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Pope condemns weapons industry

Are you trying to be serious or are Catholics on your naughty list too?

On the off-chance that you are being serious, pray tell how an advanced, aggressive alien species plays into YEC theology.

Tangentially related - under pope Benedict XVI there were some plans discussed for whenever we come in contact with extraterrestrial life. The Vatican has expressed for quite a while [back to like the 90s] that there is a high probability of extraterrestrial life existing. And unlike protestant dreams of first conques- I mean contact, the Vatican's plan lies more on mutual respect and envagelization
Do you know where that reference is from? :rolleyes:
Nope, educate me. But I'm assuming you're not a YEC since you, as I, find aliens credible.

But I do wonder why no one has bothered to mention the Pope's stance on abortion of gay marriage.
Yeah his positions suck there but we're happy for the shift in other areas.
Tangentially related - under pope Benedict XVI there were some plans discussed for whenever we come in contact with extraterrestrial life. The Vatican has expressed for quite a while [back to like the 90s] that there is a high probability of extraterrestrial life existing. And unlike protestant dreams of first conques- I mean contact, the Vatican's plan lies more on mutual respect and envagelization

That could be awkward.
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Its more likely Jesus himself was an alien. That isnt to say that all aliens are going to be like Jesus.
There is a difference between being a disciple (nun, monk) or a laik follower. They cant necessarily follow the same standards but both of these can claim to be a Christians.

But of course! Absolutely anyone can claim to be a Christian. Even I could do so!

Talk is cheap.

As for monks and nuns, I think they're the least likely to give up wealth. I mean: ostensibly they do, but then they just rely on the wealth of others, which doesn't seem to quite cut the mustard somehow. That's a bit like the Queen of England: she never has any money about her person, but it doesn't stop her being one of the wealthiest women in the entire world.
Nope, educate me. But I'm assuming you're not a YEC since you, as I, find aliens credible.
It is from the Simpsons when Lisa wishes for world peace, the earth is defenceless against an alien attack until Homer gives the monkey paw to Ned and he wishes that aliens gone and they run away from Moe carrying a big stick.

Yeah his positions suck there but we're happy for the shift in other areas.
What shift?
But of course! Absolutely anyone can claim to be a Christian. Even I could do so!

Talk is cheap.

As for monks and nuns, I think they're the least likely to give up wealth. I mean: ostensibly they do, but then they just rely on the wealth of others, which doesn't seem to quite cut the mustard somehow. That's a bit like the Queen of England: she never has any money about her person, but it doesn't stop her being one of the wealthiest women in the entire world.

Most religious order members work extra hard for food and shelter living extremely simple live. That isnt even a bit like any regular queeny.
Yeah. Right. I remember reading about some nun that left her order and found it really quite hard having to manage financially outside. She had to buy her own car, her own food, pay for rent, and heating and clothing and... well everything really. Whereas previously she'd had all that provided for her.

There's a group of retired nuns living just up the road from me, and they do very nicely, thank you, compared to other elderly people.
Frankly it matters where you are a nun/priest. There are larger collections for priests/nuns in richer countries typically - but when say I am in Guatemala and go to mass, its easy to see a difference in small things (like the kind of communion cups that are used, the amount in collections, etc.)
Frankly it matters where you are a nun/priest. There are larger collections for priests/nuns in richer countries typically - but when say I am in Guatemala and go to mass, its easy to see a difference in small things (like the kind of communion cups that are used, the amount in collections, etc.)

I agree that the living to be made off the backs of poor people is probably less worth the time and effort than that off the rich.

And I don't say that priest and nuns don't do anything for their livelihoods. A woman methodist pastor (or priest, or vicar, or whatever she was; I don't know anything except that she wore a dog-collar and was possibly the most unbearably earnest person I've met in my entire life) told me recently that she "works" 12 hours a day. Doing exactly what, I didn't like to ask. But it's probably quite exhausting being so earnest for that much time.

Perhaps they become inured to it eventually.
I think they turn into something almost diabolical at the end of their working day. She told me she liked to watch murder mysteries on the TV while lying in bed, which I found a little disconcerting. But I can easily imagine some kind of basement cathartic dungeon full of... I don't know... equipment.
I wish I could be a nun.
Weapons industry condemns Pope

People who rally against violence or invest in faith based initiatives are hypocrites if they call themselves Christian, a weapons industry representative said on Sunday.

The Military-industrial complex issued their toughest condemnation to date of the Pope at a rally of hundreds of disillusioned middle aged men at the end of the first day of the so called "Day of violence".

"If you trust only God you have lost," the men were told in a long, rambling talk about war, trust, politics, and the 2nd amendment after the prepared address was put aside and replaced with an incoherent mess of a speech.

"It makes me think of ... people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture Bibles. That leads to a bit a distrust, doesn't it?" he said to applause.

He also criticized those who invest in affordable housing for the poor, saying "duplicity is the currency of today ... they say one thing and do another."
Without weapons, without war and revolution, the weak are at the mercy of the strong, forever with no hope.

Without weapons, numbers are the deciding factor, and for every "strong" there are a thousand "weak".
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