Civilizations Reborn

New Minor Update

Egypt more likely to invade Nubia
Modified Piye and Ramesses' Leaderheads
Removed Nubian Copper and Iron
Reduced Maintenance for both Nubia and Egypt
Egypt settles less densely
Deffufas New Ability: +1 Statesman, Priest Slot
Medjay Reverted to original stats (+1 Strength +1 First Strike)
Buffed Medjays: Increased +1 First Strike to +2 First Strike
Nerfed Medjays: No Bonus vs Light Cavalry

I will now return to work on the next major update

Also of note: The Celts are now at the top of my list for Civilizations to include.
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Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, The Great Cothon now requires Copper, so Greece will generally take longer to construct it and will generally construct it less often, but Phoenecia will probably want to hang onto Sur and actually build a palace in Carthage.

EDIT: Another thing I forgot to mention: The Pyramid and Sphinx effects are swapped. This is largely because the Harappans tended to build the Pyramids far too often, but after the change they now tend to build the Sphinx more, which just so happens to have a real life parallel in the mysterious Balochistan Sphinx
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Long time lurker here, thought I might throw in my two cents on civs for this mod:

Spawn: 1200 AD in Chile (about 200 years before conflict with the Inca Empire)
Leaders: Lautaro (Spawn to Industrial), Calfucara (Industrial onward)

UP: Power of the Toqui: 50% increase to unit production during defensive wars.
UU: Malon Raider: Gains double yield from pillaging, starts with Flanking I promotion, replaces the lancer.
UB: Rehue: Replaces the monument and increases starting unit experience.

UHV1: Remains of Mocha Island - Have a trade route to a city in Polynesia by 1450 AD.
Related to the remains of Polynesian skeletons found in Mocha Island by archaeologists that suggest trade between the Mapuche and Polynesians.
: The Arauco War - Kill 10 enemy units and pillage 20 enemy improvements by 1650 AD.
The Arauco War was a series of conflicts between the Mapuche and the Spanish in which the Mapuche were able to adapt to Spanish technology and rout the Spanish army multiple times.
: Crusade Against Colonialism - Have the largest army in Latin America by 1890 AD.
The ahistorical one, the Mapuche are still today very anti Colonial, so I felt this goal was fitting.

To fit the first goal, Rapa Nui should be added as an independent city on Easter Island if it isn't already.

Maratha (modern India):
Spawn: 1680 AD in Raigad.
Leaders: Shivaji (Spawn to Industrial), Ranjit Singh (?) (Industrial to Modern), Gandhi (Modern onward)

UP: Power of the Rajputs: Units can be hurried without the required civics.
UU: Sepoy: Less production cost and is weaker than the Musketman it replaces but trains in pairs.
UB: Stepwell: Replaces the Granary, comes with a priest slot.

UHV1: The Maratha Confederacy - Control Hindustan, Bengal, Gujarat, Orissa, and the Deccan and allow no European cities in India by 1850 AD.
Just a historical empire goal, nothing to see here.
: Green Revolution - Have at least 15% of the world population by 1940 AD.
Another predictable goal for India, not much explanation needed.
: Bollywood - Gain 1000 gold from selling hit movies and be the most cultured civ in the world by 2000 AD.
India has the second largest film industry in the world, the second goal is related to how Indian culture permeates other cultures today.

: The question mark next to Ranji Singh - should Punjab be a separate civ? The Sikh Empire would be an interesting game and a use of the Harappa tag as a respawn but is there room both in timeframe and the map? Curious to hear your thoughts.

Agree with above suggestions - particularly Chile, Hittites, Songhai, and Lithuania. Other civs I'd like to see that aren't priorities of mine are the Muisca, Iroquois, Tatars, Haiti (as a pan-Caribbean civ, I might go into detail later), MAYBE the Sioux and Kushans/Hephtalites? If we really want to shake things up, a pipe dream of mine is to split up the Franks and France, with the Franks spawning at 460 AD and France in 1200 AD. That's pretty unlikely, though.
Maratha (modern India)
I've been thinking of looking into adding a "south central indian" civ to represent the Satavahana, Vakataka, Chalukya, and other similar dynasties and port the Maratha respawn from India to this potential new currently unnamed civ. After reading your suggestion, I'm now convinced that should I make any changes to Maratha, it should be in making it its own civ.

Thank you so much for the amazing suggestions and ideas. Having these kinds of civ sheets always helps me when implementing new Civs. Honestly, I'm not very good at research, so help is always incredibly appreciated.
If you're still looking to add civs, is this Swahili civ of any interest to you?
Thank you for the feedback! I had planned on adding more concepts but I ran out of time and had to go to school. Since it's lunch break, I'll post one more, Haiti. So Haiti will understandably garner a "what are you on?!" from you but I'd like to explain my rationale. In all my games of DoC the Caribbean always stays in the hands of the same four powers: England, France, Spain, and the Netherlands. The cities are subject to constant flipping through war and congresses, but without player intervention hardly anything happens. I believe a Caribbean civ would give the region some much needed flavor, as it and the European powers struggle over the liberation of the colonies. The best candidate is Haiti, which became independent the earliest as well as having a tumultuous and eventful history. That said, here is the concept:

Spawn: 1804 AD at Port-au-Prince.
Leaders: Toussaint l'Ouverture (Renaissance to Industrial), Faustin I (Industrial to Modern), Duvalier (Industrial onward), Fidel Castro (Industrial and capital is in Cuba)

UP: Power of the Revolution: Moving units close to European colonies causes the colonies to go into revolt.
UU: Mawon: Replaces the Arquebusier, +25% strength when fighting in friendly territory and starts with Amphibious promotion.
UB: Citadelle: Replaces the Castle and adds an extra trade route.

UHV1: The Creole Revolution - Allow no foreign cities in the Caribbean in 1850.
Creole Revolutions were a series of independence movements in Central and South America.
: Emancipation of Latin America - Ensure that there are no slave units in Central or South America by 1870.
Ahistorical mission, Haiti was the one of the first nations to abolish slavery.
: Ecotourism - Have at least 25 trade routes passing through your cities and have no unhealthy cities by 1920.
One of the biggest factors in Caribbean and Central American economy is ecotourism, or tourism for natural sights.

: Name should change to Cuba/Antilles based on the capital.
It's interesting that Ethiopia is playable in 600 AD scenario. But with just a single poor city it is even worse position than 290 BC start :)
Persia is not playable and they still have about 3 cities. Could be interesting (to play for a religious victory) as Arabs do not flip their core area, if I remember correctly. But Turks or barbs would probably destroy it anyway.
It's interesting that Ethiopia is playable in 600 AD scenario. But with just a single poor city it is even worse position than 290 BC start :)
Persia is not playable and they still have about 3 cities. Could be interesting (to play for a religious victory) as Arabs do not flip their core area, if I remember correctly. But Turks or barbs would probably destroy it anyway.

600 ad was shortly after their loss of Yemen to the Persians. I gave them a poor start to represent that they are at their low point, with poorer prospects than they ever had before.

The persians only exist in 600 AD to add a little colour to the map. They are scripted to completely collapse when they lose a city to Arabia. I don't think 4 turns would make for a fun game. :)
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New Update

Added the Trans Saharan and Spice Routes
New Indonesian UP: Additional Gold from the spread of the spice route
Khazars can resurrect as the Kazakhs
Added the Kazakhs to the 1700 AD scenario
Added the Tamils to the 600 AD scenario

Tweaked Indonesian starting gold
Borobudur requires access to coast
Added bOverrideWaterGraphics to CvBuildingInfos. Coastal buildings with it do not graphically appear on the coast.

Fixed missing Kanem Bornu diplomacy greeting
Fixed a case of a city's state religion commerce modifier being used in calculations that should have been using a specific building's state religion commerce modifier
Nubia fall date moved up to 1500 BC
Continuing my civ suggestions, I'll give my take on the Latin Americans.

Of all mentioned possible civs here, I think that the strongest cases for addition are Chile and Peru. The reasoning is that both countries were large and powerful enought to be accounted as relevant powers on the traditional Latin American balance of power and alliance system. Venezuela has a history of highs and low moments and was, at the best, a second-class power in the region. Bolivia, though still has a large territory, was traditionally a weak state and a "punching bag" for her neighbours, having lost wars and land for everyone of them. Paraguay was somewhat important only on Platine region for few decades in mid-19th century, before being destroyed by Brazil and Argentina and becoming a buffer state between them. Ecuador and Uruguay, on the other hand, were traditional small buffer states.

1) Chile
Spoiler :

Spawn/Location: 1818 CE/Santiago
Spawn only encompasses the central Chilean area.
Leaders: Bernardo O'Higgins (Renaissance and Industrial ages), Arturo Alessandri or Salvador Allende (if democratic + communist) or Augusto Pinochet (authoritarian) (Global age)
Color/Symbol: Red/ Shield of Chilean Coat of Arms.
Expansion stability: Core: central Chile/ Historical: rest of modern Chile, Easter Island, Southern Peru, Southern Patagonia

UP: Andean Mineral Wealth: Mines and quarries have + 1 production and + 2 gold.
UU1: Infantería Reformada: replaces Rifleman, + 2 base strengh and starts with Drill I promotion but is more expensive.
In late 19th century Chile initiated a large-scale modernization of its army emulating the Prussian Army. As such, Chilean Army became completely Germanized and the country was known as "South American Prussia" by then. Even today many symbols, the uniform (including the Pickelhaube), marching styles and military musics are similar to the ones used by Imperial Germany. Please note that the unit name does not really exist, as they didn't called their military forces differently after the emulation process. It could be Infantería Germanisada if you prefer, by I chose a more neutral expression.
UU2: Esmeralda: replaces Cruiser, + 2 base strenght but is also slightly more expensive.
Besides the well-trained army, Chile had also an exceptionally well equiped and trained (by Latin American standards) navy by the same time, even though it depended of European shipyards. The Esmeralda was a ground-breaking ship with a remarkable Armstrong design that is commonly considered the first modern (protected) cruiser (or "Elswick cruiser"). This and several other Chilean naval acquisitions by late 19th century had continental repercussions, even influencing the US government rebuild its entire fleet as the "New Navy" in the 1880s.
UB: Medialuna (replaces arena, + 1 happiness, + 5% production for mounted units, + 5% gold) or Salitrera (replaces factory, + 1 gold per mine and quarry) or Fonda (replaces warehouse, + 35% gold, + 1 happiness for wine, sugar and tea)

1) Por la razón o la fuerza: Have a superior military score (units + their strengh) than the other two more powerful Latin American countries combined while having good relations with at least two Latin American civs in 1914.
In the South American balance of power system, Chile became one of the most powerful countries in the region by late 19th century. The idea here is to simulate this by assuring that the player has the most powerful military force and also have some allies (thus preventing the player to simply conquering all the others).
2) The Pacific coast: have more cities in the Pacific coast than any other American nation in 1902.
The idea is to represent Chilean expansionism, particularly the conflict with Peru, Bolivia and Argentina in South America, and also with the United States. Historically speaking, Chile was an ally of Ecuador and Colombia, even sending a naval force to counter US intervention on Panama.
3) Lights of Santiago: Have more GDP than any other Latin American nation by 1980 and have more commerce on the capital than any other city in the Americas by 2000.
Refers to the Chilean economic growth during the Pinochet's government, when Chile became the first Latin American nation to adopt the neoliberal economic agenda, which was still fully-implemented until the recent protests.

Additional notes: while I liked the Crimean Lord ideas for a economic-guided Latin American nation, I think that Chilean military history is too much important both to the South American and Chilean history, so that's why I included two military-oriented objectives.

2) Peru
Spoiler :

Spawn/Location: 1821 CE/Lima
Leaders: Ramón Castilla (Renaissance and Industrial ages), Augusto Leguía or Manuel Ugarteche (Global age)
Color/Symbol: White and Red/ a llama or the Peruvian flag pattern
Expansion stability: Core: Lima and Cuzco regions/ Historical: rest of Peru, Northern Chile, Bolivian Altiplano and Ecuador

UP: The Andean Heritage: Mountains give + 2 culture and + 1 commerce
UU: Húsares de Junín (replaces Hussar, + 10% strengh when attacking hills) or Grieve Cannon (replaces Artillery, 10 strengh but cheaper and 65% chance of withdraw) or Toro Submarino (replaces Torpedo Boat, more expensive, invisible to most units, 14 strengh and 3 movement points).
UB: Museo Andino (replaces Hotel, + 4 culture, + 20% trade route yield per culture, + 20% culture).

1) La Confederación: control Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and North Chile in 1860
Represents the Bolivarian ideals of Latin American confederation and the historical union with Bolivia.
2) The Andine Civilization: have three legendary cultured cities and make Lima the largest city in the Americas by 2000.
Peru is a popular tourist location and her culture is rooted on her Ameridian traditions influenced by the European, African and Asian groups that came to the country. Nowadays, Lima is the second largest city in South America.
3) Fish and ores: spread the Fishing and Steel Industries to at least 5 cities and gain 2000 gold with mineral and fishing resources by 1990.
Represent the Peru's main exports and industries.

Notes: UHV 3 possibly need to be changed, as I don't know if it is balanced. The gold would be calculated considering raw gold obtained by working the resources, by corporation use and trade with other civs.

In few days I will make new proposals, this time thinking about the Pre-Columbian civilizations in South America. Although we have relatively little knowledge about the pre-Inca peoples (which makes harder to have strong cases for adding them), I will scratch some ideas about possible Caral/Norte Chico, Tiwanaku, Wari and Chimor civilizations.
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Continuing my civ suggestions, I'll give my take on the Latin Americans.

Of all mentioned possible civs here, I think that the strongest cases for addition are Chile and Peru. The reasoning is that both countries were large and powerful enought to be accounted as relevant powers on the traditional Latin American balance of power and alliance system. Venezuela has a history of highs and low moments and was, at the best, a second-class power in the region. Bolivia, though still has a large territory, was traditionally a weak state and a "punching bag" for her neighbours, having lost wars and land for everyone of them. Paraguay was somewhat important only on Platine region for few decades in mid-19th century, before being destroyed by Brazil and Argentina and becoming a buffer state between them. Ecuador and Uruguay, on the other hand, were traditional small buffer states.

1) Chile
Spoiler :

Spawn/Location: 1818 CE/Santiago
Spawn only encompasses the central Chilean area.
Leaders: Bernardo O'Higgins (Renaissance and Industrial ages), Arturo Alessandri or Salvador Allende (if democratic + communist) or Augusto Pinochet (authoritarian) (Global age)
Color/Symbol: Red/ Shield of Chilean Coat of Arms.
Expansion stability: Core: central Chile/ Historical: rest of modern Chile, Easter Island, Southern Peru, Southern Patagonia

UP: Andean Mineral Wealth: Mines and quarries have + 1 production and + 2 gold.
UU1: Infantería Reformada: replaces Rifleman, + 2 base strengh and starts with Drill I promotion but is more expensive.
In late 19th century Chile initiated a large-scale modernization of its army emulating the Prussian Army. As such, Chilean Army became completely Germanized and the country was known as "South American Prussia" by then. Even today many symbols, the uniform (including the Pickelhaube), marching styles and military musics are similar to the ones used by Imperial Germany. Please note that the unit name does not really exist, as they didn't called their military forces differently after the emulation process. It could be Infantería Germanisada if you prefer, by I chose a more neutral expression.
UU2: Esmeralda: replaces Cruiser, + 2 base strenght but is also slightly more expensive.
Besides the well-trained army, Chile had also an exceptionally well equiped and trained (by Latin American standards) navy by the same time, even though it depended of European shipyards. The Esmeralda was a ground-breaking ship with a remarkable Armstrong design that is commonly considered the first modern (protected) cruiser (or "Elswick cruiser"). This and several other Chilean naval acquisitions by late 19th century had continental repercussions, even influencing the US government rebuild its entire fleet as the "New Navy" in the 1880s.
UB: Medialuna (replaces arena, + 1 happiness, + 5% production for mounted units, + 5% gold) or Salitrera (replaces factory, + 1 gold per mine and quarry) or Fonda (replaces warehouse, + 35% gold, + 1 happiness for wine, sugar and tea)

1) Por la razón o la fuerza: Have a superior military score (units + their strengh) than the other two more powerful Latin American countries combined while having good relations with at least two Latin American civs in 1914.
In the South American balance of power system, Chile became one of the most powerful countries in the region by late 19th century. The idea here is to simulate this by assuring that the player has the most powerful military force and also have some allies (thus preventing the player to simply conquering all the others).
2) The Pacific coast: have more cities in the Pacific coast than any other American nation in 1902.
The idea is to represent Chilean expansionism, particularly the conflict with Peru, Bolivia and Argentina in South America, and also with the United States. Historically speaking, Chile was an ally of Ecuador and Colombia, even sending a naval force to counter US intervention on Panama.
3) Lights of Santiago: Have more GDP than any other Latin American nation by 1980 and have more commerce on the capital than any other city in the Americas by 2000.
Refers to the Chilean economic growth during the Pinochet's government, when Chile became the first Latin American nation to adopt the neoliberal economic agenda, which was still fully-implemented until the recent protests.

Additional notes: while I liked the Crimean Lord ideas for a economic-guided Latin American nation, I think that Chilean military history is too much important both to the South American and Chilean history, so that's why I included two military-oriented objectives.

2) Peru
Spoiler :

Spawn/Location: 1821 CE/Lima
Leaders: Ramón Castilla (Renaissance and Industrial ages), Augusto Leguía or Manuel Ugarteche (Global age)
Color/Symbol: White and Red/ a llama or the Peruvian flag pattern
Expansion stability: Core: Lima and Cuzco regions/ Historical: rest of Peru, Northern Chile, Bolivian Altiplano and Ecuador

UP: The Andean Heritage: Mountains give + 2 culture and + 1 commerce
UU: Húsares de Junín (replaces Hussar, + 10% strengh when attacking hills) or Grieve Cannon (replaces Artillery, 10 strengh but cheaper and 65% chance of withdraw) or Toro Submarino (replaces Torpedo Boat, more expensive, invisible to most units, 14 strengh and 3 movement points).
UB: Museo Andino (replaces Hotel, + 4 culture, + 20% trade route yield per culture, + 20% culture).

1) La Confederación: control Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and North Chile in 1860
Represents the Bolivarian ideals of Latin American confederation and the historical union with Bolivia.
2) The Andine Civilization: have three legendary cultured cities and make Lima the largest city in the Americas by 2000.
Peru is a popular tourist location and her culture is rooted on her Ameridian traditions influenced by the European, African and Asian groups that came to the country. Nowadays, Lima is the second largest city in South America.
3) Fish and ores: spread the Fishing and Steel Industries to at least 5 cities and gain 2000 gold with mineral and fishing resources by 1990.
Represent the Peru's main exports and industries.

Notes: UHV 3 possibly need to be changed, as I don't know if it is balanced. The gold would be calculated considering raw gold obtained by working the resources, by corporation use and trade with other civs.

In few days I will make new proposals, this time thinking about the Pre-Columbian civilizations in South America. Although we have relatively little knowledge about the pre-Inca peoples (which makes harder to have strong cases for adding them), I will scratch some ideas about possible Caral/Norte Chico, Tiwanaku, Wari and Chimor civilizations.

Peru, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela & Argentina have already all been created, by Steb I believe it was?
600 ad was shortly after their loss of Yemen to the Persians. I gave them a poor start to represent that they are at their low point, with poorer prospects than they ever had before.

The persians only exist in 600 AD to add a little colour to the map. They are scripted to completely collapse when they lose a city to Arabia. I don't think 4 turns would make for a fun game. :)

Thanks, didn't know it is scripted this way. My inspiration was the Wikipedia saying the Arabian conquest wasn't so easy:

Got a python error when starting 600 AD scenario (as Rus and Khazars, but I think it is valid for more or any civs):

Can't find type enum for type tag UNIT_INDIAN_WORKER
Can't find type enum for type tag UNIT_INDIAN_WORKER
Can't find type enum for type tag UNIT_INDIAN_WORKER
Thanks, didn't know it is scripted this way. My inspiration was the Wikipedia saying the Arabian conquest wasn't so easy:

Got a python error when starting 600 AD scenario (as Rus and Khazars, but I think it is valid for more or any civs):

Can't find type enum for type tag UNIT_INDIAN_WORKER
Can't find type enum for type tag UNIT_INDIAN_WORKER
Can't find type enum for type tag UNIT_INDIAN_WORKER
Implementing this seems that it would by definition change the gameplay of Arabia and require balancing to ensure the AI can handle the new situation. While I am not opposed to such changes, I have other priorities in the short term. Persia in 600 AD is more or less functionally identical to the Independent states which they replace, which allowed me to implement them with minimal changes, testing, and balancing.

My bad. Fixed
Implementing this seems that it would by definition change the gameplay of Arabia and require balancing to ensure the AI can handle the new situation.

Could be done by removing that collapsing condition only if the human player is controlling the Persians :)
But it was more rhetorical question, as I assumed they would be destroyed by Turks anyway. I tried a game as Khazars now and Persians are still alive in 688 AD with two cities - perhaps the others were independent before Arabs spawn.

By the way, Khazars are starting with just a single worker, is that intended?
Could be done by removing that collapsing condition only if the human player is controlling the Persians :)
But it was more rhetorical question, as I assumed they would be destroyed by Turks anyway. I tried a game as Khazars now and Persians are still alive in 688 AD with two cities - perhaps the others were independent before Arabs spawn.

By the way, Khazars are starting with just a single worker, is that intended?
I'll look into whether I implemented the collapse properly.

Khazars are indeed intended to start with a single worker. Their gameplay is intended to be heavily raid based. Settlers, workers and other non-military units cost 50% more and they start with a single worker, so they're going to want to take advantage of Slavery and their UU as much as possible.

Fixed massive error where the Persians would collapse any time they lose a city.
On a related note, fixed Persians not collapsing in 600 AD when Arabia flips a city from them.
I noticed they are collapsing too often, thanks for the fix.
Will try some Khazars raiding, although I didnt see much opportunities to capture workers early. But I am now reading a bit about Arab-Khazars wars, will try to recreate them :)
By the way, guys, don't you feel the Republic is kind of an automatic choice in the beginning? It is pretty hard to resist the 1 or 2 free specialists, especially if you need to generate great people quickly. Even combining it with Vassalage is not a problem early on. And there is low maintenance.
Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, The Great Cothon now requires Copper, so Greece will generally take longer to construct it and will generally construct it less often, but Phoenecia will probably want to hang onto Sur and actually build a palace in Carthage.
How does the Phoenician AI handle that? In my experience they never really improve their Copper. Did you tweak the AI to perform better when it comes to improving islands or did you just script a mine spawn on Cyprus?
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