• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

"Don't Cry for me Argentina!"

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It typically takes less time to upload to imgur than vbulletin boards, and your image doesn't come out looking like horsehocky. I don't know why it'd be any different here.

For me, vbulliten uploads had the convienence factor of not needing to open a seperate tab and dialouge, and (at least until the forum move lol), that some third party wouldnt delete them due to bandwith or something.

Imgur isnt a straight upgrade
Imgur doesn't delete images. I have crap from 6 years back. The first image has 720 views so it takes up 200mb of bandwidth.
Imgur doesn't delete images. I have crap from 6 years back. The first image has 720 views so it takes up 200mb of bandwidth.

It most certainky does in some cases. Granted, not as much as tinypic or photobucket, but ive seen deleted imgur images in iot archives.
Imgur keep images for ever as long as they are receiving at least 1 view every six months. If they are not they may be deleted to save space. Popular images and those shared on Imgur will probably meet this criteria due to becoming viral and being better accessible.

UPDATE: As of February 2015, Imgur now states that images are never deleted unless requested.

Stop spreading FUD, Omega.

What have you done EQ.
so I still don't have power back and our generator isn't flawless

if I don't send orders for your game, you can probably infer why
I'm reading over old IOTs. Both iterations of IOT IV, Multipolarity, and Imperia Mobiana.

Oh my God, Imperia Mobiana's endings are so corny I can't believe I wrote them.

In IOT IV, I see I was a bit of a jerk in my diplomacy at times. If nothing else, reading the endgame of the first game is good for a laugh with how quickly the sanity train derailed. :p

MP... goodness. The math salad is insane. Looking at simpler games is making me appreciate them a whole lot.

It's amazing what reflections you have after 6 years. :p
I'm reading over old IOTs. Both iterations of IOT IV, Multipolarity, and Imperia Mobiana.

Oh my God, Imperia Mobiana's endings are so corny I can't believe I wrote them.

In IOT IV, I see I was a bit of a jerk in my diplomacy at times. If nothing else, reading the endgame of the first game is good for a laugh with how quickly the sanity train derailed. :p

MP... goodness. The math salad is insane. Looking at simpler games is making me appreciate them a whole lot.

It's amazing what reflections you have after 6 years. :p
That happens to people. You're not alone in that regard. Heck looking at the reflection of my own fictional nation has gotten me to give it some due revisions to it and thus: The Republic of Nova Terra was born.
I'm reading over old IOTs. Both iterations of IOT IV, Multipolarity, and Imperia Mobiana.

Oh my God, Imperia Mobiana's endings are so corny I can't believe I wrote them.

Will you officially recant for Enerjack?

In IOT IV, I see I was a bit of a jerk in my diplomacy at times. If nothing else, reading the endgame of the first game is good for a laugh with how quickly the sanity train derailed. :p

ANTIEDO. Need I say more? ;)

MP... goodness. The math salad is insane. Looking at simpler games is making me appreciate them a whole lot.

This unfortunately an issue we still deal with in 2016, although recent games have scaled back on the math salads so to speak. So, progress!

It's amazing what reflections you have after 6 years. :p

Meanwhile I like to pretend that 13 year old me was a completely different person and I have no relation. God, they shouldn't let people that young on the internet.
Some of you in the Old Guard might have your nostalgia centers activated by this little doodle I just did:

Spoiler :

Hmm, what on Earth is this gentleman? He looks familar, and yet, different...

As he should!

He is not a relative of the infamous Sombra de Mar... he is Sombra de Mar. From another reality/timeline, anyway.

My basic idea was the nuclear war in IOT IV never happened, which meant that the chain of events leading to Sombra being created was altered. He was still created by a project down the line, but without a Kaetif-hating dictator bent on world domination to influence his upbringing, he did not grow up to become a human-hating dictator bent on world domination. He was still designed as a living weapon, but with altruistic purposes in mind, having ethics drilled into him just as much as tactics and strategy. He grew up with a loving family of scientists, rather than having them taken from him at a young age. He possesses the original Sombra's keen mind, impressive physical abilities (likely a little bit more impressive since the lack of a nuclear war = more funding for genetic engineering), and fierce temper, but his heart remains warm rather than cold. He's also nowhere near as insanely swole since he's not meant to look intimidating.

Whereas Sombra de Mar molded himself to be the Destroyer of Humanity, Soleado de Mar wishes to be the Savior of Humanity. While Sombra relished the idea of viciously eliminating his enemies with his bare hands, the thought of taking another person's life would probably make Soleado feel ill. He looks forward to the promise of the future, rather than remaining fixated on the tragedies of the past.

Needless to say, I envision him working for an international peacekeeping force, likely a joint force established in the aftermath of the World War by GUN and other altruistic powers like the Hetmanate, Petrograd, and Pacifistan. Almost sounds like a possible premise of MPV. :think:

Will you officially recant for Enerjack?

I may as well. :p

...A GM can go mad with too much power. :mwaha:

ANTIEDO. Need I say more? ;)

Admittedly, Japan didn't recognize the backronym until a third party pointed it out. ;)
Meanwhile I like to pretend that 13 year old me was a completely different person and I have no relation.

That's pretty much my mindset. Cept replace 13 with 20 something.
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