Finalizing v1.11


Blue Period
Aug 23, 2009
I have just finished the final point on my to do list, so we're getting close to the next release! Close means a few weeks in this case, because I'm sure there will be a lot of feedback still that I need to take care of. But the list of features is closed for now.

The main things I want to take care of before release:
- find great people names for all the new civs (see here)
- balance the 1700 AD scenario (feedback please still in this thread)
- balance the new civs and their UHVs (feedback here please)
- map changes in northern Europe
- fix bugs (see list below)

Current list of issues I will fix before release:
- diplomusic: San Martin, Juarez, Maria
- civilopedia texts / building requirements
- remove obsolete hints
- fix Indian tech bug if it really exists (?)
- fix Colombian settler maps and cores
- fix Colombian UHV display

If there's something that has been reported already and I have forgotten about it, or you wish to report something new, please do it here. Other comments that don't belong into one of the linked threads are welcome here as well. I will use this thread as a central location to keep track of the necessary tasks before release.

(This thread is not for discussion purposes.)
- balance the new civs and their UHVs (feedback here please)

Personally I found the new civs to be pretty well balanced (haven't played Columbia yet), but did think Mexico's three GG goal was a bit much given the time limits. The fact Mexico flips most of Mexico immediately reduces the fighting you need to do for the cathedral goal, and the cathedral goal forces you to build churches rather than soldiers.

The GG goal essentially forces you to fight America, and whilst that's historically accurate I found it impossible to build enough troops to get the third GG, or hold my own against the hordes of minutemen that America has by that point. Not sure if anyone else has had these problems, but personally I would either set it to two GGs, or give Mexico a bigger starting stack and force them to conquer rather than flip most of the cities.
That's a good point. With the civic changes I intend to introduce a civic that gives +50% GG emergence, but that's after the release so something has to be done now. So reducing it to two generals would be the temporary solution.
Oh, yes. I completely forgot about that.
Will you be using the Scandinavia Revamp ideas for Northern Europe?
I could run the stability map creator right before release and include the resulting maps.
Speaking of stability maps, there are a couple spots where mountains used to be that are marked foreign when they should be historical. Will that be fixed?
Yes, it's just tiresome to identify all of them.
The Columbia didn't have the tech of nationalism at the beginning,but the first column of its civics is Autocracy...
They have Nationalism now.
Any reason why this wouldn't be considered v2.0?

There have been some significant changes in the recent updates. I think it would warrant a new version number.
Any reason why this wouldn't be considered v2.0?

There have been some significant changes in the recent updates. I think it would warrant a new version number.
The plan was originally to call the feature closed version of this mod 2.0. Let's see if I get there before I reach 20 after the dot ...

In the latest SVN yes there is. It's a Mayan respawn, like Italy is a Roman respawn.
Italy isn't a Roman respawn :mischief:
They have Nationalism now.
The Columbia's allow no European colonies in Latin America need a bit much time limits,
from the beginning in the 1817AD to the deadline of the UHV in 1860AD , there are only 16 turns in the normal speed...but there are many spain city on the island of Caribbean and Montevideo is far from the Bogotá.
It's very hard to finish the first UHV before the deadline in the normal speed...
I haven't played Colombia yet, but the UHV is supposed to also make you rely on the other colonial successor civs to kick Spain out of the Americas. Destabilizing Spain should let Peru appear, and Argentina should take care of Uruguay and Chile.

If it really is unfeasible I will adjust the end dates. But their UHV is definitely supposed to be harder and more hurried than the others.
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