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Texas Muslim HS student arrested for bringing clock to school

^Then again in 'Merican schools other students have been arrested for:

-bringing a plastic YELLOW water-gun/replica of a pistol

-writing an essay about killing a neighbour's pet dinosaur

-Making a gun shape with their fingers

So yeah, a clock at least can make one alarmed (ha) that it could be a time-bomb. Seems pale when compared to those other cases :D
To play devils advocate - the clock surely had the potential to conceal a bomb.
Doors have the potential to conceal a bomb. Let's ban doors.
They could surely check if a newly constructed door contained explosives, as they checked with this clock.
I couldn't even find a story at all for it on Fox News.

Let me help you with that:

Fox News: School treats Muslim teen's homemade clock as potential bomb

Talking head:

Does anyone think it does not look like a dangerous weapon out of a Die Hard movie?

What the president did by elevating this story to national attention, is he basically got rid of the "if you see something, say something".

The teacher did her job. We have an FBI document out there right now on what to look for. OK. This is part of it.

And we have seen terror attacks before. Them using cell phones and any objects.

Look, Ahmad is a smart kid. He will probably go to MIT and make a lot of money. But he did a really dumb thing and brought it to school.

And the president just elevated this to a national issue that doesn't deserve elevating.
So there you have it. Report any Muslim with a cell phone "and any object", especially those who are "dumb" enough to bring them to schools, because they have been used in terror attacks before.

And Obama should be ashamed of himself for not spreading hate and fearmongering as he should.

This could hurt Obama politically.

Another talking head:

If the kid had a Confederate flag T-shirt and a clock, the culture would completely flip on this.

Talking head:

Does anyone think it does not look like a dangerous weapon out of a Die Hard movie?

What the president did by elevating this story to national attention, is he basically got rid of the "if you see something, say something".

The teacher did her job. We have an FBI document out there right now on what to look for. OK. This is part of it.

And we have seen terror attacks before. Them using cell phones and any objects.

Look, Ahmad is a smart kid. He will probably go to MIT and make a lot of money. But he did a really dumb thing and brought it to school.

And the president just elevated this to a national issue that doesn't deserve elevating.
Alright, the teacher could happen to be humanitarian enough to call police.
But what the hell did police do - are they unable to see the difference between a toy and explosive?
Do you really think the typical cop who responds to a high school call could discern the difference any better than she could?

Muslim + electronic circuit and wires = panic.
The clock is ticking, Obama! What will you do to counter the Muslim threat which will strike on clock?
His clock is very simple: a roboRIO, a battery, ribbon cable, a digital display, and a 3-screw terminal block. I can see that just by looking at it. Any robotics teacher could tell just by looking at it. Any English teacher knows their school has a robotics department.
You're laughing, but this is showing a dangerous slippery slope. Clocks today, tomorrow, only Allah knows!
Anything that can go ding can also go bang. This is why cops have undercover agents at every department store and mosque.
You're laughing, but this is showing a dangerous slippery slope. Clocks today, tomorrow, only Allah knows!
The cops were too careless, they didn't even shoot the guy, to be safe.
What if it was a dirty bomb?
I'm quite sure that if there's a trojan horse in the USA it's probably the Republicans.
In a rather bizarre and roundabout way, yes, probably. "Your son might become Republican!"
Trojans should put that on their boxes. Warning: Your sperm may result in a Fox News talking head or Republican presidential candidate.
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