Most annoying "little thing"

Most annoying little thing?

  • Wonder built by opponent just before you get there

    Votes: 44 35.8%
  • Scout takes ruins right before you get to it

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • City state election rigged, dropping your happiness below threshhold

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Worker snatched by enemy you weren't paying attention to

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • Opponent founds city right before your settler arrives

    Votes: 53 43.1%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 12 9.8%

  • Total voters


Jul 14, 2012
My biggest little annoyance is when I click on a unit to give it an order, and then I end up giving the wrong unit the order because the game decided I need to give someone else an order next instead.

That takes the cake because it should NEVER be happening, and yet it does and can cost you a unit, or a settler, or worse: a battle.

I have a lot of patience when it comes to playing CivV but the above mentioned pushes me to the limit.

Playing Vanilla I hate it when a gifted Great Person is ice locked for the duration of the game.

Sending a worker, settler, GP or military unit 3 or 4 spaces over land and it decides to take the sea option and gets killed by a barbarian naval unit. If the sea option was quicker then I would consider it to be my own fault, but invariably there is no advantage in doing so.

Sending a unit a few spaces through a mountain pass, some other 'friendly' unit appears in the narrow route so the ordered unit decides to take a 30 turn detour round the other side of a mountain range.


Sep 16, 2013
Oh, another one that annoys the hell out of me: wandering AI units blocking pathing, especially military units forcing civilians off the road. You can avoid this in your territory by never ever giving open borders (not something I want to always deny), but almost as bad when you're spreading religion and the AI hogs the roads.

Or when city states demand your religion but refuse to move their units out of the way. Or demand a road but won't let your worker into the one tile connecting them to the mainland.

General Tso

Panzer General
Oct 12, 2007
U. S. of A.
I voted for the AI beating me to a Wonder. The buggers always seem to win by just one turn when playing an unmodded game. If this situation bother you I strongly recommend using the Wonder Race mod. It lets you know if you are winning or loosing a wonder race.


Nov 5, 2001
I voted for the AI beating me to a Wonder. The buggers always seem to win by just one turn when playing an unmodded game. If this situation bother you I strongly recommend using the Wonder Race mod. It lets you know if you are winning or loosing a wonder race.

I might figure out modding just for this. I was beat to Colossus by 2 rounds last night and damn near took my ball and went home.


Gooner - first class
Jan 23, 2006
I clear a Barbarian Camp with an archer or have it almost released from its mortal coil only to have some civ swoop in and claim the gold.

Ah, this one definitely enrages me. Washington just did this to me. To make it worse, the barb camp had a worker in it. One I realllllly could have used. His scout wasn't even visible to me. Even though we have a DoF, I think I may wipe him out for that one. It certainly played a part when he had a scout under attack from a barb axeman and I just let it whittle the scout down and kill it. Then I killed the axeman.


The Prince of Dorkness
Jun 15, 2001
Lawrence, MA, USA
My biggest little annoyance is when I click on a unit to give it an order, and then I end up giving the wrong unit the order because the game decided I need to give someone else an order next instead.

That takes the cake because it should NEVER be happening, and yet it does and can cost you a unit, or a settler, or worse: a battle.

This is why I set the Autosave to every turn. Unit A will be highlighted, but I want to move Unit B. So I click on Unit B and move him, but Unit A moves instead (to somewhere that I don't want it to go) because, apparently, the "click" never took affect. Reload last Autosave!

This also happens when I click on the "city attack" bull's-eye on the right side of the screen. The camera will jump to the city for a split second, then jump to another unit that I haven't moved yet. Pisses me off to no end!


Nov 16, 2009
I don't think that losing a wonder is that annoying really. Taking the money and "selling" the wonder can make wonders sometimes especially when you have a city that can't connect with a trade route. Particularly when you build the wonder fully and lose the wonder on the same turn for extra more money.


Feb 14, 2012
I have my auto save for every two or three turns (can't remember off hand).

Still--it's a pain in the butt to have to reload. And what's worse is when you have to keep clicking the unit a half-dozen times. Or when the game refuses to let you select that unit until you select the one that the game demands you move first.

I also get the screen moving when doing the city attack bulls-eye. I go to fire, and suddenly I'm in a different area and a totally different unit moved.

The barb camps are a pain in the butt as well. I've been farming barb camps or going to grab a captured worker, and I have three or four AI scouts suddenly appear like vultures. Needless to say, I back off and have to wait a half-dozen turns until they leave.


Jan 26, 2014
Voted "other". All of the above are cases of the AI doing something it should be trying to (with the exception of Jon's example, the 1-tile-off city). My biggest little annoyance is when I click on a unit to give it an order, and then I end up giving the wrong unit the order because the game decided I need to give someone else an order next instead.

That takes the cake because it should NEVER be happening, and yet it does and can cost you a unit, or a settler, or worse: a battle.

Or worse a GP.....


Aug 16, 2013
Wonder built by opponent just before you get there
-as a CV wondermonger, I'm used to it :lol: on deity anyways

Scout takes ruins right before you get to it
-This makes me scream sometimes (esp. if its a ruins really close to the AIs position and they never really take it for 30 turns until you stumble onto it with your scout and then they suddenly decide they want the ruins); I feel that the AI is programmed to taunt the player or something. :lol:

City state election rigged, dropping your happiness below threshhold
-Almost never happens to me, the happiness part that is... I keep a healthy happiness buffer at all times usually (coups where you had 100 or so influence more than they do on the other hand... makes me want to cry as if I try to counter-coup my poor spy would probably get killed)

Worker snatched by enemy you weren't paying attention to
-as long as I can retrieve it... if not... some poor CS is about to lose their worker :p

Opponent founds city right before your settler arrives
-Used to it... I'll just go somewhere else if there's still somewhere to go :lol: (usually doesn't happen as I'm a pretty late expander, and I block off the area with scouts and archers well beforehand)


Your Lord and Master
Mar 18, 2008
In the depths of computer hell...
How about the happiness balance between the player and the AI is off! How do I only have 3 cities and barely can get over 5-10 happiness and the AI can spam cities mercilessly because they have practically unlimited happiness?


Nov 9, 2013
Settler race for sure.

Also, the most annoying "little thing" on the technical side: that damn cursor stuck at the edge of the screen and dragging your entire map view. Gaaaah!

Hakan-i Cihan

Nov 21, 2005
Another thing that could be mentioned: The pantheon you intend to choose the next turn is snatched away by another player.


Nov 5, 2001
Another thing that could be mentioned: The pantheon you intend to choose the next turn is snatched away by another player.

This probably belongs in the "things I just now discovered" thread, but I had no idea pantheons got used up by previous civs


Feb 16, 2008
Probably not a "little" thing, but the mind-bogglingly stupid border expansion AI drives me NUTS. I shouldn't have to buy this much basic territory. I've literally got a coastal city right now that is ignoring a luxury resource, a fish resource, plus plenty of useful land in favor of.... basic ocean. Turn after turn.


Dec 15, 2012
i have to agree with those talking about auto-unit selection by the game. no Civ... you do not know what unit is best for me to move, thnx. it's definitely a 'little thing' and it's something the devs should have taken out a trillion years ago and is ridiculous


Sep 25, 2012
A couple good "other" options have been listed in here.

#1 most frustrating thing for me is AI units sitting in a tile that blocks you from doing something you need to do. I've had scouts die to barbs because an AI unit moves in my way after my turn, blocking me in. To me, that may as well be an act of war. I also hate that when AI scouts take damage they fortify until healed, refusing to do anything else. One time I had only room for my capital because of terrain and AIs near me. I go for an early war against civ A to acquire a second city. Right as I'm about to move my archers in range to bombard, a near dead scout from civ B moves into a tile I need to occupy and proceeds to sit there for several turns, so I can't get enough archers in range to take the city. In real life, I would say to civ B "yo, you're blocking me from what I need to do. Either this is intentional, and I'ma f--- you up too, or you get out of the way and go heal elsewhere." In game, the AI does it unintentionally, which makes it more frustrating, there is no diplomatic option to say "I need you to move out of my way," and the repercussions for doing anything about it are awful.

#2 someone mentioned another AI stealing a barb camp from you after you were the one to clear out the unit. I hate this, since it's impractical to build military units other than archers in the early game, but archers have 0 chance at moving into the camp if a melee unit from another civ is present. Sometimes CS' will give me a barb camp quest, but when I get there 5 turns later with my archer, they already have a spearman there. I can't do anything, if I kill the unit in the camp, the spearman moves in and takes it. If the spearman kills the unit in the camp, he moves in and takes it anyway. And they wasted my time moving a unit over to a camp they claimed to need help with but didn't. CS who cried wolf, bleh.
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