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I pledge to not buy Civ 6 until it is released

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I was just explaining what people thought.
If there was a fraud, then sue them! What's the point of crying "don't buy, they have poor release quality"? I've explained you that 99% of the people don't care, so you're just wasting your time. You will not convince any significant part of the market that way. If you think you have a case, take it to court, that's what lawyers are for, and you'll have a much easier case of convincing both other people not to buy and the developers to behave differently.

Lawyers, court.. what? Dud, why in earth´s surface I will have to do with those? I don´t want to convince any of anything, maybe you confused me with some other poster.

The fact remains civ5 was abominably poor on release, to the extent it comprised false advertising, very probably. Regardless of people caering or minding.
I take it you did not read/understand the spirit of that post, or you didn't understand the sarcasm. From your previous posts, you seem to be more in line with my thinking than against it... read again. ;)

Jajajaaj.. sure I did Ari, and responded in due sarcastic form. Regarding a couple of comments above where some "pre-ordering" enthusiasts where literally claiming their´s "leap of faith" and faith on the company for doing so.

Hope they started praying already: Saint Ed who in heaven rests...
It's easy to have this mind set months before the game is released. Get back to us on release week.

And if you buy it on release day, really what's the difference. If it's a game that you KNOW you're going to buy, preordering is harmless.
The difference is, and it has been stated multiple times in this thread that, if you preorder you're telling the company that you don't -care- what the product is, you'll buy it any way. You're also encouraging them to carve out more pre-order bonuses and day-one DLC.
I won't be pre-ordering. I probably won't buy it at release. I might wait for a major steam sale. I might wait for a complete edition, with all the various expansions and DLC included. I might wait for a major steam sale on that complete edition. I may not play it at all. Civ5 was just that "awesome" a game, that I couldn't ever possibly trust a Firaxis game on release again.

The "sell now, finish later" outcome in gaming is not entirely due to pre-order, but pre-order is not an insignificant factor.
It's due primarily to the internet, but that's a different issue. There were plenty of clunkers released, even in the dial-up days.

If it's a game that you KNOW you're going to buy, preordering is harmless.
The distributor/studio doesn't see it that way.
I just don't see the point in paying full price for any pc game these days. I get get 4 or 5 very high quality games around a year old during steam sales.
For anybody who was around in the lead-up to CiV's release, was the expectation of the game from previews, info dumps and other stuff vastly different to the game as it was when it was released? I didn't show up until slightly before BNW's announcement but I know all about the issues and feeling that people had towards Vanilla.

Is anybody conversely feeling like CivVI is going to do the same? I personally don't think so, as the game looks amazing and an improvement from CiV-BNW in many ways, but I'm wondering if that's why some of you who are holding off are doing so - not necessarily just from a Pre-Order's are evil!/The game's never finished at launch! standpoint.
For anybody who was around in the lead-up to CiV's release, was the expectation of the game from previews, info dumps and other stuff vastly different to the game as it was when it was released? I didn't show up until slightly before BNW's announcement but I know all about the issues and feeling that people had towards Vanilla.

Is anybody conversely feeling like CivVI is going to do the same? I personally don't think so, as the game looks amazing and an improvement from CiV-BNW in many ways, but I'm wondering if that's why some of you who are holding off are doing so - not necessarily just from a Pre-Order's are evil!/The game's never finished at launch! standpoint.

We were way less optimistic. Civ5 had only minimal set of features compared to Civ4, which was a problem to majority of players. I have to admit - I was one who didn't think it was a problem, making the same mistake as Jon.

Another source of pessimism was preview build played by one of managers - it was Immortal level, which made us think there are quite significant problems with game difficulty due to AI limitations. These concerns I shared and they turned out to be a problem too.

Nothing like this for Civ6 as far as I see.
I'd say the opposite. I was quite optimistic about Civ V. That burnt me and I'm far less optimistic regarding VI.
I know a few things I dislike in the previous games, and look at whether they're still there or fixed. I didn't do that with V (but did with IV).
I pledge not to buy until heavily discounted. Cus really what's the point? There's such a glut of cheap pc games out there idk why anyone would pay full price. There are so many games I still haven't played from like 2014.

I heartily agree. And then there's the whole piracy thing, which I consider an essential safety valve for when game corporations screw people over with unplayable crap and DRM that locks you out of stuff you paid for.

I have only ever pre-ordered one game, Halo 2. And that was because I knew if I didn't, I'd have to wait weeks because it would be sold out everywhere.

I agree with OP, I would prefer if no one pre-ordered anything because it just isn't a good dynamic when there is no incentive for companies to avoid releasing crap. But I don't really care, because even if they never released another new video game I'd be happy with Civ 4, Company of Heroes, and Medieval 2 Total War until the end of time.
For anybody who was around in the lead-up to CiV's release, was the expectation of the game from previews, info dumps and other stuff vastly different to the game as it was when it was released? I didn't show up until slightly before BNW's announcement but I know all about the issues and feeling that people had towards Vanilla.

Is anybody conversely feeling like CivVI is going to do the same? I personally don't think so, as the game looks amazing and an improvement from CiV-BNW in many ways, but I'm wondering if that's why some of you who are holding off are doing so - not necessarily just from a Pre-Order's are evil!/The game's never finished at launch! standpoint.

I think there was a lot of concern and it was well justified. We weren't even sure that a demo was going to be released before launch.

It was an unmitigated disaster. :sad:

The optimism for Civ VI is night and day compared to Civilization 5, IMHO. Still a lot of people with a wait and see attitude and I can't blame them for that after Civilization 5 but at worst, most are at least cautiously optimistic. :)
We were way less optimistic. Civ5 had only minimal set of features compared to Civ4, which was a problem to majority of players. I have to admit - I was one who didn't think it was a problem, making the same mistake as Jon.

Another source of pessimism was preview build played by one of managers - it was Immortal level, which made us think there are quite significant problems with game difficulty due to AI limitations. These concerns I shared and they turned out to be a problem too.

Nothing like this for Civ6 as far as I see.

Featurewise, Civ 6 is definitely more promising than 5. However, we know nothing about how well those features are going to work in practice months from now.

More importantly, we have a >decade track record of titles that don't work on release. MP was broken in both 4 and 5 (objectively so, on release). The problem with getting on the civ 6 hype is remembering what happened with BE, Civ 5, and Civ 4 releases.

To anticipate a good civ 6 release, you have to do more than just expect them to "not screw up", you have to anticipate that Firaxis will finally break a decade+ long trend, and as of this point do so while lacking evidence that it's happened.

6 has more optimism, but we've yet to see a good reason to expect it to be a materially stronger release than previous titles, aside from that it will at least attempt more features than 5.
I think I've changed my mind and will pre-order anyway.

Just seeing those delightful cries flowing from "waaah eurocentrism waaah muh diversity" people made my day well enough that I've decided Firaxis definitely deserves some of my hard-earned shekels, especially since the game does honestly look good.

I like the policy system too, although I don't know why Autocracy, which said in its description it is supposed to be all for military, gave bonuses to capital and wonder building, while the other policy of the era that is meant to be "middle ground" gave actual military bonuses. It makes no sense.
I think I've changed my mind and will pre-order anyway.

Just seeing those delightful cries flowing from "waaah eurocentrism waaah muh diversity" people made my day well enough that I've decided Firaxis definitely deserves some of my hard-earned shekels, especially since the game does honestly look good.

I like the policy system too, although I don't know why Autocracy, which said in its description it is supposed to be all for military, gave bonuses to capital and wonder building, while the other policy of the era that is meant to be "middle ground" gave actual military bonuses. It makes no sense.

Purchasing for spite is not rationally sound :). Are you actually doing that, or just trying to get a jab in?
Purchasing for spite is not rationally sound :). Are you actually doing that, or just trying to get a jab in?

Meh, I am pretty well off so I don't really care - I can waste money on a game or even ten and sleep soundly at night.

I don't buy for spite though - the game does look better and better with every vid , like today's gameplay was pretty cool, but I still don't understand tile improvement-district distinction, which is an obvious result of me not reading much about this game, only watching videos (and sometimes having problems understanding what precisely is spoken...). I liked how they even listened about fat Theodora Roosevelt and Chintoria, they do look better now. Chintoria almost looks as if she doesn't have an alien resting inside of her lower mouth, that's an improvement.

The complaining is a nice appetizer though - or so to say. I am way more likely to NOT buy out of spite. If a developer of a game says/does something I really dislike, they can expect to not see my money, like EA and Ubisoft after all they've done or Paradox with their DLC strategy, such stuff.
The nature of purchase is already greatly in favor of the seller.
Give me your money now, and you'll get what appears to be what you want.

This is as true for oranges as is for computer games. It's also true that appearances can be deceiving.
There's no real way of knowing if oranges are going to be sweet or inedible. Even if you try one, the rest might be sour. Unlikely, but possible.

The only reason why merchants can get away with it is because people want to buy.

Slightly off-topic but this is why Piracy isn't automatically "just bad". On one hand it's a criminal act because someone is making profits it shouldn't be making (i.e. selling other people's work). On the other hand, there's so much crappy content on the market that one might argue that the "good guys" are also ripping you off.

Moderator Action: Please do not discuss Piracy on these forums.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

This is one of the reasons I stopped going to the movies. They argue I consumed the product. I argue it's garbage and that I should charge them at my standard rate + overtime bonus for wasting 2 hours of my life.

At the end of the day, pre-order or post-launch purchase - it doesn't really matter. Most people will make the purchase anyway. People that will be swayed by bad or good reviews (or actual gameplay) are a minority.

I'm more worried by the fact that the market is so flooded with "sour oranges" that many people don't know sweet ones even exist.

When talking about Civilization and gaming in general I find it real funny that they struggle in creating "truly new, unique and engaging content" to satisfy their customers. Just imagine how much harder engineering and marketing a new dishwasher or car is. And if you think margins on dishwashers are so high (compared to gaming industry) that they are having it easy, you're probably not acquainted with the white goods industry well enough :p
Nah, unless you're severely poor, there is no moral argument for piracy. There is no legal argument for it either way, unfortunately.

Moderator Action: Please report posts discussing Piracy and do not respond to them in future.

I never had much sympathy for piracy but that's before I was made to consider the people who literally can't afford video games (i.e. the people that struggle to eat each week. Not the people who would rather pay for 12 £5 games instead of one £60 game because "they can't afford full price releases").
The nature of purchase is already greatly in favor of the seller.
Give me your money now, and you'll get what appears to be what you want.

This is as true for oranges as is for computer games. It's also true that appearances can be deceiving.
There's no real way of knowing if oranges are going to be sweet or inedible. Even if you try one, the rest might be sour. Unlikely, but possible.

The only reason why merchants can get away with it is because people want to buy.

Slightly off-topic but this is why Piracy isn't automatically "just bad". On one hand it's a criminal act because someone is making profits it shouldn't be making (i.e. selling other people's work). On the other hand, there's so much crappy content on the market that one might argue that the "good guys" are also ripping you off.

This is one of the reasons I stopped going to the movies. They argue I consumed the product. I argue it's garbage and that I should charge them at my standard rate + overtime bonus for wasting 2 hours of my life.

At the end of the day, pre-order or post-launch purchase - it doesn't really matter. Most people will make the purchase anyway. People that will be swayed by bad or good reviews (or actual gameplay) are a minority.

No, just no. That is so utterly wrong...
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