will do what I can. yes, I'm a nurse, but I was trained mostly to deal with whatever would be thrown at me in a senior citizen's Home. I can deal with Heart attack, I can deal with stroke, with incontinence. Burns are tough. We do need to do what we can to save what's left of humanity.
OOC Survivalist tip: Raw Honey is one of the most potent and useful substance you want to have as a survivalist. Not only does it keep edible like forever without refrigeration, but it also can be used as a powerful antiseptic to threat various wounds and burns. It has been shown in many studies to promote healing of tissues and prevent infection. The live enzymes in raw honey actually fight germs!
I will do what I can. yes, I'm a nurse, but I was trained mostly to deal with whatever would be thrown at me in a senior citizen's Home. I can deal with Heart attack, I can deal with stroke, with incontinence. Burns are tough. We do need to do what we can to save what's left of humanity.

((OOC: Alright, how about we both order our respective medical characters to spend the next turn helping out Isaiah with the bandages, slaves, honey, w.e Alexander & co. find during their scavenging next turn?))
ZombiNES Update 2 Orders

Again, Sebastian, James, and Alexander are to embark into the city and search for medical supplies. Again this is under the direction of Octavia, and again none of the other survivors trust Alexander enough to equip him or his followers with a gun. Still, Alexander will wield his spear and keep point, James his baton, and Sebastian will act as a skittish kind of rear-guard--hopefully his paranoia will allow him to catch even the slightest of movements.

This time around, however, the three New Thinkers are looking specifically for salves, bandages, even honey (under the advice of one of the other survivors, Octavia thinks this suggestion is a load of crock)--anything that they think might help the new survivor, Isaiah. Food will be disregarded on this run--"We've got enough twinkies t'last us int'the next century," Octavia said--so hopefully their search will be more fruitful. They are to head west down w10th Av into the uncharted territory.

Back home Octavia will continue to instruct Maddie in her massages--a talent that disgusts and intrigues Octavia at the same time (how can one woman's hands be so magical?). However, Octavia will try and emphasize practical medical knowledge, perhaps in regards to the application and tending to of bandages. Maddie, hopefully, will listen.

When the three New Thinkers return Octavia, alongside Ken the nurse, will tend to Isaiah's burn wounds. She will yield to whatever he suggests despite the fact that he is a no-good honky.

An aside, here is what I imagine Octavia looks like.
Spoiler :
ZombieNES Update 2 Orders

I'm Bored, said Mr. Richardson. He was tossing the hunting knife in the air like it was some kind of a toy. He threw it into a styrofoam target with a thwack. "Let's go somewhere."

"There are zombies outside, sir," George said patiently. The bloody crowbar lay on the side of the door.

"Shh shh shhhhhh...." said Bob. He had a home-made silencer that semi-worked on the other end of the barrel of his hunting rifle. "BANG! One less now." A zombie located far away dropped. Its head droped 4 feet away from its body. Some other zombies descended on their dead bretheren's body and began tearing away at it.

"There are far less zombies today than yesterday though!" Mr. Richardson protested. "Where's your sense of adventure, George? Today's youngsters..." Mr. Ricahrdson picked the knife back up from the target.

George glanced outside. Mr. Richardson was right... there indeed were far fewer zombies outside today. "We need to be doing something too, I think, in this situation," Mr. Richardson continued. "Otherwise, we are just waste of space."

"Speaking of space, it is kind of crowded in here, isn't it...?" George said.

"All those youngsters going out and having adventures!" Mr. Richardson shouted. "And bringing all their friends here too!" Bob Fulcher began dismantling and cleaning his rifle. "Soon enough, this place will be crawling with people!"

"I guess..." George said.

"That's it!" Mr. Richardson suddenly said. "We are going to go out and find more people!"

George raised an eyebrow. He had known that Mr. Richardson was going nuts since 3 years ago, but what? "but I thought you just said..."

"To find more youngsters for my project, you silly dog!" Mr. Richardson said. "We are going to acquire more real estate! Fortify more homes for our ever-extending population!"

"26 of us just died few days ago!"

"And how many of them would still be alive if only we had a couple of more houses defended against the angry horde? That's why we need more people, man. We need them to help us build more forts!"

"Shouldn't we ask somebody else about this?" George said, worried. "This seems...rather unsafe..."

"NO!" Mr. Richardson yelled. Bob spat out the window. The globule flew through the air like a cannonball and landed on a hapless survivor, yielding furious yells of hatred against all humanity and God. "NO! This must be our own work!"


"NO BUTS!" Mr. Richardson yelled. "We are charging out for the better future! Grab your crowbar, damn it! We are going to look for more youngsters! If we fail that, at least we could bring back some twinkie bars for our own consumption. Oh, how I love those things."

George sighed as he knew that there was no stopping Mr. Richardson. Bob Fulcher coldly assembled back his rifle and slung it over his shoulders. The three of them slipped out of the fortress with an empty gas can and journeyed north of Lyon Street into the uncharted territories... cautiously looking for any sign of humanity...
Victor examined what they had been able to find from the wreckage of the buildings. Food, water, no booze. Father Cornelius was none to happy, drinking grain alcohol from a hidden flask that Victor was not really interested in asking where it came from. They had good supplies, but they would need more.

John was smoking on a cigarette over there, his Ak47 clutched in his left hand as he took his long drags. "When are we going to start looking for Seth and Kyle again Victor?"

"When we have enough supplies and weapons to do so."

"Kittens make the world go round," Father Cornelius said happily as he sloshed more liqour back into his throat.

"You've been saying that for awhile Victor. When are we going to start looking for them again?"

Victor sighed and packed up the few things they had on the ground in front of them. "We can look for them as we look for supplies. Right now, we need to take advantage of this undead free oppurtunity that we have with us at the moment."
So... Anyone interested in going in a reckless reconnaissance run using those bicycles?

I'd be very interested in it. Especially along 10'th Avenue and so.
10th av is the street my people are taking as well, though which direction are you going Tycho? Mine are going west. Maybe if we split up we can uncover more of this hellish city?
I was planning on going East and probing further into the city for more weapons that we can use. That and other possible survivors, maybe even a builder so we can fortify our positions.
I'd be interested in that way as well, but I'd like to see what everyone else thinks.
Well, I am already going out on an reconnasiance for survivors up there. If we could team up so that the bicycle team could identify potential survivor hideout and I extract them, it could be nice.
Well, I am already going out on an reconnasiance for survivors up there. If we could team up so that the bicycle team could identify potential survivor hideout and I extract them, it could be nice.

The goal of the bicycle team is pretty much exactly that anyway. The bicycle team is fast and covers alot of territory quickly, makes a map and identifies interesting spots so that the slower but more ''Able-to-do-stuff" footmen teams can pinpoint and work those areas directly.
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