Achievement Saves (for the lazy and/or the frustrated people out there)


Jan 9, 2012

:nuke: NONE of the individual Dropbox links below will work any longer :nuke:

INSTEAD you NEED to download the full batch of saves (7z archive) from Mega here:

Download from:
All_Civ5_Achievement_Saves.7z (67,2mb) [MEGA] :goodjob:

All_Civ5_Achievement_Saves.7z (67,2mb) [dogmop's webspace (thx~!)] :goodjob:


↓ everything below is obsolete ↓
↓ everything below is obsolete ↓
↓ everything below is obsolete ↓

Huge Thanks for all the contributions from fellow civfanatics!

Very important information for anyone who wants to get achievements:
-If you have any mod installed (including Firetuner and WorldBuilder etc.) you can not get achievements and you won't make progress towards them either!
-Many achievements will NOT work, if you disabled reward popups in the game options. Make sure this option is NOT checked!
(seriously Firaxis?)
-You also can not get achievements while playing in offline-mode and (for the most part) also not in multiplayer.

I decided to share my savegames where after the next turn is played a steam achievement is granted or a major progress towards it is made.

If you think that is cheating or lame, then don't do it. I though find myself screwing around in games just so I get the achievements. So the sooner I get all the achievements, I can move on playing games more seriously (like... without building oh so many workers and chopping every damn forest tile on the whole map and building a road on every single tile over and over again). Then there are a lot of players that use mods by default and therefore can not get achievements; however with these savegames they could quickly redeem what they legitimately achieved without actually getting the reward through theses saves (I think you even don't need to disable your mods). Of course you can also just chose to use these savegames if you are actually having trouble doing an achievement yourself. Don't blame me though if you regret having done it later :crazyeye:

Protip: If you're searching for a specific achievement save use the search function of your browser which is usually accessed quickly by pressing CTRL+F (and/or F3 to search for the same term again).

Keeping track of your achievements:
Spoiler :
Complete steam list with percentage of how many people actually got each achievement:
(may take a few seconds to load/temporarily making the browser not respond)

Achievement logging/achievements_debug.log:
CiV has a logfile that shows track of how far into an achievement you actually are in (for e.g. which wonders you've build and how many forests, roads, mines erc you've built already). Once you see it, it's pretty much self-explanatory. You have to enable it first though (thx to DGMan):
Go to C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5 and open/edit the config.ini file.
Change "LoggingEnabled = 0" (should be in the bottom half of the file) to "LoggingEnabled = 1" and save the file. The achievement logfile will start to update whenever you start CiV while being connected to steam.
You can find the log file here:
C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Logs\achievements_debug.log
Note: The log file will only update when the game client is started. So you can't view your progress live. You'd have to shut the game down first and then restart the game before recent progress is displayed in the log.

Spoiler :
Secret links which have nothing to do with this thread (but help me to eliminate a bookmark or three):
How to get rid of the ESRB notice: (steps have to be repeated after every patch though).
GotM replay facility:

Contribute to this thread:
You may actually also share your own achievement savegames here too. There will always be people appreciating it. I'll try
to keep an updated list in the OP. Make sure though, that the upload site is not likely to (being) shut down sooner or later.
I myself will use Dropbox (can't recommend a classic file hoster due to the reason just mentioned). If you chose to use Dropbox
too, you might wanna use my referral link to register (as it will grant you and me 500 MB bonus free space for both our accounts).

Also note:
People will need all the DLC that the original player used to be able to load their save. You can temporarily disable individual or all DLC (allowing more people to use your save) by unchecking them from the DLC menu (before you start a game). This automatically resets to 'all DLC enabled' the next time you start up the game.


What do I have to do to get the achievements? / It's not working for me, what am I doing wrong? / The load button can not be pressed???
-Read the instructions/everything that I wrote along with the save file(s). Make sure you've put the savegames into the correct folder and you own all of the required DLCs.

The percentages behind the achievements in square brackets show how many people actually got that achievement at the time of posting according to steam.

Quick-Jump-Link to the post containing the Brave New World and Gods & Kings Achievements

anmattos listed and linked saves to some more (somewhat trivial) achievements (that aren't mentioned here) in this posting.
Thanks for that. I'm linking to them rather than putting it in the OP, because this way he is able to update it on his own :)

Beyond Earth save:
Note: I'll not provide or feature any other BE saves here (or anywhere else).

BE [FeiLing] - Buy1000Tiles.CivBESave
Start in any city and buy up to ~280 tiles with the saved up energy.
Rules of Acquisition (Purchase 1000 Tiles.)

So here we go with the...

Scenario/DLC Achievements:
Note that all of these (in the first posting (and only these)) belong into the "\ModdedSaves\single" folder.

Mongol Scenario:
NOTE! The following DLCs are required:
-Genghis Khan's Mongolia (DLC01 is free for everyone, you automatically have it)

Download the savegames. Copy them into the following folder (scenario savegames are saved in a different folder than normal savegames!):
C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single

Conquer Kamakuro.
Khan (Beat the Mongol scenario on any difficulty.) [1.4%]
Great Khan (Beat the Mongol scenario on the King or harder difficulty level.) [0.2%]
Supreme Khan (Beat the Mongol scenario on the Emperor or harder difficulty level.) [0.1%]
Kublai Khan (Beat the Mongol scenario on the Immortal or harder difficulty level.) [0.1%]
Genghis Khan (Beat the Mongol scenario on the Deity difficulty level.) [0.1%]

Thanks a lot for this contribution by gustn_toh!

End the turn.
Khaaan! (Run out of time to beat the Mongol scenario.) [1.0%]
Note for those who wanted to do this on their own: Running out of time here isn't enough to get the achievement. You rather need to lose due to points for it to work.

Spain/Inca Scenario:
NOTE! The following DLCs are required:
-Double Civilization and Scenario Pack: Spain and Inca

Download the savegames. Copy them into the following folder (scenario savegames are saved in a different folder than normal savegames!):
C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single

First select the Treasure and move it into "La Rochette" (your capital). Then select the caravel and move it east next to the Chinese border. This order is important, don't do it the other way around.
Tout le Monde Francophone? (Win the New World Scenario as France.) [0.3%]
All Aboard the Orient Express (Discover a route to the Orient.) [1.6%]
Au in the EU (Return a Treasure to Europe.) [0.9%]

Capture the city-state of Yanomami.
Siglo de Oro (Win the New World Scenario as Spain.) [0.6%]

End the turn.
Tea and Crumpets for Everyone (Win the New World Scenario as England.) [0.5%]

Move the Treasure to Cusco.
Macho Picchu (Win the New World Scenario as the Incas.) [0.5%]

End the turn.
Huitzilopochtli's Arrow (Win the New World Scenario as the Aztecs.) [0.4%]

End the turn.
League of Extraordinary Hoyanehs (Win the New World Scenario as the Iroquois.) [0.4%]

Polynesian Scenario:
NOTE! The following DLCs are required:
-Civilization and Scenario Pack: Polynesia

Download the savegames. Copy them into the following folder (scenario savegames are saved in a different folder than normal savegames!):
C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single

Choose the last social policy.
Surviving the Marquesas (Win as Hiva) [0.5%]

Choose the last social policy.
Head and Shoulders Above the Rest (Win as Samoa) [0.4%]

You have 3 active units. Move the scout south on or next to the northern tiny island with the 2 mountains, which is Hawaii.
Move the trireme onto the fish tile near the marble on that other small island in the south to discover Easter Island.
Then move the spearmen next to or disembark them onto the large island at the bottom left of the map to find New Zealand.
Finally select the last missing social policy to win.
Book 'em Danno! (Find Hawaii in a random map game) [0.5%]
Heads Up! (Find Easter Island in a random map game) [0.5%]
Searching for the Precious (Find New Zealand in a random map game) [0.5%]
Bora! Bora! Bora! (Win as Tahiti) [0.4%]

Move the active embarked scout southward.
This isn't Kansas (Find Australia in a South Pacific map game) [1.0%]

End the turn once to have Captain Cook arrive. End the turn again to win the game by finally choosing the last social policy.
Do you have a little Captain in you? (Encounter Captain Cook) [1.6%]
Ngata Chance (Win as Tonga) [0.4%]

Some comments about the Scenario:
Spoiler :
Polynesia as a civ is awesome. One of my favorites. The scenario however is utter crap in my eyes. Unbelieveable boring and it's exactly the same for every of the 4 polynesian 'tribes' you can play - no differences at all. You just send your scouts a few hundred tiles in some direction on a way too large map with about 99% water. After 130 or more turns of doing basically nothing you win. It's seriously extremely boring and pointless. The "random" map isn't even random, it's the same every time.

Denmark Scenario:
NOTE! The following DLCs are required:
-Civilization and Scenario Pack: Denmark

Download the savegames. Copy them into the following folder (scenario savegames are saved in a different folder than normal savegames!):
C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single

End the turn.
Time to Stitch a Tapestry (Win as Normandy) [0.3%]
You The Conqueror (Win scenario on Emperor) [0.1%]
Fetchez la Vache! (Build a motte and bailey improvement) [0.4%]

End the turn.
Odin's Chosen Warrior (Win as Denmark) [0.3%]
Surviving Domesday (Win scenario on Immortal) [0.1%]

End the turn.
Purple People Eaters (Win as Norway) [0.3%]
Surviving Ragnarok (Win scenario on Deity) [0.1%]

End the turn.
This was their Finest Hour (Win as Anglo-Saxon England) [0.3%]

Korean Scenario:
NOTE! The following DLCs are required:
-Civilization and Scenario Pack: Korea

Download the savegames. Copy them into the following folder (scenario savegames are saved in a different folder than normal savegames!):
C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single

Capture Busan.
Fear the Turtle (Win the Korean Scenario as Korea) [0.4%]
Honoring the Ancestors (Win on Deity) [0.1%]
Seoul Power (Win before 100 turns as any power) [0.5%]

Capture Busan via an amphibious attack again.
Yow Ming! (Win as China) [0.2%]
A Righteous Victory (Win on Immortal) [0.1%]
Seoul Power (Win before 100 turns as any power) [0.5%]

Just end the turn.
Samurai Delicatessen (Win as Japan) [0.1%]
Dragon Emperor (Win on Emperor) [0.1%]

Capture Beijing.
Emperor Fu Manchu (Win as Manchu) [0.1%]
Fun fact: Got the Barbarian Warlord achievement ("As Bismarck, convert the Barbarians from 10 camps to your side.")
while doing this (the Manchu convert a barbarian camp 100% of the time (Bismarck only has a 50% chance).

End the turn.
Taekwon-DOH! (Lose as Korea) [0%]
OH.MY.GOD. I've build exactly 420 scouts (worth 21k points) during this game.
All died horribly in a suicide attack against Japan. Irony.

Some comments about the Scenario:
Spoiler :
Playing as Korea (Deity) was fun. I can however see people get frustrated as they may be unable to hold off the initial Japanese attack on higher difficulties.
Playing as China and as Japan however was pure torture as you basically have to move like 100 units every turn over the whole map manually (if you auto-move them it will chose a stupid long path over land instead of moving embarked). And when you finally reach the front you'll have a carpet of doom and you can't really progress forward at all. Moving your units takes ages here. Really painful. Playing Manchu was actually fun too. However it was surprisingly difficult even though I just played on settler.
When I played this Scenario I suddenly got reminded why I hated CiV when it was first released and I got to play it a few times (just forgot about it and bought it in Steams Christmas Sale): It is utterly annoying to have cities build units within very little time (each 1,2,3 turns). It's even more annoying to move them all the way to the frontline. It takes so stupid long and is so boring. You are doing nothing but moving units across the map without any decision making. However you can't just give them auto-movement order to the other side of the map, because if the target tile is not free every other turn the command will end. And if you do auto-movement they'll take stupid paths over land taking much longer than if you manually embark them and move across the ocean. And finally auto-moving will move units into city tiles, which disables you from purchasing a unit in that city. Unit movement in this game is VERY VERY PAINFUL. Even more so in this Scenario where you do have so many units for just a long distance. I'd only ever consider replaying it as Korea. But lets not talk about the achievement for losing as Korea - at least I was able to calculate that I am indeed going to lose. If I played it to the end and failed at losing, I'd for sure have thrown my PC out of the window^^ I could probably have saved a few turns of constant scout movement mania if I gave away all my cities to Manchu for free while we were at peace like 10 turn before the end, not sure if that would actually have worked (as you for sure at least can't gift them Seoul).

Wonders of the Ancient World Scenario:
NOTE! The following DLCs are required:
-Wonders of the Ancient World

Download the savegames. Copy them into the following folder (scenario savegames are saved in a different folder than normal savegames!):
C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single

Move the Great General towards Athens (for e.g. onto the Cotton tile SW) and have him consult the Oracle. Attack Ectabana with the Pikemen, then end the turn.
Grecian Formula (Win as Alexander) [0.2%]
Odysseus the Great Tactician (Win on King) [0.1%]
Know Thy Enemy (Consult the Oracle 2 times in a single game) [0.5%]
Reverse Engineer (Gain possession of 3 wonders by conquering cities in a single game) [0.1%]
Wonderwall (Build 3 wonders in the same city) [0.8%]

Please report if this actually grants Wonderwall too. I'd guess yes, but I'm not sure. If it works with this of course, the savegame below is redundant. So please tell me, thx.

End the turn.
Wonderwall (Build 3 wonders in the same city) [0.8%]

End the turn.
It satrap! (Win as Darius I) [0.2%]
Thoughtful Telemachus (Win on Prince) [0.3%]

End the turn.
Epic Gilgamesh (Win as Gilgamesh) [0.2%]
Far-Shooting Apollo (Win on Emperor) [0.1%]

End the turn.
Party in hattUSA (Win as Muwatallis) [0.3%]
Bright-Eyed Athena (Win on Immortal) [0%]

End the turn. (holy shi... this one was tough!)
Ra's Mighty Truth (Win as Ramesses II) [0.3%]
All-Achieving Zeus (Win on Deity) [0%]
Savegames, that require a specific DLC but are not part of the scenario.
They're rather normal sp savegames (watch the required file location!):

NOTE! The following DLCs are required:
Mongol-Deity --> Genghis Khan's Mongolia (DLC01 (free))
Babylon-Immortal --> Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon (DLC Deluxe)
Isabelle/Pachacuti-Win --> Spain/Inca Scenario (DLC02)
Kamehameha-Win --> Polynesia (DLC03)
Harald-Biathlon-Win --> Denmark (DLC04)
Turtle_Power --> Korean Scenario (DLC05)
Zeupiter --> Wonders of the Ancient World (DLC06)

Download the savegames. Copy them into the following folder (scenario savegames are saved in a different folder than normal savegames!):
C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Saves\single

Take Moscow.
The Golden Horde (Beat the game on any difficultly setting as Genghis Khan.) [5.2%]
Flawless Strategy (Beat the game on the Deity difficulty level.) [1.3%]

Take Istanbul.
By the Waters of Babylon (Beat the game on any difficultly setting as Nebuchadnezzar II.) [2.4%]
The World Is a Mess, and I Just Need to Rule It (Beat the game on the Immortal difficulty level.) [1.7%]

Conquer Delhi.
Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition (Beat the game on any difficultly setting as Isabella.) [1.7%]

Conquer Delhi (poor Gandhi... I always choose him as enemy due to him being the least expansive).
King of the Mountain (Beat the game on any difficultly setting as Pachacuti.) [1.7%]

Conquer Moscow. You may also select a social policy, that enables you to either finish 'Order' or 'Patronage'.
Law of the Splintered Paddle (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Kamehameha.) [1.4%]
Two Men Enter, One Man Leave (Completely defeat another Civ and remove them from the game. [61.9%]
With an Iron Fist (Fully Explore the Order Policy Track.) [19.6%] or
Team Player (Fully Explore the Patronage Policy Track.) [22.6%]

Move the one Ski Infantry onto the snow tile (at the northern ice shelf. Then capture Delhi with the other Ski Infantry, that can still do a move.
Hands Free to Victory! (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Harald Bluetooth.) [1.6%]
Where's the Biathlon? (Enter a snow tile with the Norwegian ski infantry.) [1.2%]

Kill the Ironclad with a Turtle Ship... and if you want either kill Gandhi or add the last SS Booster to the Spaceship.
Turtle Power (Sink an Ironclad with a Turtle Boat)) [0%]
The Choson One (Win as Korea) [1.4%]

Capture Athens.
Zeupiter (As Rome, conquer a city with the Statue of Zeus) [0.3%]
Veni, Vidi, Vici (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Caesar) [11.9%]

Other Achievements:
NOTE: These saves do not require any DLC.

Download the savegames. Copy them into the following folder (scenario savegames are saved in a different folder than normal savegames!):
C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Saves\single

Play one more turn (or several; but it should happen on the very next one).
He Threw a Car at My Head! (Have any city ransomed by Barbarians.) [0.8%]

Capture Thebes.
War Canoe Attack (As Askia, conquer a city on another continent.) [3.6%]
The African King (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Askia.) [6.0%]
Tomb Raider (Pillage gold from an Egyptian city with a burial tomb in it.) [11.2%]

Attack the Cavalry with the active Musketeer. Then capture Delphi if you want to.
Three Musketeers (Kill a unit with a French Musketeer when two other Musketeers are providing flanking bonuses.) [2.7%]
Vivre La Revolution (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Napoleon.) [10.9%]

9 active units --> Pillage 8 farms around Sydney and 1 farm near Vienna. Then end the turn for the 5th Golden Age.
Pillage, Then Burn (Pillage 9 Farms on the same turn.) [0.2%]
From Archaemennid to Safavid (As Darius, start 5 Golden Ages in a single game.) [4.1%]

(thx clint0601 for confirming that the Pillaging achievement is obtainable without owning the Denmark DLC)

End the turn.
One to Rule Them All (Beat the game on any difficulty setting with only one city.) [2.7%]
Age of Empire (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Darius.) [7.1%]
The Best State of a Republic (Win a Cultural Victory.) [16.7%]
City of Science (Develop a city to produce more than 100 science per turn) [56.3%]
City of Gold (Develop a city to produce more than 100 gold per turn.) [47.1%]
City of Lights (Develop a city to produce more than 100 culture per turn.) [33.9%]

Attack Gao AND play one more turn or see below for alternative victory possibilities.
First of the Mohicans (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Hiawatha.) [6.1%]
People of the Longhouse (Build a longhouse in a city with at least 4 unchopped forests in its radius.) [11.2%]
Two Men Enter, One Man Leave (Completely defeat another Civ and remove them from the game.) [62.4%]

Alternatively you can chose to not attack Gao but adding the last spaceship part (Booster) in Onondaga. Or you do
neither and just play another turn right away which will win you a cultural victory instead.

End the turn, then vote in the UN. Or see below for alternative victory possibilities.
Blood and Iron (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Bismarck.) [10.6%]
We Have the Technology (Fully explore the Tech Tree.) [38.2%]
The Pen is Mightier (Win a Diplomatic Victory.) [14.2%]
Diplomacy by Other Means (Fully Explore the Autocracy Policy Track.) [12.0%]

(End the turn and obviously chose 'Total War' when asked to select a new policy for this.)

City of Science (Develop a city to produce more than 100 science per turn) [56.3%]
City of Gold (Develop a city to produce more than 100 gold per turn.) [47.1%]
City of Lights (Develop a city to produce more than 100 culture per turn.) [33.9%]

Note: After you end the turn a Great General will be generated through combat, earning you progress towards the 'Panzer "Shafernator" General' achievement.
Alternative Victories: You may chose to attack Athens and win a Domination Victory instead, then end the turn for the rest
of the achievements. Or you could add the last spaceship part (Booster) in Berlin to win a Science Victory. Or you can change
the production in Berlin to the Utopia Project (then end the turn without attacking Athens) for a Cultural Victory.

Pick the B17 Bomber in Washington and upgrade it to a Stealth Bomber if you need that achievement. Then go to Boston, pick the Nuclear Missile and drop it onto Dublin to the north.
Use the B17 from Boston to attack Dublin. Finally go to Washington and add the last spaceship part (Booster) to win the game.
First in the Hearts of Your Countrymen (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Washington.) [13.9%]
Flying Fortress (Bomb an enemy city with a B-17.) [12.8%]
Go Boldly Where No Man Has Gone Before (Win a Space Victory.) [25.0%]
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Upgrade a Unit.) [77.3%]
I Can Has Nukes? (Drop a Nuke on another Civ.) [34.4%]

Load the savegame. Tada! (Do not actually play this map, even if you're tempted to do so. You've been warned.)
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment (Find the Fountain of Youth) [21.3%]
The Explorer (Discover 100 Natural Wonders.) [9.0%]

(Every time you load this savegame you'll discover 8 natural wonders instantly, so you'll quickly make progress towards this achievement.)

Move the active Caravel one tile south (southwest or -east, shouldn't matter).
Raleigh's Road to Riches (Discover El Dorado) [29.4%]

Take Delhi.
Video et Taceo (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Elizabeth.) [8.6%]
Ruler of the Twelve Colonies (Beat the game on a Huge Map.) [12.3%]

Your ships are in position, don't move them around much. Keep them on Alert (A), sink barb ships whenever they pop up. Just keep playing
turns and kill barb ships. Note: A cities attack will make the kill NOT count, a Longbowmen's attack however does count). Do not research
Combustion, as that will make Barbs start to spawn Destroyers. When you've been forced to research combustion, just re-load the save.
You can also try to slow down research a bit by selling science buildings (thanks for the tip @ clint0601).
Ruler of the Seas (As Elizabeth, sink and destroy 357 enemy naval units, across any number of playthroughs.) [0.2%]
Interestingly I killed 219 barb ships already before reaching this point in the savegame, so the number of 357 seems higher than it actually is.
I finished the achievement by killing 140 more barb ships in the next 28 turns after this savegame, which is exactly 5 ships per turn sunk on average.
That means for you you'd have to play roughly 71 turns of this savegame (taking about 2 hours or less) to get the achievement from scratch.
This is probably done best in two attempts/loadings, as you can not delay combustion for more than about 40 turns.
Tip: Use the "W" hotkey to cycle to the next unit after attacking, so you don't have to wait for the animation to finish.

Other savegames, that require all of the DLCs on your side!:
NOTE! The following DLCs are required:
-Double Civilization and Scenario Pack: Spain and Inca
-Civilization and Scenario Pack: Denmark
-Civilization and Scenario Pack: Polynesia
-Civilization and ruler: Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar II)
-Civilization and Scenario Pack: Korea
-Wonders of the Ancient World
(Sorry, I did these before I knew about how to remove DLCs temporarily so saves wouldn't require all of the DLCs I own (that would be all of them ;-)))

Download the savegames. Copy them into the following folder (scenario savegames are saved in a different folder than normal savegames!):
C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Saves\single

End the turn.
Bollywood (As Gandhi, win a cultural victory with 3 or fewer cities in your empire.) [3.6%]
Give Peace a Chance (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Gandhi.) [7.8%]
Island Hopping (Beat the game on an Archipelago-type Map.) [9.4%]
Charming. Really. (Beat the game on the Prince difficulty level.) [15.7%]
Living in Smallville (Beat the game on a Small Map.) [25.9%]
The Best State of a Republic (Win a Cultural Victory.) [16.7%]

I am not sure if just playing a turn will trigger the achievement state to update. You may actually have to build another unit for it to be recognized. Confirmation needed from someone who checks his achievements_debug.log (should say ESTEAMSTAT_STANDINGARMY = 316)! IMPORTANT NOTE: You'll not pop an achievement by this save unless you met the other requirements of the achievement in question. The progress however will be saved and the achievement will pop as soon as you meet the other requirements of said achievement (100 GGs and 100 wins) in any other playthrough.
Panzer "Shafernator" General (Spawn over 100 Great Generals, build an army of over 100 standing units, and beat the game 100 times) [0.2%]

A special savegame (the initial reason why I made this thread):

End the turn to make major progress towards all of the achievements listed below.
Then reload the map and end the turn again. And again. And again. Until you got everything you want/can get:
Forty-Niner (Build 1000 mines, across any number of playthroughs.) [3.9%]
Paul Bunyan (Chop down 1000 forest tiles, across any number of playthroughs.) [1.3%]
God Is Great (Construct 1000 Temples, across any number of playthroughs.) [2.4%]
Panzer "Shafernator" General (Spawn over 100 Great Generals, build an army of over 100 standing units, and beat the game 100 times) [0.2%]

Gotten by playing the next turn once:
A Magnificent Victory (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Suleiman.) [4.1%]
Island Hopping (Beat the game on an Archipelago-type Map.) [9.4%]
Baby Steps (Beat the game on the Settler difficulty level.) [19.2%]
Do You Want to Super Size That? (Beat the game on a Large Map.) [10.5%]
The Best State of a Republic (Win a Cultural Victory.) [16.7%] or Go Boldly Where No Man Has Gone Before (Win a Space Victory.) [25.0%]
City of Science (Develop a city to produce more than 100 science per turn) [56.3%]
City of Gold (Develop a city to produce more than 100 gold per turn.) [47.1%]
City of Lights (Develop a city to produce more than 100 culture per turn.) [33.9%]

Some notes and facts about this one:
91 mines will be constructed.
37 forests will be chopped down.
21 temples will be finished.
A great general will spawn.
The game is won.

All by the next turn.

Note: The rumor that Opera Houses, Museums and Broadcast Towers would also count for the God is Great Achievement can be confirmed to be not true by me right now. My counter neither increased when I bought them nor when I build them by hard. Monuments probably don't count either.

Suleiman specific achievement: Barbary Pirate. I've placed a few destroyers next to barbarian camps which occasionally spawn a naval unit which you'll convert 50% of the time automatically... so you can acquire conversions here somewhat quickly. You'll need 10 in total over all your playthroughs.

Probably a standing army of over 100 units (workers should count for this so... yeah) is on the field (you need this once for the Panzer "Shafernator" General achievement).
A great general will spawn next turn automatically through combat (you need to spawn 100 over any number of playthroughs (I think through combat only) for the Panzer "Shafernator" General achievement).
You will win a cultural victory next turn (you need to win 100 times for the Panzer "Shafernator" General achievement).
However you can also just go to the capital (Istanbul) and add the last SS Booster standing ready there to achieve a science victory instead.
There are also a few Nuclear Missiles stationed in cities at the border, so you might as well just drop a random one for that achievement too (though you likely already did that before, didn't you?^^)
I suppose you can also try to get the Land Baron achievement (purchase 1000 tiles) here with all that money. Though I already bought a lot of tiles before to 'get' more hills (for more mines) inside my territory and most of the cities already got all the tiles they can get. You could however annex the 5 puppets I just recently got and buy quite a few tiles in these cities.
And finally you can use all the workers on the next round to build roads too to get 'the Appian Way' achievement (construct 1000 roads) if you haven't already.
Note: The roads, mines, forests, culture buildings and the spawning great general will still count for your achievements even after the game has already been won.

Buy a B17 Bomber in Philadelphia (and attack Beijing with it on the next turn). You have about 17000 gold and 18 settlers in place. Settle one after another and buy as many tiles as possible in each before founding the next one. Didn't count how many tiles you can purchase here quickly, but should be quite a lot.
Flying Fortress (Bomb an enemy city with a B-17.) [12.9%]
Land Baron (Purchase 1000 tiles, across any number of playthroughs.) [2.7%]

End the turn.
My Little Pony (As Catherine, research Horseback Riding before any other Civ.) [7.6%]

Use the last standing swordsman south of Egypts capital to attack.
Conquest of the World (As Alexander, defeat every known player by 350 BC.) [7.2%]
The Man Who Would Be King (Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Alexander.) [9.6%]
Brave New World Achievements:

Civil War scenario:
DL & copy the files to this folder: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single

BNW_cw [Brent] - Deity Confederate Victory.Civ5Save
Capture Washington.
Standing like a Stone Wall (Win the Civil War scenario playing as the Confederates.)
Red Badge of Courage (Win the Civil War scenario on Deity.)

BNW_cw [FeiLing] - George Pickett.Civ5Save
Capture Gettysburg.
Pickett's Recharge (Capture Gettysburg with a Confederate Infantry unit possessing the George Pickett promotion.)

BNW_cw [FeiLing] - Sheridan Union.Civ5Save
Capture Staunton first and then Richmond.
Glory, glory, hallelujah! (Win the Civil War scenario playing as the Union.)
Sheridan's Valley Campaign (As Union, control Winchester, Front Royal, Harrisonburg, Staunton, and Lynchburg.)

Scramble for Africa scenario:
DL & copy the files to this folder: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single

BNW_sfa [Brent] - Deity Boer Victory.Civ5Save
End the turn.
I Prefer my Africa Scrambled (Win the Scramble for Africa scenario as any civ on any difficulty.)
Praise the Victories (Win the Scramble for Africa playing as the Boers on Deity.)

BNW_sfa [Mesix] - Capetown to Cairo Railroad.Civ5Save
Build a Railroad, then end the turn.
The Rhodes Colossus (Playing as England in Scramble for Africa, complete a railroad from Cairo to Capetown.)
Merchant Prince (Generate 200 gold per turn via Trade Routes.)

BNW_sfa [Mesix] - Italian Discoverer.Civ5Save
Move the rifleman to the south.
Discoverer (Playing as Italy in Scramble for Africa, earn the VP for finding two Natural Wonders.)

BNW_sfa [FeiLing] - Dr Livingstone.Civ5Save
Move your guy next to the English Explorer.
Dr Livingstone I presume? (Playing as Belgium, move your Stanley Explorer to within a tile of England’s Livingstone Explorer.)

BNW_sfa [Hyperion529] - Nigerian Bank Account.Civ5Save
Acquire the City-State of Sokoto through Diplomatic Marriage.
Nigerian Bank Account (In Scramble for Africa, marry Sokoto or Bornu.)

BNW_sfa [Zinlana] - Ottoman Deity.Civ5Save
End the turn.
Ottoman Carpentry (Win the Scramble for Africa playing as the Ottomans on Deity.)

General BNW Achievements:
DL & copy the files to this folder: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Saves\single

BNW [FeiLing] - Lost Ark Flip.Civ5Save
Use the archaeologist to dig and select the Egyptian artifact. Now commit a proposal to repeal the Standing Army Tax. You can also order (button on the left) the Mobile Sam to Plunder a Trade Route here.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (Have your American Archaeologist extract an Artifact from Egypt with a German Archaeologist within 2 tiles.)
Flip-Flop (Propose to repeal an active Resolution which you had originally proposed to enact.)
Highway Robbery (Plunder a Caravan Trade Route.)

BNW [FeiLing] - 2 new Policies in a day.Civ5Save
End the turn. Then complete both policy trees with the 2 available social policies.
Built in (Almost) a Day (Complete a Wonder in a city with three Trade Routes supplying production to it.)
Legends of the Hidden Temple (Fully explore the Exploration Policy track.)
Artistic License (Fully explore the Aesthetics Policy track.)

BNW [Hyperion529] - RadioFreeEurope_SilkRoad_Greed.Civ5Save
Play to Turn 306 and re-send the Cargo Ship to Karakorum (Mongols) for the Silk road to trigger.
Silk Road (Connect to the Arabs, China, India, the Mongols, and Persia at the same time using Caravans.)
Radio Free Europe (Adopt the Freedom Ideology and fill 10 Broadcast Towers with Great Works.)
Greed is Good (Have a city with the Colossus, Petra, a Caravansary, and a Harbor.)
Merchant Prince (Generate 200 gold per turn via Trade Routes.)

BNW [FeiLing] - 50 Miles 100 Smiles.Civ5Save
End the turn. Select the 'Buffalo Loins' promotion for your Impi.
Run 50 Miles and Fight a Battle (As Zulu, have an Impi earn all of the special promotions.)
Soma Tablets for Everyone (Reach a Happiness level of over 100 for your civ.)

BNW [FeiLing] - Autocult Zulu Host.Civ5Save
End the turn.
Strength Through Joy (Win a Cultural Victory using the Autocracy Ideology.)
Wanna Be the King of the Zulus (Beat the game on any difficulty as Shaka).
Lingua Franca (Found the World Congress and remain its host for the entire game.)

BNW [FeiLing] - Vote for Pedro Freedom.Civ5Save (due to changes for the diplomatic victory 'Vote For Pedro' will not work any longer on the next turn. You'd have to play until the next leader vote in 16 or so turns for that. Thanks jon for reporting me about this issue.)
End the turn.
Vote for Pedro (As Brazil, win a Diplomatic Victory.)
Pedro's Party People (Beat the game on any difficulty as Pedro II.)
Games Without Frontiers (Win a Diplomatic Victory using the Freedom Ideology.)

BNW [Zyxpsilon] - Poland can into Space.Civ5Save
Add the last spaceship part.
King of the Wisent (Beat the game on any difficulty as Casimir.)
Poland Can into Space (As Poland, win a Space Victory.)
Yuri-ka! (Win a Space Victory using the Order Ideology.)

BNW [Zyxpsilon] - Dark Horse Axis.Civ5Save (Thanks goes to The Massacrerer for providing a replacement save for this after the fall patch had broken it temporarily.)
End the turn.
Axis Powered (Win a Diplomatic Victory using the Autocracy Ideology.)
Dark Horse (Win a Diplomatic Victory without ever being the host of the World Congress.)

BNW [Brent] - Airlift Marbles Kasbah.Civ5Save
Airlift the Worker from Casablance to Lisbon (to the north). Then use the Great Musician (south of Tangier) to perform a Concert Tour. And finally order all 5 archaeologists to dig (and create artifacts!).
Here's Looking at You, Kid (As Morocco, airlift a civilian unit from Casablanca to Portugal's original capital.)
Rock the Kasbah (Perform a Concert Tour with a Great Musician on a Moroccan Kasbah improvement.)
Losing My Marbles (Extract 5 Artifacts from the territory of another major civilization.)

BNW [FeiLing] - Indo Enemy Blade.Civ5Save
Capture the city with one of the active Kris Swordsmen.
The Java Script (Beat the game on any difficulty as Gajah Mada.)
Enemy Blade No More (As Indonesia, capture an enemy capital with a Kris Swordsman with the Enemy Blade promotion.)
Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Win a Conquest Victory using the Autocracy Ideology.)

BNW [FeiLing] - Tear Down this Wall.Civ5Save
End the turn.
Tear Down this Wall! (Force an AI player with the Order Ideology to switch to Freedom.)

BNW [FeiLing] - Portugal XCOM.Civ5Save
Order the two active workers to construct a Feitoria. Now select Nuke Mode (N) with the Atomic Bomb and drop it directly onto the XCOM Squad of yours near Antium. Finally choose
the Cahokia and the Panama artifacts from the archaeological dig sites, then end the turn. On the next turn either choose to add the last spaceship part or put it to sleep instead for
the cultural victory. Either way you might need to play another turn for the Herculean Effort. To win culturally you need to play 2-4 more turns (bulb GS and do Concert Tours too).
What's Yours is Mine (As Portugal, construct a Feitoria in a City-State that is allied to another civilization.)
That's XCOM baby! (Have your XCOM Squad go from 100 health to 0 in a single AI turn.)
Herculean Effort (Complete all International Projects in a single game as the highest contributor.)
It Belongs in a Museum (Have Artifacts from 10 different City-States in the Museums and Wonders in your civilization.)
In Hoc Signo Vinces (Beat the game on any difficulty as Maria I.)
One Small Step (Win a Space Victory using the Freedom Ideology.) or
Rocking in the Free World (Win a Cultural Victory using the Freedom Ideology.)

BNW [Option] - Morocco Win.Civ5Save
Take Rome.
This Desert Life (Beat the game on any difficulty as Ahmad Al ’Mansur.)

BNW [Option] - Assyria Win.Civ5Save
Take Venice.
Tablet Tech Pioneer (Beat the game on any difficulty as Ashurbanipal.)

BNW [Option] - Assyria Library.Civ5Save
End the turn.
Knowledge is Power (As Assyria, use a Royal Library filled with a Great Work to train a unit that begins with a promotion.)

BNW [Brent] - Pyramid Scheme.Civ5Save
Go to the Culture Overview screen and put the artifact from the Museum into the free spot of the Louvre.
Pyramid Scheme (Playing as France, get the Louvre to the maximum theming bonus of 16.)

BNW [FeiLing] - Venice Order.Civ5Save
End the turn. Select "Wait...just one more turn". Then capture Addis Abeba!
Queen of the Adriatic (Beat the game on any difficulty as Enrico Dandolo)
Workers of the World - Unite! (Win a Cultural Victory using the Order Ideology.)
Better Red Than Dead (Win a Conquest Victory using the Order Ideology.)
The Great Betrayal (As Venice, capture the Holy City of the religion that the city of Venice follows.)

BNW [FeiLing] - British Rock.Civ5Save
Do a Concert Tour.
British Invasion (Perform a Concert Tour with an English Great Musician in American territory.)

BNW [FeiLing] - Shoshone.Civ5Save
Take a ruin with the one guy on the far left, then capture Thebes.
Sacagawea's Legacy (As the Shoshone, discover 5 ancient ruins with the same Shoshone Pathfinder.)
The Great Spirit (Beat the game on any difficulty as Pocatello.)

Gods & Kings Achievements:

Empires of the Smoky Skies Scenario:
DL & copy the files to this folder: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single

End the turn (and select the "just one more turn" option afterwards).
The Alexman (Beat the game on Warlord difficulty.)
Sticky Fingers (Use a spy to steal Technology from a competitor.)
Modern Major-General (Win the Empires of the Smoky Skies scenario.)
Quite Accomplished (Retain control of the same honourable title for the entire length of the game it is available in the Empires of the Smoky Skies scenario.)

Open the Diplomacy Window and contact Dalmace. Select the Discuss option and then share intrigue.
Gentlemen's Agreement (Share intrigue with another player in the Empires of the Smoky Skies scenario.)

The only active Flyer unit should be selected - if not, it's the Northernmost one. When selecting, make sure to click on the triangle icon to select the flyer, not the airship. Attack Antwerp's already damaged artillery unit with a Tile Attack.
Sky Admiral (Destroy an enemy unit with a Flyer based at a Sky Fortress in the Empires of the Smoky Skies scenario.)
Quite Accomplished (Retain control of the same honourable title for the entire length of the game it is available in the Empires of the Smoky Skies scenario.)

Fall of Rome Scenario:
DL & copy the files to this folder: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\\ModdedSaves\single

Capture Rome and Constantinople.
I Sunk Your Imperial Capital! (Capture Rome as the Vandals using a boat in the Fall of Rome scenario.)
Turks Shmurks! (Capture Constantinople as any enemy power in the Fall of Rome scenario.)
Double KO (Capture both Rome and Constantinople in the same game in the Fall of Rome scenario.)

Capture the Sassanid city, then end the turn.
I Missed That Day in History Class (Capture any Sassanid city as the Celts in the Fall of Rome scenario.)
Et tu, Brute (Win the Fall of Rome scenario.)
Celtic Thunder (Beat the game on any difficulty as Boudicca.)

End the turn.
Pax Romana Aeternum (Win the game as Eastern or Western Rome on Deity and have all your original cities under your control in the Fall of Rome scenario.)

Into the Renaissance Scenario:
DL & copy the files to this folder: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single
WARNING: The map for this scenario is huge. It takes ages to load initially and for every turn to process!

Capture Constantinople with the Privateer (and optionally use the active Missionary to spread your religion).
Mehmet the Conqueror (As the Turks, conquer Istanbul on Deity in the Into the Renaissance scenario.)
Missionary Man (Spread your Religion to an opponent with a Missionary.)

Capture Jerusalem.
Richard the Lionheart (As England, conquer Jerusalem on Emperor or above in the Into the Renaissance scenario.)

End the turn.
Renaissance Man (Win the Into the Renaissance scenario.)
Reconquista Who? (Win as the Almohads on Emperor or above in the Into the Renaissance scenario.)

(Capture Rabat and) end the turn.
Never take our freedom! (Win as the Celts on Emperor or above in the Into the Renaissance scenario.)
Celtic Thunder (Beat the game on any difficulty as Boudicca.)

End the turn.
The Yokes on the Mongols (Win as Russia on Emperor or above in the Into the Renaissance scenario.)
WARNING: This last turn may take several minutes to process even on a decent PC!

General G&K Achievements:
DL & copy the files to this folder: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Saves\single

End the turn. If you need to, you can bully 140 gold per CS for the 'lunch money' achievement. Or just vote in the UN to win.
RAM Usage (Research Satellites while playing as Attila on a huge map.)
Scourge of Everyone (Beat the game on any difficulty as Attila.)
Gimme Your Lunch Money! (Bully 3000 gold from City-States across any number of playthroughs.)

Note: Even if you bully all the CSs, you'll still get enough votes to diplomatically win the game.

Conquer Douglas using one of the 4 Landships.
Last Crusade (Capture the city that built Petra using a Landship.)

Found the city with the one remaining Settler.
Longest. Name. Ever. (Have the city of Llanfairpwllgwyngyll in your empire.)

Nuke the hunic city of Coba in the north. Then capture Attila's Court.
Apocalypse Now (As the Maya, nuke a city in the year 2012.)
Baktun the Future (Beat the game on any difficulty as Pacal.)

Choose any Pantheon.
Gad Zeus! (Found a Pantheon.)

Found any religion.
Propheteering (Found a Religion.)

End the turn.
Indoctrinated! (Lose dominant status in your Holy City to an opponent’s Religion.)

Use the Inquisitor in Madrid to Remove Heresy.
Nobody expects... (As Spain, use an Inquisitor to remove another Religion.)

Use the Great Prophet to spread the religion. Then go to the Espionage Overview and have Special Agent 'Doktor Seriy' attempt a coup in Almaty.
There is a 85% success chance for this - if it fails, load the save once more and try again. Then end the turn for the Great Firewall to complete.
Holier Than Thou (Become the dominant Religion in an opponent’s Holy City.)
Junta for Red October (Use a Spy to successfully stage a City-State coup.)
Holy Father (Select the Papal Primacy Belief and Ally with 12 City-States.)
Access Denied (Construct the Great Firewall Wonder.)

End the turn (might not work 100% of the time).
Whack a Mole (Find and kill an enemy Spy.)
From Russia with Love (As Russia, kill an English Spy.)

End the turn for "Smooth Talking" or if you don't need that capture Madrid on this turn already with one of the Sea Beggar ships.
Smooth Talking (Use a Spy to gain influence with a City-State.)
Silent No More (Beat the game on any difficulty as William of Orange.)
Capture of Brielle (Capture a Spanish Coastal City with a Dutch Sea Beggar.)

Attack the Ballistae with the one Elephant first and then Rome.
Hannibal’s Crossing (As Carthage, attack a Roman Unit with an African Forest Elephant from a mountain tile.)
No White Flag Here (Beat the game on any difficulty as Dido.)

Contact Darius I (Persia), select the Discuss option and and share Intrigue. End the turn. Now use the Great Prophet next
to Rome to Spread Religion. Finally either add the last spaceship part in Stockholm or Vote in the UN to win the game.
Intelligence Network (Share intrigue with a player who previously shared intrigue with you.)
We are Family (Become the dominant Religion in every Capital city on a standard-size or larger map.)
Lion of the North (As Sweden, start a turn with your Great General stacked with a Hakkapelitta.)
Defender of the Faith (Beat the game on any difficulty as Gustavus Adolphus.)
The Pen is Mightier (Win a Diplomatic Victory.) -or- Go Boldly Where No Man Has Gone Before (Win a Space Victory.)

"We are Family" is apparently bugged and only works in a hotseat game.
Copy this savefile into the following folder (if you don't, the load button will be disabled!):
C:\Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Saves\hotseat

To load this savegame you need to go to "Multiplayer --> Hot Seat --> Load Game (a tiny button at the very bottom).
After it loaded click on "continue". Then use the Great Prophet to 'Found a Religion' in Persepolis.
We are Family (Become the dominant Religion in every Capital city on a standard-size or larger map.)

Go to the top left corner of the map and assimilate Kathmandu through Diplomatic Marriage.
Yoink! (As Austria, acquire a City-State with 15 or more units through Diplomatic Marriage.)

End the turn. Then capture Washington.
Rastafari Messiah (As Ethiopia, earn 5 Great Prophets.)
Colonize This! (Beat the game on any difficulty as Haile Selassie.)

Add the last Spaceship part in Constantinople and select to play "one more turn". Your Dromons are set up to sink 9 greek ships. Do so. Then end the turn and kill another of the two low hp ships if you didn't get the achievement yet.
Greek Fire (As Byzantines, sink 10 Greek ships with a Dromon.)
Dancer, Actress, Empress, Victor (Beat the game on any difficulty as Empress Theodora.)
The download link for

Just end the turn.
Samurai Delicatessen (Win as Japan) [0.1%]
Dragon Emperor (Win on Emperor) [0.1%]"

Goes to the save file for the chinese save before it

Capture Busan via an amphibious attack again.

Other than that, thank you for these. I legitimately got the chinese deity win for the korean scenario and it was a pain in the ass. So some of these will help a great deal.
Well thanks but this really is cheating and devalues the achievements.

You don't have to use it if you don't like. Personally I'm going to use it for the worthless grindy achievements, like chop 1000 forests etc. However, if someone wants the achievements and doesn't want to earn them that's up to them, it's not like achievements unlock anything.
Well thanks but this really is cheating and devalues the achievements.

Everybody has their diffrent views.

If I want an achievement I find a way to get it, if it feels that I earned it and I get the satisfaction I deserve it.

For example i cheated to get Win as China achievement (not using the above saves, I found a diffrent way) but I didn't feel that I deserved it so I played again and won normally, thus satisyfing the achievement 'again'.
Well thanks but this really is cheating and devalues the achievements.

You also have to consider that you can't earn achievements in MP or with Mods. There are a ton of cases where I legitimately fulfilled the requirements for an achievement but it didn't unlock simply because I was playing a MP game. Besides, it's not really for you to judge how others want to play their game.
You also have to consider that you can't earn achievements in MP or with Mods. There are a ton of cases where I legitimately fulfilled the requirements for an achievement but it didn't unlock simply because I was playing a MP game.

Good point. I prefer to get everything legit but my breaking point was when during the holiday event Binding of Isaac's objective was very random, unreliable and you could only get it during a specific timeframe. And Super Meat Boy's achievement was a gigantic act of douchebaggery.
Super Meat Boy, even watching Hamster's Let's PLay frustrated me, I would lose my brain over the game.. anyways, we're getting off topic here.
Thanks tithin; that link is fixed now.

Finally finished all achievements for the Wonders of the Ancient World Scenario... which was really hard to win on Deity difficulty... took me about 5 attempts (all with Egypt) and lots of saving/reloading (in case of scouts walking into barbarians etc).

Guess you need a really good resource distribution, luck with ruins (and not losing any scouts) and also a lot of luck with the other AIs, so that each of them get some wonders done instead. Oracle is impossible, which leaves 8 wonders to attempt at. Hanging gardens is impossible, as the AI starts basically with all techs researched already. 7 to go... getting 4 might be possible, but most of the time you get beaten to each and every single one :D You'll need to make 3 though and hope that no one else gets 3 on their own, as any AI will always have more points not related to wonders than you due to various cities and a huge population. Really glad I'm done with that now :w00t:
Thanks for these. Some of these achievements are truly frustrating and/or kill computers (take years to load). Got the Great Khan achievements? I'm having real trouble with Deity Genghis, which I was planning to cheese....until they fixed the achievements so you had to actually win the scenario the hard way, rather than just by having the most points.
Wow, interesting idea. Are you working on any more of these saves?

Also, I think it is possible to unlock achievements in Multiplayer games, but only from Player 1. Playing an ancient leader game on the Mediterrainean, Ramesses II was the first player in the turn cycle, I used a nuke for the first time as Rama and I got the I Haz Nukes? badge then. Consider trying to make the first player achieve the goals.
If anybody wants "scenario" achievements (by that I don't mean actual scenarios, but just maps that will help unlock certain achievements quickly) then ask me :) I can do them no problem :)
Finally did and added:
Ruler of the Seas (As Elizabeth, sink and destroy 357 enemy naval units, across any number of playthroughs.) [0.2%]
Didn't turn out as hard as I thought. Actually killed about 480 barb ships in that single game in a single playthrough. You can not get that one in a single turn, however the savegame enables you to quickly gain progress by killing ~5 ships per turn.

Also note: I added text in the first posting for upcoming saves for DLC01, 02, 03 and 04. However I haven't done these yet. If there's no link yet, there's no link yet.
And a personal announcement: Just finished all of the basic achievements. Only those related to these 4 Scenarios are still missing for me now :)
Thanks for the saves!

I did notice that one, the Darius/Prince save for the Wonders of the Ancient World DLC doesn't work. The moment you load the file, it auto-advances to the next round as if the save was done after hitting 'Next Turn' but before it fully processed.
I'm attaching Darius Prince save for the Ancient Wonders scenario that should work. Just need to press end turn.

Had golden age pop right as I was beating up Sumer. Ah, I love Darius' UA :love:


  • DariusPrinceAncientWonders.Civ5Save
    794 KB · Views: 1,009
One thing that should be said for anyone achievement hunting. On any of these games make sure you build one of each UU for each Civ for the game you loaded so you can get the Build one of each unit achievement. Also in the load as Germany where you fully explore the tech tree it's a good idea to build a GDR (if you haven't already) and an ICBM (if you haven't already).

For this be aware that upgrading to a unit does not count towards this achievement, the units have to be built/purchased.
One thing that should be said for anyone achievement hunting. On any of these games make sure you build one of each UU for each Civ for the game you loaded so you can get the Build one of each unit achievement. Also in the load as Germany where you fully explore the tech tree it's a good idea to build a GDR (if you haven't already) and an ICBM (if you haven't already).

For this be aware that upgrading to a unit does not count towards this achievement, the units have to be built/purchased.
Good point. Note however that in many of these saves the civs unique unit is already obsolete. So don't assume you "did" all of the UUs if you got the winning achievement for civ X from such a savegame. One should keep track of this in a personal textfile manually or via the achievement_debug.log as described in the OP.

Thanks for the saves!
I did notice that one, the Darius/Prince save for the Wonders of the Ancient World DLC doesn't work. The moment you load the file, it auto-advances to the next round as if the save was done after hitting 'Next Turn' but before it fully processed.
Weird. No clue what happened there. Maybe it's an autosave from the wrong turn... don't recall that though...

I'm attaching Darius Prince save for the Ancient Wonders scenario that should work. Just need to press end turn.
Thanks! That works. Added it to the list in the OP.
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