Server migration completed


Oct 25, 2000
Our week long server migration is finally completed!

All the and sites are now running on our new server "enterprise" which is MUCH more powerful. We expect the new server to be able to handle the amount of traffic we have.

The migration took long time to complete due to the huge amount of data and files we have across all the different sites. We also had to deal with new server configurations and also debug issues due to different software versions.

If you notice any issue, please report in this thread.

Known Issue:
-- Gallery pages has display issue for unregistered users

Thanks for all your patience!
Negative comment: Slow loading of the page and graphics (ie. avatars, smileys, on/offline icons, "dismiss" icon for the announcements above)

Positive comment: Gmail no longer includes the "phishing" caution with the email notifications.

May have other comments later.
I still need to confirm on my end that I am still able to receive any CFC emails.

Though the reliability of the site being up is a bit of a hit or miss. With some of the time it's up while others it takes a while to load up (while is it registers it as "it's down")
Very very slow. Took almost 2 minutes for this thread to load.
I emailed Thunderfall about the slowness of the site. Email notifications are being sent. The question now is whether our email will again be used to send spam. I suspect not, but we'll have to wait and see.
I'm seeing a lot of users posts marked as guests.
I think they are relatively new:

Mr. Shadows
Ok, so far in the late afternoon, the forums kept on going down and on times when it was up, I could only access the main page. Going anywhere else results in a database error page.

I emailed Thunderfall about the slowness of the site. Email notifications are being sent. The question now is whether our email will again be used to send spam. I suspect not, but we'll have to wait and see.
Email from CFC isn't working for me so I did not recive any sort of "Were back online" email from CFC.
Forum availability may be intermittent since we need to tweak the server config sometimes to make the performance better.

Let's see how it goes after the latest tweaks. We optimized and analyzed the database.
It does load slowly, but it's nothing compared to the other server. I'd classify this loading problem as "mildly annoying" as compared to earlier's "completely unusable". Thanks for all your hard work guys! :goodjob:
We will continue to tweak the configs... The server hardware is more than capable... It's just that it takes trial and errors to find the config that work well for us.
Ok, so far in the late afternoon, the forums kept on going down and on times when it was up, I could only access the main page. Going anywhere else results in a database error page.

Email from CFC isn't working for me so I did not recive any sort of "Were back online" email from CFC.

I'm receiving email notifications from subscribed threads. That's all I've tested so far. I'm not aware of a "We're back online" email. Did you expect to receive one?
I'm receiving email notifications from subscribed threads. That's all I've tested so far. I'm not aware of a "We're back online" email. Did you expect to receive one?
I think I was talking about the one Valka recived. Though I did a little test and subscribed to this thread and I can confirm that I'm getting emails from CFC :D.
It does load slowly, but it's nothing compared to the other server. I'd classify this loading problem as "mildly annoying" as compared to earlier's "completely unusable". Thanks for all your hard work guys! :goodjob:

Pretty much the same here, hopefully it will be all normal soon.
The PM system seems dreadfully laggy. Also the post preview seems on and off with being a bit laggy, and is sometimes throwing up the "Database Error" Page.

Everything else so far seems no slower than before the migration from Atomic Gamer.

Plus, at least the lua modwiki for CIV5 appears to be "re-asserted" and fixed with proper page alignments and such, which has not been the case for quite some time.:goodjob:
I'm seeing a lot of users posts marked as guests.
I think they are relatively new:

Mr. Shadows

I noticed this in the thread for my editor. If you view post #538 at, the user Bad is listed as a guest. However, if you click the link to view only that post (, Bad is not a guest but a Chieftain. However, if you try to view Bad's profile, you get a database error. So something isn't lining up somewhere. Bad joined at about the same time as making post five thirty eight.

It's definitely much better than on the 27th, though :goodjob:! I made a (double) post on that day, but only persisted in it due to being a true fanatic, whereas now it's enjoyable again.

I like the "We're back" idea, though I could also see the benefit of waiting a day or two to be sure things are smooth. Wouldn't have wanted to send one of those out on the 27th.
I'm not sure what's up with that. Deleted people who want to post should create temp accounts with usernames like [account]_temp. Our adminicritters will merge them in with the main accounts when they are recovered.
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