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What Game Speed Do you Prefer?

Which Game Speed Do You Prefer?

  • Quick

    Votes: 14 14.6%
  • Standard

    Votes: 56 58.3%
  • Epic

    Votes: 20 20.8%
  • Marathon

    Votes: 11 11.5%

  • Total voters


Jul 21, 2014
What game speed do you prefer to play on? and why?

I myself like QUICK, being a casual player, and a little impatient (fun quality for this game right? :sarcasm:)

It's easier for me to stay entertained if I can build units and wonders in about half the time as standard. lol
I usually play Standard. I tried a game recently on Quick because I didn't want to take too long, but I realized I had no clue what the going rates were in diplomacy (RA's, Luxuries, etc.)

I know on Standard I can trade a Luxury for 240 gold or 8 gold + 7gpt. An RA adjustment due to differing eras is 100 gold. An Embassy is 1gpt, while OB is 2gpt. I was lost on Quick as to what those figures translated to.
I play standard because it is easier to compare my progress and is generally what all the top players are using on the forums. I feel quick takes away the ability for good combat, as technology is progressing so quick that upgrading units is hard to deal with. Epic would be my 2nd choice to play at for domination.
Quick, Other speeds just result in more pointless next turn button clicks.
On Quick I feel you don't really get into the eras. You just zip through them. I play standard. If I was more patient I would play one of the slower ones that allows you to get immersed in each era.

Also note, since the AI is bad at war, the slower the game the more time you have to siege a war leading to the game being easier.
I usually play Standard. I tried a game recently on Quick because I didn't want to take too long, but I realized I had no clue what the going rates were in diplomacy (RA's, Luxuries, etc.)

I know on Standard I can trade a Luxury for 240 gold or 8 gold + 7gpt. An RA adjustment due to differing eras is 100 gold. An Embassy is 1gpt, while OB is 2gpt. I was lost on Quick as to what those figures translated to.

All GPT for quick are the same.
All lump sum is 5/6 of standard.
Lux is 200
Strategic is 37.5. AI only accepts 37, so sell in pairs for 75
Does anyone know which speed is the most difficult? The game dynamics are completely changed between quick and marathon, so achieving victory must have different difficulties.

Personally, I play on quick because I like to end the game in one sitting, play rather passively and like to try different strategies. Also, I have a feeling that faster speeds increase difficulty, since you can't afford to waste turns, wars slow you down very much and you get to scout much less at the start.
switched to quick a while ago and never looked back. i both love and hate that it makes less room for error
On higher difficulties, I like to keep the speed standard. At quick speed, you'll have trouble overcoming the AI's advantages before the end. At marathon speed, the AI's advantages will snowball very quickly.
I tend to play Epic most of the time nowadays, because I like the time to enjoy the units (esp. SOTL) - but I think Marathon makes life too easy against the AI.
Epic. I cooked my CIV5GameSpeeds.xml so units and buildings build at the standard rate. I dislike the way you often don't get to build certain units at all simply because you don't have the time to do so before they are outmoded. Whether this makes it easier or harder I'm not sure. The AI wouldn't be tuned for it but OTOH it allows it to build up a bigger numerical advantage with its bonuses.
All GPT for quick are the same.
All lump sum is 5/6 of standard.
Lux is 200
Strategic is 37.5. AI only accepts 37, so sell in pairs for 75

Thanks for this help. I'll have to try it again. But what about RA's? I usually have to pay 28 gold + 3gpt for one era's difference. Would this convert to 23gold (5/6 of 28) + 3gpt (gpt stays the same)?
Epic for sure, you actually get to enjoy the Civs that have a archer UU like Babylon instead of them becoming almost instantly outdated, I was a bit daunted by the turns it took to build stuff INITIALLY but once you progress and build your city up it feels the same as standard at least to me, Epic is the way to go.
Thanks for this help. I'll have to try it again. But what about RA's? I usually have to pay 28 gold + 3gpt for one era's difference. Would this convert to 23gold (5/6 of 28) + 3gpt (gpt stays the same)?

I thought all research agreements are lump sum deals? Anyway, you can just try it, and if it doesn't work you can shift the numbers and try again until the AI accepts.
I thought all research agreements are lump sum deals? Anyway, you can just try it, and if it doesn't work you can shift the numbers and try again until the AI accepts.

The agreement has a base cost in lump sum gold. But, if the two civs are in different Eras, the later Era civ has to kick in something extra (gold, gpt, luxuries). On Standard it's usually equivalent to 100gold or, like, 28 gold + 3gpt (which comes out to 118 gold).

ETA: It's 24 gold + 3gpt (which comes out to 114 gold). I was at work when I originally posted and I checked it out last night.
I like standard as it's an easy metric to compare finish times and I have all the trade figures and durations memorized. Never tried quick. Tried Epic, liked it, but more for my "creative" games or war games. Got frustrated with the end-game though, and the fact that I could sink 21 turns into a wonder and lose it--it was also hard to tell how I was doing as everything was different. Is wonders taking 20 turns normal or terrible? At least on standard nothing took longer than 15 so I felt less bad losing by 1 or 2 turns, it was awful wasted 21 turns and losing a wonder. I can't imagine doing this on marathon. I'd probably never build early wonders out of fear, I'd lose them after 50 turns of work and just conquer the AI's. ;)

Been meaning try a marathon game and set it up so it was super-crowded then try for a long, long conquest game. I figure once you get the units out you can spice up those long turns by fighting all the time. You'd get super-upgraded units quite fast that didn't get outdated.
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