Don't Trust Fox News About Denmark

Just responding to the there anything anyone should trust Fox News on, really?
But why fight the lies?
Because lies are bad for people both in general and in particular, e.g. ‘smoking is good for your health’.
Commodore said:
How exactly is Denmark hurt by what Fox News says about them?
For a start, they had a right to be offended.
Commodore said:
It's not like Americans are allowed to vote in Danish elections.
No? Well, besides double-citizenship schemes we also have multiple organisations devoted to being PACs for pushing policies outside the US. And, as I posted above, Steve Bannon for one is actively involved in running electoral campaigns for extremist candidates in other countries in Europe and South America.
Commodore said:
Won't hurt their tourism either since the type of people who listen to stuff like that aren't usually the type to do much foreign travel anyway.
Given that the vast majority of TV channels in several countries are directly or indirectly owned by US companies, I'd say the reach of this propaganda is notlimited to flyoverland.
Just responding to the there anything anyone should trust Fox News on, really?
Dr. Manny says eat more fresh fruit and vegs and cut out the processed foods, salt, etc. The fact that their entire programming (barring him) proceeds to push talking points for those politicians who are paid to peddle processed foods, hyper-salt, chlorinated chicken, tobacco, etc. ruins it in my view.
It actually is what a patriot would do. A patriot should believe in the Constitution and the Constitution guarantees the right to a free press.
You're aware that the people who wrote the United States constitution overthrew their previous government, yeah?

"A true patriot respects authority" is a weird and insidious argument to make at the best of times, but in this context, it's downright confounding.
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Patriot is a nice label.
We had in the end of the 18th century a fight between two conflicting parties who was going to own the label "patriot"

On the one side the Orangists, supporting more absolute power to the Princes of Orange, supporters being rural, backed up by the monarchies of Brittain and Prussia
On the other side the core of the Dutch Republic, the merchants and enlightened nobility, who wanted to diminish the power of the Princes, up to a real Republic without nobility and supported the French and the US Revolution.

The Orangists lost the battle for the label patriot, but after a Prussian army was sent to the Netherlands (1787), the influence of the Princes was maintained and many patriots fled to France.
It actually is what a patriot would do. A patriot should believe in the Constitution and the Constitution guarantees the right to a free press. And it has long been established that the right to a free press does in fact include the right for that free press to print lies. The Supreme Court in the New York Times v. Sullivan case in 1964 held that 1st Amendment protections do extend to false statements of facts. That's why things like the National Enquirer and InfoWars are allowed to exist. Well, maybe not InfoWars anymore since they have effectively been banned from the internet.
it's crazy how, like clockwork, whenever somebody points out that a news outlet is blatantly lying, somebody comes out of the woodwork and vehemently defends their right to lie

1. nobody in this thread is taking fox news to court so nothing in this post matters
2. i'd reflect on your kneejerk defense of fox news instead of, say, considering how many people in your country consider it a legitimate news source before making a tone deaf statement like "their lies don't matter"
You're aware that the people who wrote the United States constitution overthrew their previous government, yeah?

"A true patriot respects authority" is a weird and insidious argument to make at the best of times, but in this context, it's downright confounding.

"A patriot respects the constitution!" says millions of people who think it's perfectly fine to fly the flag of states that decided they didn't want to be governed by the U.S. constitution.
If a business wants to be able to lie, they shouldn't be able to brand their business with the word "News"

Call it "Fair and balanced lies entertainment" and lie all you want
Everyone is lying. Starting from parents and government/society, through perception of your senses till each and every one of us lacking honesty with himself. The only way out is to constantly learn and discriminate among the bombardment by various falsities.
The video segment in OP may not be entirely wrong though. There may be some little truth-crumbs but for news organisation/business its certainly a very poor and laughable job.
I mean, there are several news sources you can easily access that do not go out of their way to lie. Anyone can lie, but some news organizations still actually have standards.
No lying, twisting, one-sidedness? Tell me about those saintly sources of information.
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