The Forgotten: The Other Civilizations (BNW)

Welcome aboard Hannsinger! The short answer to your question is usually "when it's done". The more helpful question is "what can I do to help these mods come out?"

Welcome to the forum Hannsinger! I think your question should be "when it will be done?" :)p)
What Slovakian civ are you talking about? hiram hasn't been here for a long time.
Actually Hiram's last post is from 3/15 (or 15/3 - whichever you prefer). So I don't think he has 'disappeared' for good, but he did mention a while back that he was quite busy with his science degree (post 1127).
When did Hiram ever confirm that he was actually going to make Slovakia? :confused: Please enlighten me...
(Although I'd actually to see Slovenia/Carantania...)
But Malta is confirmed? That, I can get hyped about. :D Like, modern Malta? Medieval? Or maybe ancient, with all those megalithic temples?

Anyway, I figured I'd drop this civ idea I stumbled upon while looking through Wikipedia, since I can only imagine Hiram doing it. (Although I don't expect he will anyway...) Not a request, but a suggestion if, heaven forbid, we should ever run out.

Alashiya - Ancient Cyprus
I should probably test this to see if it works, but IGE stopped working properly for me and I really don't have time to play a full game to test it out.

As the attachment says, it's Piety and Prestige support for Chimor's UA. Just put it in the Kingdom of Chimor/XML/Buildings folder and make sure to make a backup in case I goofed up somewhere.

But this should give duplicate of JFD's new belief buildings and changes to the old belief buildings, with all of them giving the faith bonus from sea resources.


  • Chimor Piety and Prestige
    2.3 KB · Views: 177
I'm still alive!

So I've been super busy with my studies and mainly playing civ in my downtime. My schedule frees up significantly around the 20th of July so it's very likely that I'll try and get Palmyra put together and out here for you guys to test out around that time.

There's one thing I need some help with however. I was wondering if someone would be able to make a new icon for Palmyra? The current one is a bit too space age and I would rather have something more akin to my original idea:

Also a new icon for Nabataea using this graphic and colour scheme from Rome 2 Total War would be awesome:

I'd make them myself using Sukritact's template but my photoshop trial has long since ended :(.
I'd make them myself using Sukritact's template but my photoshop trial has long since ended :(.

Henry Morgan says yar har!

@The Specialise: Nah, he pretty much wanted exactly this. Here are my versions without those pesky black leftover borders:

I know the colour reference versions aren't needed at all, but i'm way too much of a perfectionist :D

Though I'm a bit worried that the Palmyrene colour scheme may be a bit too... Egyptian.
Nice to see you, to see you nice Hiram!

Also nice to see that Palmyra is finally going to get a mod, it couldn't have come at a better (or worse) time, what with the whole world watching the ruins, and the, erm, "Militants" . . .

Hmm, this is also a good excuse to redo my current Brunei colour scheme, It's identical basically, but I was going to reverse the colours anyway, and I've got even more reason to as it's a bit Egyptian looking.
Very nice icons! Nabataea's is perfect.

Palmyra might need a new graphic though. My original eagle with spear is not such good quality and doesn't look great at higher resolutions. Might be possible to blow it up, smooth the edges and get a clean version of it?
Is there any chance for any support?
Can you give us direct description of the uniqueness, so that we can try and estimate possible balancing suggestions
Agreed, it looks much better downsized.
You left that weird black edging around it again, but it looks nice otherwise!
Doesn't really matter with the black edge - you won't see it in game. Of course it'll look better without the edge on a colour reference image.
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