CityIOT 5


Jun 22, 2011
CityIOT 5

IOT's favorite comedy city-sim is finally back! CityIOT 5 is a RNG-and-narrative driven game where players will attempt to establish a fledgling city-state. We're returning to a modern setting (if hand-wavey on the "how did we get here" part) again for this iteration, and I hope people are eager to play!

How to join:
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This one's simple. Give me the following:

1) Character name & description
2) Character faction/company (optional but recommended)

3) Five buildings/infrastructure, description + marked on map (optional but recommended)

Your faction/company can be anything realistic - labor unions, multimedia corporations, the local hospital. You can choose to run your faction directly, just be a member, or be outside of a faction entirely. NPC factions will probably not exist, so please carefully consider what you do in light of what others have chosen!

Buildings and infrastructure take a similar mentality as factions - anything realistic is viable. You may create things that you own personally, that your faction owns, or that are under the control of the initial city government. NPC buildings will definitely not exist, so again, please consider carefully. Those who create less than 5 buildings will start with + 2000 wealth per building omitted.

How to play:
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Also pretty simple!

Each player starts with the role in the faction they described, and 10,000 wealth (more if you forego initial buildings). Your actions at this point are basically whatever you could conceivably do - you tell me what you want done, I tell you if it's possible, and RNG determines how well it goes. You can team up with other players to combine your strengths and perform harder tasks.

There will also be an election for the initial city council, in which every player can run, and you
can vote for up to three candidates (I will adjust this to five should we have a sufficiently large playerbase). The candidate with the most votes becomes mayor, and the two runners-up become council members.

How the city runs is entirely at the mercy of players at this point - there are no laws established, no election procedures pre-ordained, currency only has value insomuch as players decide it does, and the ability to provide services, create new buildings/resources/currency, and even just survive is now at the mercy of player coordination and the initial factions and buildings you established. Whether the city starves to death, becomes a commune, or launches into gang wars for control of a corrupt government is entirely up to player action and coordination.

Spoiler :
Who are you?
Hello, player I haven't encountered before! I am a former GM, moreso than a player. I've been on a hiatus/limited activity for several years because of academics and professional life. In general, I would argue that a lot of my games tended to be either more experimental or RPG-like than their contemporaries (for both better and worse).

What is this?

CityIOT 5 is the newest iteration in a series of games I've run before. Put briefly, CityIOT allows players to be prominent (or not so prominent, if they prefer) members of a city, and use their resources towards... well, whatever. I would say running the city, but the first time players literally burnt it down instead, and that's often set the tone for the series. Ideally, these games are lighter and fairly free-form.

Haven't these usually gone terribly?

Depends on your perspective. They've certainly been a bit chaotic. That's not likely to change, but as I (and returning players, presumably) am older and have more responsibilities, you're not going to have 24-hour update cycles and I'm gonna be a bit stricter on not being a jerk OOC. It's a game. Have fun in the game, don't try to make another player miserable or be a sore loser if others decide that you're being a hassle to the town and team up against you.

How can I reach you?

While you can PM me, the fastest way is to use my Discord server. Please note that this is not the same as the general IOT server; the main perk of using this server is that I will be able to set up group chats for factions (like the initial city government!) upon request without spamming IOTchat with a million new channels.

When will the game start? How often will it update?

As soon as possible after Jan 30th, pending only player interest. Updates will vary upon player engagement and my schedule, but I am tentatively looking at once weekly updates.
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Sub post, I will join when I get an idea.

When will the game start? How often will it update?
As soon as possible after Jan 30th, pending only player interest. Updates will vary upon player engagement and my schedule, but I am tentatively looking at once weekly updates.

Weekly updates would be good. Please don't try to do real-time updates, they drove me insane lol.
Metropolitan Allied Cooperatives (MAC)

Character Name: Boss
Jimmy Wordsworth. Jimmy is a simple man, at least in the exterior. He is, at the core, a politician, with a well crafted persona and image of a simple working man and simply a voice to their collective will. The persona of the working man at the very least may even be true, but he is also ambitious and cunning and definitely more than a simple voice for the organization that he represents.

Organization: MAC is an alliance of various cooperative fisheries in the City, as well as the Union of dock and train workers controlling a large portion of the city's trade with the Outside. The railway connections with the Outside and the Dockyard itself is communally owned by the MAC, with most if not all of the workers involved in the Allied Cooperatives owning shares in them as well as shares in the cooperatives they work for.

-Railway Connection
(runs through the middle of the central island roughly from northwest to southeast, before disappearing across the river to the Outside beyond)
-Riverside Docks located southeast of the central island around the large 'bank.' It is the location of many warehouses and communal markets where fish and certain goods from the outside are sold.
-Cooperative Fisheries located along the eastern and southern shores of the central island and also across the river, the catch they obtain are often sold at the communal fish market. This includes facilities and businesses for constructing and repairing boats.
-Union Headquarters located somewhere near the docks closer to the city center. Beating heart of the MAC and provides place for inter labor disputes to be settled and for negotiation with other businesses and factions within the city.
-Cooperative Farm: a large suburban farm located west of the central island, with fields for growing various vegetables, orchards for fruits, and other necessary foodstuff for feeding the city.
Character: Gus Lee, CEO of the Municipal Electric Power Corporation.

Company: Municipal Electric Power Corporation (MEPC), a private corporation which provides utilities for the needs of the city. Started off as providing only power, but now also provides water and sewerage services.

-MEPC Nuclear Power Complex: An extensive nuclear power plant providing the power needs for the entire municipal region. Located in the South-Western part of the map, directly south from the western-most part of central island.

-MEPC Water Collection and Purification Facility: Collects, purifies and stores water from the river at the western point of central island, so as to connect the water and pipe it into the city's buildings.

-MEPC Sewerage Treatment Plant: Processes the raw sewerage coming in through sewer pipes so as to treat it and make it safe for disposal. Located in the far north-eastern part of the city, next to the river

(NB: This is assuming that the river flows west-to-east. If it flows east-to-west, swap the positions of the water facility and sewerage facility, and put the power plant further east)

-MEPC Headquarters: Company is run from this building, located in the city centre

MEPC Technician
Character: Cody Marconi

Mr. Cody Marconi continues the Marconi Family’s business, which has been their one and only business since Salvatore Marconi first arrived in the city, fresh from Ellis Island with nothing but a suitcase, one foot of steel wire, and a ski mask: ...*ahem* taxidermy.

Company: Familia Marconi

The Marconi family arrived in this country with Salvatore Marconi in 1897, among a wave of Italian immigrants. Salvatore was alone, having escaped some unsavory business in his hometown after burying three brothers and a father, each with a bullet hole in his head. He quickly established himself in the city’s Italian borough, making alliances with other men whose bloodlines would later marry into Salvatore’s family. By today, the only business with the family’s name on it— Marconi Taxidermy, on 8th Ave and Clamencia Blvd— is a hub of commercial activity, and Marconi’s great-grandson Cody and his family variously manage a number of other perfectly legal businesses around the city. A great amount of unaccounted revenue still flows into the pockets of Cody Marconi, the family’s reigning patriarch, but asking too many questions about that has seen many an unfortunate soul at the bottom of the river.


Marconi Taxidermy

Located on 8th and Clamencia in the heart of Little Italy, Marconi Taxidermy provides the city all of its Taxidermy needs. The shop itself is more or less a counter against a wall, which is staffed about 1 day a week. The real center is upstairs, where Cody Marconi (Don, to some) lives with his third wife, eldest son, eldest son’s wife, and the three children of the latter two.

River View Casino

Another major source of income for the Familia, River View Casino is run by Cody’s nephew, Bobby, and his second son, Raphael. Located halfway up the river at 7876 West Tiolo Street, the Casino is the popular dumping place for many of the Family’s problems, from debt to unreturned favors to filial insult, and has been since it was subject to a hostile takeover by Cody’s uncle a few decades back.

Precinct Four Office of the Police Department

The Fourth Precinct isn’t owned by anyone but the city government; however, at least one Marconi has served at this Precinct for decades, and recently Chief Elias Rodriguez married Gloria Marconi, Cody’s granddaughter.

The Split Barrel

A sleazy bar off Park Place and Tim Tebow Lane, the Split Barrel is owned by Cody’s semi-estranged son Vito. Vito became disenfranchised with... taxidermy... at the age of 15, when his best friend Marco was punished for slighting Vito’s sister. He decided to open his own business, much to his father’s chagrin, but in recent years has relaxed more in his no-mobsters policy for a number of reasons, especially that Marconi Taxidermy’s business model has grown steadily less family-oriented. Today many employees of Marconi Taxidermy schedule regular meetings at the bar with everyone from yellow journalists to union supervisors to recent immigrants.

Room 43-C

Near Broadway and Steinbeck Boulevard, in the bustling downtown financial heart of the city, there is a skyscraper owned by a property-developing millionaire. In that 50-floor skyscraper, floors 40-45 hold conference rooms for rent, where press events, fan cons, and night school might be held. On one of those floors is a room on permanent reserve to one John Doe, a wealthy benefactor whose quiet checks have never been traced and whose face has never been seen by the managers of the building. The rent for this room changes each year, with John Doe sometimes paying as much as 5 million dollars in untaxed, unmarked funds to the proprietors of the building. Each year, that room sees many groups of visitors, including prominent politicians, police officers and judges from outside Precinct Four, pastors, editors, businessmen, campaign managers, and the like, almost always accompanied by the lawyer Sylvia Greene (née Marconi).
Character: Alexander Murry
Alexander Murry is many things - a man of fine taste, moneyed but not overstated a connoisseur of fine food and wine, a lover of fine women but above all else he is a predator.

He began his career as a capitalist as a private prison contractor in the nineties during Clinton’s criminal justice reform efforts. He sold that enterprise to someone else in the early 2000’s to build some capital to chase defense contracting dollars in the Iraq war. He lost his contract in 2004 for shoddy quality and fraud and jumped into the subprime mortgage lending business before cashing out in 2006 and creating Murry’s Magic Cash a payday loan company.

This is of course all the above board stuff- there’s also the hedge fund he owned in which he narrowly avoided prosecution for defrauding investors and the pharmaceutical company in Florida in which he had a long standing relationship with the local mafia to get rid of toxic waste cheaply and without regulatory oversight.

Currently he is in the city looking to invest in real estate and some other enterprises.

Murry’s philosophy towards his fellow man can best be described as: men are worth what is in their wallet. The poor deserve to die but is better if they can be used to maximize my value first. He utterly rejects the enlightenment and Locke’s social contract. In fact he rejects the frameworks of rights completely - to Murry there are no such things as rights just negotiations and contracts with all the cards stacked in his favor.


Beggars Row: Officially titled Murry’s apartments this area has been colloquially known as beggars row for decades in large part due to it being one of the worst slums in Downtown. Under Murry’s management it had gotten worse and more blood sucking.

Murry’s Magic Cash office: Located in the financial district, Murry’s Magic Cash will lend anyone that small loan they desperately need at the affordable interest rate of 400% a month

Business Political Action Committee headquarters: like any good businessman Murry is prepared to give his cash to whatever politician can rollback unnecessary regulations

The City's baseball team: Murry bought out the city baseball team primarily it seems to turn it into a player trading agency. He brings in some local new recruits in for cheap, gives them some experience playing in the local leagues then trades them up high for buckets of cash

Golden Stadium: After securing a deal with the city for tax kickbacks and public money, Murry has managed to build the golden stadium for his team
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Characters' Names: Mortimer and Morgan McKenzie

A pair of fraternal twins. Mortimer is a private investigator and Morgan owns the Metro Bugle, a local newspaper. They are in their mid-40s, and both sport dark hair and eyes.

Faction: A Promise.

The McKenzies may not be united in employment, but they are united in an ideal and higher goal. A Metro free of crime, corruption, and tyranny. When the time comes they are known to unite to combat what they view as society's ills.

Mortimer's Office (1):
A small, two story building used as Mortimer as the office for his detective agency.
Metro Bugle Headquarters (2): The headquarters to the modest sized Metro Bugle, a local newspaper.
Mortimer's House (3): Sometimes unoccupied, he is known to sleep in his office.
Morgan's House (4): A fairly nondescript home owned by one Morgan McKenzie.
Metro City Fire Rescue Station #1: A volunteer fire station operated by the city government.


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Character's Name: Rachel Stridberg, owner of Stridberg-Metro Greentech. A greentech businesswoman who genuinely wants to make Metro a good place to live.
Faction: Stridberg-Metro Greentech


a) Metro Truck Depot:
A depot owned by Stridberg-Metro Greentech, bringing in trucks full of various goods from other cities that keeps the City of Metro pumping. Things like food, water, anything else that anyone could ever want. Primarily services trucks powered by electricity, but has facilities for diesel and solar trucks as well.
b) Metro Solar Farm: A solar farm that provides green energy to the city of metro, especially the buildings that are owned by Stridberg-Metro Greentech.
c) Metro Direct Factory Outlet: A shopping mall that sells everything that Stridberg creates or imports.
d) Stridberg-Metro Factory: A factory where Stridberg-Metro Greentech produces a variety of things including consumer electronics, weaponry and other important things that the city needs. Also contains the offices of Rachel Stridberg.
Metro Highway: The big black line. Its the biggest and grandest highway in Metro, connecting Metro to many important cities such as [TRANSMISSION ERROR]. A majority of land-based civilian traffic comes through here, along with all the trucks.


Character: Lucius Cole, oversees the management of the Affinity Medical Services. A 42yr old man who's goal is to ensure the health needs of the city are efficiently and effectively addressed.

Faction: Affinity Medical Services

(1-4 are located centrally on the Northern Island, 5 is located centrally on the Southern Island)

1. North Metro Private Hospital

The primary hospital of the city for those that can afford it, provides a variety of specialised medical services.

2. North Metro Medical Centre

The primary point of call for most citizens, the medical centre provides generalised medical services such as physio, speech path etc.

3. Sleepy Pines Nursing Home

The finest place for retirement for those that can afford it. Essentially a glorified country club. (Slightly separated from the other 3 medical buildings)

4. Metro Pathology

A small laboratory near the Northern Hospital that does most forms of testing required for medical services as well as being useful for other fields such as forensics

5. South Metro Private Hospital
Similar to the its Northern counterpart, but is smaller. Most rare and difficult cases are flown up to the Northern Hospital.
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Naduk Petersen is the Ambassador from the Republic of Tunu who was recently accredited to this godforsaken city-state after the previous Ambassador mysteriously disappeared. She previously held the position of Minister for Foreign Affairs and Agriculture in her home country's government and was the only candidate for the job who was both willing and somewhat qualified. Tunu is a big but sparsely populated country with an Arctic climate and their economy is heavily dependent on the fishing industry but mining is on the rise as the commercial viability of new sites with gold and rare earth mineral deposits are being explored.


Embassy of the Republic of Tunu
The embassy of Tunu is located in an office building on the same street as the Metro Bugle Headquarters, where the government leases a fairly decent suite of offices on the 3rd floor. There is a helipad on the roof of the building which offers a fast connection to the international airport.

Ambassador's Residence
Naduk Petersen lives in the Tunu Ambassador's Residence which is an early 20th century townhouse in a residential neighborhood on the western end of the large central island.

Metro International Airport
This is the main airport connection for the city, located at the northwestern end of the map away from the city centre. AirTunu, an airline company run by the government of Tunu, has regular flights to Tunu from here.

Tunu Import & Eksport HQ
Tunu Import & Eksport A/S is a shipping company importing Tunu goods, mostly fish and shrimp, to the city. They have a local headquarters near the international airport. The government of Tunu owns 50% of shares in the company.

Arctic Star Travel Agency
Arctic Star is a subsidiary of AirTunu, offering various tourism-related services. They have a travel agency in downtown Metro on Steinbeck Boulevard for those looking to book a trip to Tunu or one of their other not so tropical destinations.
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I'll see if I can set up a preliminary map with all of these today. Now that we've hit 8 players, I'm interested in launching the game by Wednesday or Thursday night (lurkers/latecomers are always welcome, but it'd be awesome if you jump in now if you're considering).
Update 0

Stats sheet/Map Key
Game server (recommended to join)
Game channel on IOT server

This is Metro's layout as of Update 0. New players can launch into gameplay immediately, and all players can consider this the first turn and engage now.

This is also the start of campaign season - all players are eligible to campaign, and all players may submit up to three votes for candidates for city council. The player with the most votes will become mayor, and the first two runners-up will be the other council members.

Orders are due by 5:30 PM EST/20:30 UTC on Wednesday, February 7th. I will begin doing narrative updates on Turn 1, drawing the world-building from your sign-ups and Turn 0 actions.

EDIT: While I'm at it, if you want to submit pixel art for any of your properties or construction, and it's of a reasonable size to put on the map, I will be more than happy to add it for you. Just try to make the colors for your faction appear in some way - even if it's just the color of the map key numbers.
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The Boss, Jimmy Wordsworth, have announced his candidacy for the leadership of the Metro City. His platform is as follows.

Making Metro City more friendly to local businesses through expansion of local market and distribution facilities, as well as expansion of necessary services and utilities to help both businesses and private individuals enrich their lives.

Begin a system of collective bargaining regarding medical procedures and pharmaceuticals to ensure prices remain fair but still profitable for providers, while also working with the providers to expand care to as many within the city as possible.

Build a new university within city limits.
Rachel Stridberg also announces her candidacy for the leadership of Metro City. Her platform includes:
  • A constitutional convention featuring the City Elders (OOC: The PCs) and councillors to create a Constitution for Metro. The City Elders would draft a constitution together and, with the assent of the majority of the Community Elders and the majority of the Council, would implement the Constitution as the official Metro Constitution.
  • The creation of a Metro Mint to make an official currency (OOC: This is assuming that we don't have currency. If we do have currency, she doesn't propose this lol).
  • Construction of new and important vital services.
Clarifying based on requests:
1) All orders and RP, not just campaigns, are due Wednesday
2) Both campaign declarations and voting are due Wednesday. This means that if you want to run for office but haven't declared (or joined) yet, you should do so early enough that players actually have a chance to vote for you
Character: Ruth Gibney, main Matriarch of the infamous Gibney family. Although ambitious and talented, she possesses terrible luck and has had many sleepless nights trying to keep her family businesses functional.

Family: The Gibney family run their ramshackle operations in one of the city's poorer (yet certainly lively) districts. Although frequently encountering obstacles and setbacks they have managed to pull through day by day. However, each family member wishes for so much more...if only they'll agree on how to actually work smoothly together



Rosewood Theaters - The pride of the Gibney family, at least to Ruth. Mostly Ruth. All in the family agree that it is their most famous building however. Ruth has been running a rundown theater, fashioned from the ruins of an abandoned train station, for decades. Featuring a mix of her own plays and those from around her community, it is a popular spot for quainter leisure and entertainment. Although she has been somewhat content, her desire to become an established playwright, with her works being featured in the City's actually prestigious cultural centers, continues to ache her heart.

2) The Burning Eye - An unconventional name for an unconventional cinema. Many in the family raised their eyebrows when the supposed heir to Rosewood Theaters, Harrison Gibney, eldest son of Ruth, disavowed drama and declared his love of film. After much drama and a lackluster reconciliation, Harrison now finds himself running a small indie cinema to the south of Rosewood. Although it plays mainstream movies, it mixes it with raunchier or lesser-known films, keeping it's selection...memorable. Harrison would rather play arthouse films, but lacks an interested audience, and while he would even love make his own films, he lacks the funds. For now, it remains the Gibney's third most profitable building.

3) Glutton's Village - After Gibson disavowed Rosewood, many expected Dorothy Gibney, eldest daughter of Ruth, to become heir to Rosewood. Ruth's heart was broken yet again when she disavowed Drama and declared her love of food. She runs a sizable street food market in an open field near a river. She has gotten in trouble with the city's authorities for poor hygiene and illegal dumping, but that hasn't stopped her from trying her hardest to make the best (if unhealthiest) food in the district. Her rather crude remarks towards health inspectors have earned her the ire of the city council as well. It is the second most profitable building in the family. Unlike her other family members, she doesn't desire moving up to the big city, she would rather bulldoze it all to make her market even bigger.

4) Lucifer's Lust - After Dorothy disavowed Rosewood, many expected Lilith Gibeny, second daughter of Ruth, to become heir to Rosewood, Breaking her heart yet again, Lilith disavowed Drama...and good taste. She "runs" a den that supposedly caters to more adult desires. Business has unfortunately been minimal, due to the open sewage flowing right next to her otherwise collapsing building. Having only a single other employee didn't help either. Determined to not come crawling back to the rest of the family, she is determined to turn her den into an adult entertainment empire. Somehow. She hasn't really thought that far, although she'll never tell you that.

5) Gibney Apartments - Ruth expected worse, but thankfully Gibson Gibney, her youngest child, remains closest to her. Although he expressed no interest in Drama, he has willingly taken under his wing the least flashy of the Gibney businesses: rental. Not much can be said, tenements make poor housing but Gibson has done a surprisingly good job in maintaining them so far. He has far more ambitious plans though, possibly bigger than the rest of the Gibneys. But for now, Gibson is willing to start small.
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Lucius Cole Orders:
Voting for Rachel Stridberg
- Organise a voluntary blood drive and educate the public on the necessity of blood donations

(might edit, not sure to the extent of what we can/should do)
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