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[R&F] Small things you have noticed on playing

Hey, help me out here, guys.

In my previous games, I was getting era points for unlocking boosts in the ancient era. Now, I'm in a game as India and the only things in my history book are points for goody huts, encampments, and natural wonders. Anyone know what gives?
Hey, help me out here, guys.

In my previous games, I was getting era points for unlocking boosts in the ancient era. Now, I'm in a game as India and the only things in my history book are points for goody huts, encampments, and natural wonders. Anyone know what gives?

I don't know for sure, but some era points are tied to being the first to something, especially with tech and culture. Maybe someone beat you out this time?
Hey, help me out here, guys.

In my previous games, I was getting era points for unlocking boosts in the ancient era. Now, I'm in a game as India and the only things in my history book are points for goody huts, encampments, and natural wonders. Anyone know what gives?

Um, I'm pretty sure you don't get era points for boosts (if you're referring to Eurekas/Inspirations) without making a dedication to that effect.
I don't know for sure, but some era points are tied to being the first to something, especially with tech and culture. Maybe someone beat you out this time?
Um, I'm pretty sure you don't get era points for boosts (if you're referring to Eurekas/Inspirations) without making a dedication to that effect.
I was getting era points like crazy in the ancient era in other games before making any dedication. I just got my first governor. Shouldn't that have been worth a point?
I was getting era points like crazy in the ancient era in other games before making any dedication. I just got my first governor. Shouldn't that have been worth a point?

The civilopedia should have a list of everything that earns points, under Historic Moments. Don't think your first governor is one of them.
First fully upgrade governor is one and recruiting all governors is another one.
I'm pretty sure the spy visibility is from the Cree sharing visibility with allies. Not sure if intended or not.

I'm pretty sure I seen it in Marbozir's game as Korea when he saw a Mongol spy in his capital. And he was allies with Mongolia, but I don't recall his visibility level. I actually think if you do have top secret visibility with a civilization you should see things like this. It would make visibility even more important.

This seems like a good change to me. Science games should require a few theater squares to make reasonable progress through the civic tree, just as culture games need a few campuses to make reasonable progress through the tech tree. With all the other sources of culture available, this really hasn't been the case.

I mainly liked Meritocracy to help push out borders which could be painfully slow. We have the Financier now, but she is best suited to be kept in one city (right now I have her in a city with a harbor doubling the harbor adjacency output along with the golden age policy to give me culture adjacency in addition to gold adjacency). This is my #1 gripe with this game, borders push out unrealistically slow. Alexander and Ghenghis Khan created vast empires in times long ago, it's not like they had to wait for their borders to push out. :) You should be able to "conquer" more tiles. :)
As Scotland, I accepted a betrayal emergency against England. There seemed to be a bug that showed her as still being friendly. She kept asking for a friendship while we were still at war. 100 turns later we were still at war, she was attacking my cities, we had a friendship, and there was no option for peace. Not sure if this was a bug or just an England/Scotland thing, lol.
Finally got a chance to start my first game...
- game seems much quicker! they optimized something or other
- edge scrolling works! no need to custom bind WASD camera controls anymore
- UI is better. I don't miss CQUI nearly as much as I thought I would
- OCC culture is still hard and I'm going to lose, but it's probably doable with better location and more practice. My game has been tons of fun and I built a lot of wonders and great works, but am still fairly far behind the AI's tourism output on King level
- AI or at least a few of them seem quite competent, pretty good district placement, and conquering CS / free cities easily
- made some regrettable governor choices, should have used Magnus. forgot about Amani way too long (obv 2nd choice for OCC because she's the only one you can assign elsewhere)
- alliances as Cree are very good, they seem like an great peaceful tall civ (just more than 1 city lol)
- dark ages/golden ages are kinda meh? at first it seems important, and the storytelling aspect is cool, but then the bonuses are kinda underwhelming. I'm in a modern era heroic age right now and it's pretty decent, but overall it hasn't seemed too important to worry about this. I got a lot of era points early on that didn't seem very rewarding. Maybe it's better to get them later.
- probably should have restarted the game a few times to get a better location. 7 mountains in my area put a crimp on things, with all the wonders there's no tiles left for production. probably not worth the campus/holy site adjacencies.
- spies taking out governors really sucks, you lose the 8 turns then 5 more to put them back! I had my spy defending the gov't district instead of the city center and that hurt for sure
- all my spies on offense were killed, probably just bad luck
- AI is super competitive with CS. It seems the 4-envoy-lead is no longer safe. They love Amani too.
- In turn, Kilwa was less good than expected because it was really hard to nail down Suz status.. expensive wonder too
- loyalty never affected me but didn't really expect to given OCC. I'm surrounded by Australia but doesn't seem to matter much since it's my capital with a governor etc. Some cities flipped but they made good sense - civs settling distant continents with no governor.
- right click to instantly end leader animations is a godsend
- AI still competes hard on religion. Prioritized it highly but by the time I got my religion both my neighbors already had established theirs in all cities. I think that was bad luck more than anything as I got the 3rd religion and 1 of them built Stonehenge, but whatever. I wanted to have alliances with them so decided against a holy war. My main goal of a religion was to get divine spark (extra GPP) and divine inspiration (faith from wonders to buy GP) and these were accomplished. Still a little disappointing.
- Temple of Artemis is a must have for OCC, probably insta-reroll if no camp. I got lucky to get one. Cree land grab ability helps nail down the location.
- generally housing is no restriction anymore, reached urbanization with zero hold ups (got all the bonus era points for largest city on earth along the way)
- A couple water tiles would be ideal. Trade routes to allies are sooo good Colossus would be real nice. Plus I'm pretty sure that's the only way to get the 4-trade-route inspiration with 1 city.

overall I think its a good sign it wasn't easy and I didn't succeed culture OCC on first try on the first random map. Curious to give it another go with better location and governor choices, but first I'm gonna play some other styles.
When do emergencies start? I have yet to see any emergencies in any game, although granted I'm quitting them all in the medieval era.
When do emergencies start? I have yet to see any emergencies in any game, although granted I'm quitting them all in the medieval era.

I think its a percent chance to trigger when certain events happen. I had one in my first game when i took a capital, but only the second time.
The emergencies I've had have typically started a bit later on (though I've had early ones as well). But there is no guarantee that you'll experience one. My first game didn't have any and the game I completed just now just had two which fired near the end of the game (in fact, the game ended before they were completed/failed).
Anyone having trouble with the R button not working for ranged attacks?

edge scrolling works! no need to custom bind WASD camera controls anymore

Now they do it, I'm used to just click dragging the screen now I can't go back.

edit: Damn, I wish the city states would stop taking empty encampments now, I want that era score. Damn you Carthage!
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When do emergencies start? I have yet to see any emergencies in any game, although granted I'm quitting them all in the medieval era.

My first emergency happened in the Classical Era (I declined b/c too far away, but in retrospect i should have joined just to see if other Civs would pull their weight).
This seems like a good change to me. Science games should require a few theater squares to make reasonable progress through the civic tree, just as culture games need a few campuses to make reasonable progress through the tech tree. With all the other sources of culture available, this really hasn't been the case.

I agree with everything you said, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't counting on research alliances and espionage to carry my Culture Victory science needs and Meritocracy to carry my Science Victory culture needs.
I'm progressing through my first game of R&F and just realized Meritocracy is gone. As someone who relied heavily on that card to offset lagging culture, that one's really going to hurt.
It's really not necessary...
Spoiler :

Just get a cultural alliance and send some trade routes to your ally, you'll be all set.
So, I got into a golden age, but I only had four dedications, and none of them were the "To Arms" one that is apparently the requirement for a Goden Age War cassus beli.
So, I got into a golden age, but I only had four dedications, and none of them were the "To Arms" one that is apparently the requirement for a Goden Age War cassus beli.

I saw To Arms when moving into a golden industrial age. Given that the art for it is a gun and a fairly modern-looking army helmet, it might not be available earlier than that point.
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