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Mali on Earth 18 Civs

I lay claim to "most swag".
With me involved I think we all know it would be the swag slaughter ;) (that is with me as the winner)
Update! Second Update using TinyPic

*Messenger enters*

Messenger: Sir, we have weird reports of greek workers building a farm in Africa, out of the city's workable tile area
Mansa: Weird...

*Alexander enters*

Mansa: Your not very smart for a geek. Don't you know that place your building a farm on can't be worked by a city?
Alexander: Oh.... You'd never understand if I told you...

*Alexander Leaves*
Spoiler :

Mansa: Kind of weird. Joe, once again, are you sure you're not related to that guy...
Joe: NO! Eh, it's so nice to have my voice back :D
Mansa: Don't remind me :cry:

*Kris enters* (Note: I for some reason forgot about this character after October 24th...)

Mansa: Kris? Where have you been?
Kris: I was on vacation in the "New World", That place where the Mansa Mayflower is going.
Basil: How did you get there?
Kris: I don't really remember. I just suddenly appeared there :crazyeye:. Anyways, there is some pretty nice land!

*Governor of Tedmekka enters*

Governor: Hello sir, we have come with a petition
Mansa: A what? Oh you mean scrap papers, please put it in that thing over there that Sid Meier gave me... I have to say, it's been quite useful :D

Spoiler :

Governor: What? No! We need you to approve it!
Mansa: And what does it say...
Governor: We want to join the Arabian Empire!
Mansa: Ha! You'd expect me to let you do that! REFUSED! *grabs paper and puts in in cool shiny metal thing that makes cool sounds*
Joe: How unreasonable... We need a Democracy!!!!
Mansa: Some person did hand me a petition for that too. If you want to piece it back together, your welcome to look through the scraps of paper :p

*Governor leaves*

*Adam Smith enters*

Adam: I am from Scotland! I am here to spread the use of Bagpipes... oh and I'm a great merchant!

Spoiler :

Mansa: BAGPIPES!!!! :rockon:
Joe: Anyways, onto actual business... Travel to Beijing and start a Trade Mission
Adam: Ok

*Adam Smith leaves*

Spoiler :

Mansa: Joe! :mad: I wanted to here him play the bagpipes!
Joe: Well, maybe I wanted to get along with actual business, I happen to be a productive and efficient person!
Mansa: Joe, it's common knowledge your a unproductive, inefficient person :lol:

*Frederick enters*

Frederick: Were cancelling the 7 GPT to you for free deal
Mansa: Ok? Weird, since you were gaining a lot from that deal...

*Frederick leaves*

Spoiler :

*Saladin enters*

Saladin: Were cancelling the 6 GPT for Cow deal!
Mansa: What! How come everybody is cancelling there deals with me?
Joe: :hmm: Maybe your "epic diplomatic skill" is wearing off... :p

*Saladin leaves*

Spoiler :

Joe: Didn't you say you fixed the economy! :p
Mansa: Bah! I'll have it fixed in time!

*Tokugawa enters*

Mansa: Hey Tokugawa, do you want Cow for 4 GPT?
Tokugawa: Ok
Mansa: How come your always so quiet?
Tokugawa: ?
Mansa: Don't worry, I know how to get you angry! OPEN BORDERS!

*Tokugawa runs out*

Spoiler :

*Messenger enters*

Messenger: Sir, the Mansa Mayflower Arrived in a place called "South America". We founded a city called Awlil
Mansa: Cool! Send the Mansa Mayflower back to port, we're building a new city!

*Messenger leaves*

Spoiler :

Mansa: See! And you said I was unproductive :p
Joe: :shake:
I wonder: Does Joe secretly think he is the ruler of Mali and Mansa is his annoying adviser?:lol:

And: :goodjob:

Sid Meier: Hello, mortal!
Mansa: What? Who are you?
Sid Meier: I am Sid Meier!
Mansa: Cool! The city naming guy! :cool:
Sid Meier: Right... Anyways, I have come to give you the advice you need to run your empire. It is the best advice you can ever give.... Just look at the picture to find out

*Sid Meier disappears*

Spoiler :

Mansa: Snacks are good in moderation? It's brilliant :D This is the solution. Thank you Sid Meier :goodjob:
Joe: Who were you talking to?
Mansa: Sid Meier! He gave me the advice I needed!
Joe: Oh really. Advice on bringing down your ego, delusional tendencies, lack of trust in your adviser named Joe...
Mansa: What? Why would I need advice for those things? No, he told me that Snacks are good in moderation! :D
Joe: And that's what we need to run the empire... :rolleyes:
Mansa: You be quiet, nonbeliever! I will spread word of the message of Sid Meier!

*Julius Caesar enters*

Caesar: I want to travel on the Ocean!
Mansa: Get a boat then...
Caesar: We don't have galleons!
Mansa: Oh, I get it don't tell me, you want astronomy from me...
Caesar: Pretty much, yeah
Mansa: Well the answer is no! But I do have a gift of knowledge to you!
Caesar: Really! What is it?
Mansa: Snacks are good in moderation!
Caesar: Wow! I feel enlightened! :) I will spread the word

*Caesar leaves*

Spoiler :

Joe: Seriously, how did all of the dimwits become leaders!! :eek:
Mansa: I was about to ask that about advisers named Joe :p

*Messenger enters carrying huge bag of gold*

Messenger: *breathing hard* G-g-ott thhheee monneeey frrrommm Adam Smith
Mansa: $$$$ :woohoo: Good Job! :goodjob:, Now Get out:p
Messenger: *grumbles about low pay*

*Messenger leaves*

Spoiler :

*Frederick enters*

Frederick: I'm afraid we have to cancel the 1 gold per turn to you for free deal
Mansa: Once again, I wonder why you would give up such an advantageous deal...

*Frederick leaves*

Spoiler :

Kris: Reports come that our scientists discovered Replaceable Parts!
Basil: And Gunpowder!
Mansa: Yes! :mwaha: RIFLEMAN!!!! :crazyeye:

*Cyrus enters*

Cyrus: Education and 85 gold for Nationalism?
Mansa: Yes! Now I can draft everybody :evil: ...including Joe...

*Cyrus leaves*

Spoiler :

*Elizabeth enters*

Elizabeth: I am Elizabeth, the leader of England. Let there be peace between us or we'd kill you!
Mansa: Oh really :lol: Do you say that just so everyone thinks your "intimidating..."
Elizabeth: No, we'd actually kill you... :backstab:

*Elizabeth leaves*

Spoiler :

Mansa: Um.... remind me to assign someone decoy duty. How about Joe! If we ever go to war, you'll pretend like your me, so the assasins go after you! It'll be hard of course, for you to be anything close to my amazingness!
Joe: :gripe:
Oooh very meta.
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