Comings, Goings, and New Arrivals VI

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Lol, we've been congratulating him in the palcew that mattersfor some time now. But, then, he deserves the congrats.
So I'm gone from this Thursday until at least next week. I'm getting married on Saturday and then going off to my honeymoon, so internet browsing is pretty much off the radar until I get back.

I've been coming here less and less since the forum split (and ive been really busy at home obviously), and I imagine that will continue into the future. At any rate, after Thursday, see yall in a while.

You should post pictures of the happy couple. And congratulations.
So I'm gone from this Thursday until at least next week. I'm getting married on Saturday and then going off to my honeymoon, so internet browsing is pretty much off the radar until I get back.

I've been coming here less and less since the forum split (and ive been really busy at home obviously), and I imagine that will continue into the future. At any rate, after Thursday, see yall in a while.
Let us hope your wedding goes better than this:

Link to video.
But seriously, congratulations!
So I'm gone from this Thursday until at least next week. I'm getting married on Saturday and then going off to my honeymoon, so internet browsing is pretty much off the radar until I get back.

Be sure to eat a nice hearty breakfast that day despite probably not feeling very hungry. You really don't want to be this guy:

Link to video.
Popping in to say hello and introduce myself so no one thinks I'm a spambot :wavey: I used to play Civ3 back in the day but slowly got away from it. I recently repurchased Civ3 and am having a blast getting my butt handed to me until I learn how to play again. I remembered always lurking on here to get tips and was glad to find you all again.

So if you see me popping up in the Civ3 forums asking dumb noob questions, please be kind to a girl who's just trying to remember how to play. That is all.
Welcome to the forums. How's Sir Lester?
Hallo world,

Just wanted to drop by and introduce myself as a thoroughly human non-spambot. I've been playing Civ on and off over the years, but recently got drawn back to Civ 3 (the only one on my ageing laptop these days) after reading the viral internet story of the 10-year Civ 2 game that ended in an Orwellian dystopia - just have to love the endless potential of these games.

I've lurked on these forums on and off, too, and enjoyed picking up lots of tips, so here's to many more. Despite that, I'm still very much a newbie in terms of playing - I hope to put in a few hours over the summer and get up the difficulty levels against the AI, and would love to try a PBEM game one day, but worry that I'll be slaughtered the first few times! (I also have finals in three weeks, so now is NOT the time to commit to anything!). But with luck, I'll be kicking around here a bit more vocally than in the past...

Cheers :)
Welcome! And, as tailless said, abandon the boat named OT while there is still some sanity left.
Don't be silly. Anyone who comes here never had any sanity to begin with.

Thanks for the welcome - and the slightly dubious warning! I shall don a hard hat when venturing into these shadowy corners of the forums next time...

Thanks also for the link to the modding forum, Takhisis. Part of the reason I came here was to find ways of giving Civ III a new lease of life - looking forward to trying some of them.
Don't listen to those bloody colonials - I'm the only sane here one. Woof, woof! :crazyeye:
Don't listen to the bloody imperials, I'm the only serious one.

Thanks for the welcome - and the slightly dubious warning! I shall don a hard hat when venturing into these shadowy corners of the forums next time...

Thanks also for the link to the modding forum, Takhisis. Part of the reason I came here was to find ways of giving Civ III a new lease of life - looking forward to trying some of them.
Yes, you should play the Hegemon and Escape from Zombie Island scenarios, as well as many others!
Don't listen to those bloody colonials - I'm the only sane here one. Woof, woof! :crazyeye:
Silence, you trouser-wearing barbarian! Long live King Salmond, who will lead us to glory, days of a kitten in every man's sporran and in every woman's, er… moving on here, and the total destruction of the southern invaders!
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