The Great DoC UHV v 1.10 challenge

Yeah, the "no new random seed on reload" rule can be easily circumvented in most cases. You could also use reloads in a larger scale, for example to see how a war works out, and reload in case you can't make it.
This is actually the way I play - dealing with whatever hand I'm dealt and only very rarely reloading. But I can understand if most people view it differently, and I'm fine with it.

Me too, but sometimes when you load a game and its completely broken then you just have to start again. I played a Prussian game once and both France and Germany had collapsed before I even spawned! That would've been ridiculously boring.

What I'm actually looking for is a consensus on the definition of the honor system. So far there's 2 posts (yours and Strijder) saying worldbuilder is not ok, and reloading is ok.

I agree with that, but only reloading if it's something game breaking or a genuine mistake. Something like "damn, Greece just got the Oracle but I could have whipped it last turn, now I can't win" rather than "Oh I lost that battle" or "Oh I wanted something better from that hut".
I agree with that, but only reloading if it's something game breaking or a genuine mistake. Something like "damn, Greece just got the Oracle but I could have whipped it last turn, now I can't win" rather than "Oh I lost that battle" or "Oh I wanted something better from that hut".

I agree there's a difference between the two. But it's still done in hindsight, even if no RNG is involved. But maybe I'm roleplaying too much, or being too competitive about it. After playing mmos for so many years, using saves to correct mistakes isn't in my gaming culture anymore.
If you want to follow the precedent set in the 1.9 UHV Thread, do as follows:

-No custom alterations to your game files, whatsoever. Only sanctioned ones like VD are allowed.
-No Worldbuilder of any sort, except in rare/buggy circumstances
(Capture a city to raze it, only to not be given the option or vassal conquering a city and ownership somehow transferring to you).

Reloads are okay.
^As for that rule, does that apply to flipping as well? Suppose I have an America save, and they've built awful cities. Can I WB them out of existence so I don't flip them?

No. You would have to reroll.
And touching on a related subject.
I think we can universally agree that one is not allowed to start with one civ,
then switch to another to win their UHV.
Reloads definitely take out a big portion of excitement of the game. Civ is a game full of decisions, and some of them are just very risky, but that makes a game full of tension which is good. I agree with the general consensus in this thread. I only reload when i completely forgot something, like some enemies threatening a city, who i could easily destroy. Rolling as much starts as you want seems fine for me too.
It will surely be beaten, but...

Maya : end 1495, score 2187


Founded Oxwitik on silver and Huaxyacac on stone with two first settlers, one warrior in each and the third one exploring NA for the huts. Researched sailing, mathematics, calendar, CoL (of course), then bronze and iron working (for dye and jungle mines), and machinery (for crossbowmen). Built some catapults, founded chicago (for iron) then swordmen. Smashed Aztecs ASAP, razed Tenochtitlan (too close to Huaxyacac) and kept Tuitan (1NE of deer). Bring everybody back to capital, waiting for conquerors : Spain finally came in 1480 on the Tenochtitlan spot, so had to come back to Huaxyacac, and finally crush them to get GG.
It will surely be improved, as I'm not such a good player, but at least I'm the first to do it !


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It will surely be beaten, but...

Tempting! I love playing Maya.

Edit: regarding your tech path, it's much better to research Bronze Working before Code of Laws, for chopping in North America and to improve the calendar resource by Huaxyacac. Iron Working is not needed to build plantations in jungle. You'll still want it for units, of course.
About Iran, the thing is, I suppose, not to make the goal civ easier (example : build cities in Germany with Rome, before switching to HRE as soon as it spawns). So starting with the Netherlands in 1500 just before switching should be OK, or with any civ far away from Iran (not Arabia, Ottoman or this kind) and you don't make absurd things.
Not sure whether this one even counts, since I never got a single point of combat experience and it automatically scores the third victory condition in 1600AD. This game was totally botched. I accepted the Aztec offer for vassalage and decided to tech up together to face the conquerors. Who never arrived. I ended up sending a caravel over to meet Europe.

Spoiler :

Note the very strong Ottoman empire. They had decent tech and controlled not only their usual territory but also all of Greece and Egypt, and were working on conquering independent Saudi Arabia.


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Did it properly this time. The entire game was a setup for a bloody fight with Inca, which unfortunately took a bit longer than I had hoped, but still makes for a very early victory. Founded capital on silver and second city on stone, as usual. A third city followed on Aztec silver, since I was planning to win before Aztec spawn and it's a great location.

With Calendar done in 600 AD, I settled another city on the cotton, eventually working the gold as well. Two more cities were settled north of Inca land, on the gold and on the cotton, both to get more commerce and to store my troops for the battle to come. Most cities cranked out warriors non-stop, with a few galleys to ferry them across the sea. Tuitan made the required Temple of Kukulkan, some defenses to hold off the barbarians, then catapults and holkan to join the battle later. This proved entirely unnecessary, but I'm getting ahead of myself!

The turn before Inca spawned, I pushed my stack of 30-something warriors forward, ready to be flipped, and settled a city in Inca land to incite war. But they didn't get my warriors immediately, as I had hoped. It took a few turns for "some of our forces" to join the war of liberation. The Inca burned all their gold on upgrading these warriors, but I had saved up over 2000 gold as well and could upgrade the remaining warriors to axemen with a randomly discovered iron source near Tuitan. It was a massacre, a bloody meatgrinder, but in the end both Inca and Maya were blessed with great generals, and all was well!

Spoiler :



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Tell me Leoreth have you played with Mali and enjoyed your game? I did not. Playing Mali is horrible :mad: You are complitely mercy at random events and elements. Here are some facts:

Timbuktu does not have any kind of production.
Your UU is horrible compared to your enemies which you can defeat only by their ramdomness.
You cant stop pillaging.
You dont have time to hoard all that gold and have good defence to defend your tiles.

Here some elements that wil destroy your game. And you cant avoid them!

Barbs will pop-up randomly in any direction.
Lost a starting unit? Was your city razed? No UHV for you.
Did plague kill majority of your population and ruined commerce? Too bad, no UHV for you.
You were unlucky and did not spawn Great Merchant? Later Great Profet. No UHV again lol.
More imps and cavalry units than you can handle? See how your improments are burning.

Getting first goal was easy. However there is always a chance that random barbarian unit will spawn next to your merchant during traveling and kill it.
Second is pure luck. How can you get a Great Profet? You can build only Islamic temple on a city to generate Great Profet but you have only one slot, so you need to employ other great people as well. But then you cannot be sure you spawn GP and game over. Building University of Sankore is possible if you can make Timbuktu big enough and whip it. But you need to trade extra health recources from aboard. Oh but pillaging imps? Yup, traiding ivory is indeed very hard.
And then you need to get 7500 gold in year 1500. 27500 in 1700 :sad: I dont even need to comment this one.

All this happend when I was playing viceroyalty level game.
1) You don't need to build Timbuktu on the starting spot at all.
2) Buy Mercenaries to defend your improvements. If you can get your hands on a Crossbowman, Impis are no problem any more. Jumbos counter Camel Archers.
3) You can conquer a city with Christianity and spread it to your cities, which allows 2 Prophets. Just hire a Prophet in a city where you don't spawn your GM (e.g. Accra on the coast) asap, and its perfectly doable.

However, I agree that a Plague might make things impossible.
Fun game untill the buggy end!

ended at 40% catho in 1700 and 40% in 1703 but the 3 rd uhv said "failed" eventho catho was at 40% for several turns.

I ll link my 1700 save, press end turn and check catho, still at 40%

Any have suceeded with spain catho spread lately?


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Timbuktu does not have any kind of production.

Didn't Leoreth add new resources near Timbuktu? If not, I would recommend settling your capital at Wagadugu (Ouagadougu?) to the east. It cripples your southern cities a bit but the production is vastly better.
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