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Surrender to Kueche

Posted by justanick:

It believe playing exactly one turn is preferable. As we cannot reach Aerie in this turn playing at least one additional turn is needed. As long as there are any settlers or settlements left the eagle nation will not cease to exist. In theory we could build a fleet and transfer troops to the hellgate island in order to capture the 2 yet to be founded settlements and the left workers. This would take a couple of turns with relativly little gain. An alternative could be to rushbuild a cavalry in a city on the Hellgate island. That would cost 316 Gold per cavalry. Those 2 solutions tend to consume too much time and or gold. As long as Aerie has its current culture it will take titles from other cities. This leads to starvations. If we take Aerie and are at war Aerie and Darkside will starve due unhappyness due to the war. So my guess is that the cheapest solution will also be the best one. I suggest this procedure:

turn148-Küche: We accept the peace offer. We declare war and take the 3 undefended workerstacks near Chambo. We sent a peace offer that includes the cities on the hellgate island.

turn148-Eagles: You accept the peace offer. You found a city and attach the other settler to the new city. You attach the moveable workers there to the other settlements on the island. You remove the musket that defends the workers near Chambo and remove military from Aerie if there is military left. You sent all the cities on the hellgate island back.

turn149-Küche: We accept the cities. We declare war and take Aerie. This will annex the eagle nation. All your left units will cease to exist.

PS: I am sorry for the delay. Your offer to surrender caught us a bit off-guard.
Ok. At least we wil have Hell's Kitchen for 1 turn.

Notice justanick is sorry for the delay, not for annihilating us....
As a final action I sent all island towns to Kueche along with our remaining 10 gold and all of our maps.

turn147 final action.JPG

The Eagles are now history. This once glorious nation has led itself into demise. But it will not just die, its remains will support The Kueche to victory. :D
The game is over: A draw...

Liebe Eagles,
Zuallererst wollen wir euch für dieses großartige Spiel danken. Ihr wart ein würdiger Gegner in diesem ISDG, loyal und vertragstreu zu Friedenszeiten und ein mehr als ebenbürtiger Gegner im Krieg, auch wenn es am Ende mit etwas Glück für uns besser ausging.
Das Spiel endet hier, nicht nur für euch, auch für uns. Wir, Deutsche Küche, haben die Bruderschaft vor ihrer Auslöschung bewahrt, sie haben sich einige Runden später ebenso revanchiert - wir verdanken dem jeweils Anderen unser Überleben. Im Zuge dessen haben wir eine bis ins tiefe Industrialzeitalter reichende Forschungsallianz geschlossen und erklärt, das Spiel im Spacerace entscheiden zu wollen. "Dank" der relativ niedrigen Forschungskosten wäre für ein spannendes Rennen jedoch ein Savegameedit nötig gewesen, ferner hatte auch keiner mehr große Lust an 50 Runden reinem Optimierungsspiel. Die militärische Alternative wurde verworfen, da weder die Knights noch wir eine Invasion auf einem militärisch ähnlich hochgerüsteten Kontinent nach der Verlegung von Schienen für sinnvoll erachten.
So wurde beschlossen, das Spiel unentschieden zu beenden. Falls Mitglieder der Eagles sich an der Regel 5.3. "Ein Allianzsieg ist ausgeschlossen. Nur ein einziges Team kann das Spiel gewinnen" stoßen, würde entweder die Deutsche Küche oder die Bruderschaft formal abdanken. Wir denken jedoch, dass wir in diesem Fall euer Verständnis haben.

Jimmy, Deutsche Küche


Dear Eagles,
At first Deutsche Küche wants to thank you. Your team was a worthy rival in this ISDG, loyal and true in times of peace and a more than equal foe in times of war. In the end it turned out to the better for us, but there was a lot of luck involved there as well.
Now, we think we have to inform you that this game ends at this Point as well. We, Deutsche Küche, helped the Brotherhood to survive in their time of greatest need as they did us - we owe each other our lives. We signed a scientific alliance with them that goes up to late Industrial Age and we declared to have this ISDG decided in Spacerace. Due to the relatively low research costs this would have been quite boring and unfair, since it would just have been about half a turn difference in launching the spaceship. We discarded the alternative - forcing a military decision - for both our teams think that invading an equally equipped enemy on their continent after the invention of railroads is quite fruitless.
So we agreed to end this game in a draw. We are aware of rule 5.3. "An allied victory is excluded. Only one team can win the game" but I think you understand our reasoning in this case. Still, if one of you cannot live with this irregularity one of our teams would formally resign to please you (but I think this won't be necessary).

Yours sincerely,
Jimmy, Deutsche Küche
Good game, all. :thumbsup:
That's... anticlimactic. But I certainly understand their reasoning. :(

Despite the unfortunate ending, it certainly was a great game and a great team to be a part of! :goodjob:
I am sorry that the whole discussion over at civforum.de is in German.

The point I am/was angry about was the fact that templar_x has described our (Eagles) play as bad from the beginning to the end, without some concrete reason. And I defended our game, as I mentioned, we built up the strongest nation, which is fact.

And of course Knights and Anarchie also started again bashing heads. :)

BTW, what do we need to do to open our forumd to everybody? Cyc?
I am sorry that the whole discussion over at civforum.de is in German.

The point I am/was angry about was the fact that templar_x has described our (Eagles) play as bad from the beginning to the end, without some concrete reason. And I defended our game, as I mentioned, we built up the strongest nation, which is fact.
The MS Translator makes Germans look like illiterates, which I know they're not. It's just really tiring to read page after page of it. I wouldn't worry about temp.

And of course Knights and Anarchie also started again bashing heads. :)
I got that. It's just that the translator messes up the details, so it all sounds so vague. It also sounded like Lanzelot claiming that we really could have won the game if we would have stuck to our guns.

BTW, what do we need to do to open our forumd to everybody? Cyc?
I'll get in touch with the Moderators and have them open the forums. :thumbsup:
I've been reading it a bit. I gather that Lanzelot was saying that we would have won if we went straight for cavs instead of universities? Certainly much more constructive than "you're bonkers and you played bad from the beginning".
I've been reading it a bit. I gather that Lanzelot was saying that we would have won if we went straight for cavs instead of universities? Certainly much more constructive than "you're bonkers and you played bad from the beginning".

Yes, right :)
Now I don't want to sound like sour grapes, but the map was... regrettable to say the least. This outcome is predictable: whoever conquers their continent first wins. The Brotherhood likely had this game won once Anarchy folded.

I disagree. All three parties left in turn 123 made mistakes at a significant scale and at that point in time it was impossible to predict the outcome of the ISDG. With a little bit of better planning and a bit more luck you could have easily annexed Küche and after that the Brotherhood could as well surrender as alone they had little chances against the research superpower.
It may also be important to notice that the continent of the Brotherhood was significantly smaller than ours. Therefore we promised the big hellgate peninsula to them. It was also a reason why war broke out first on their continent and an alliance brotherhood-anarchy was less likely.
Notice justanick is sorry for the delay, not for annihilating us....

Am not. :japan:
I donnot like borders and as you had cities on "my" continent i saw the need to change that. That was one reason why we did not propose to continue the alliance on our continent when anarchy started the first war in turn 88.
I've been reading it a bit. I gather that Lanzelot was saying that we would have won if we went straight for cavs instead of universities? Certainly much more constructive than "you're bonkers and you played bad from the beginning".

Yes, right :)

firstly, only because you don´t like it does not mean it is not true. :p:D

secondly, Calis *does* have a more detailed statement from me on that topic. if he wants to, and if he does not only wish to shed some obscure light on my statement ;), he is free to post what i have said to him.

in short: i cannot believe how you bonkers could give away your victory several times! :lol::lol::lol:

firstly, only because you don´t like it does not mean it is not true. :p:D

secondly, Calis *does* have a more detailed statement from me on that topic. if he wants to, and if he does not only wish to shed some obscure light on my statement ;), he is free to post what i have said to him.

in short: i cannot believe how you bonkers could give away your victory several times! :lol::lol::lol:


I didn't want to translate everything into English ;). But during several conversations, I learned, what happened within the brotherhood. At least templar_x was much more honest with his words than Lanzelot was, although it was more harsh. Templar_x already asked me to travel to Vienna to throw a gauntlet at his feet. ;)
Post it, Calis. If you read through their forums, you can see that their assumptions were wrong. Let's see what he has to say.
But during several conversations, I learned, what happened within the brotherhood. At least templar_x was much more honest with his words than Lanzelot was, although it was more harsh.

:confused: I did not say anything, did I? At the time you and templar were leading negotiations, I was so disgusted with the way my team was conducting the game, that I let templar do the negotiations with the Eagles and took no part in that. At that point of time we had already signed a tech deal with the Anarchos about Republic, which included an agreement of not trading these techs to a third party, so I could not understand, how templar could offer Republic to you as well. I didn't want to have anything to do with that, but unfortunately I was outvoted 3-1. As I didn't want to betray my own team I couldn't speak to you, so I better kept silent.
:confused: I did not say anything, did I? At the time you and templar were leading negotiations, I was so disgusted with the way my team was conducting the game, that I let templar do the negotiations with the Eagles and took no part in that. At that point of time we had already signed a tech deal with the Anarchos about Republic, which included an agreement of not trading these techs to a third party, so I could not understand, how templar could offer Republic to you as well. I didn't want to have anything to do with that, but unfortunately I was outvoted 3-1. As I didn't want to betray my own team I couldn't speak to you, so I better kept silent.

Just take a look at the German Bro' - Kueche thread. There you mentioned that you just wanted to stall us with these negotiations.
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