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Archers support damage removed?


Nov 12, 2019
Hi there guys,

If I recall correctly, in ROM archers and similar units did support damage when another unit attacked if they were in the same stack. I somewhat liked that but I can't see it in AND.

Has it been removed?
Hi there guys,

If I recall correctly, in ROM archers and similar units did support damage when another unit attacked if they were in the same stack. I somewhat liked that but I can't see it in AND.

Has it been removed?

Do you mean "opportunity fire" or something similar?
I think it still exists.
I don't know how it was actually called... and opportunity fire's description does not exactly match what happened.

Lets say I have 3 warriors and 3 archers in the same tile. One of the warriors attacks an enemy stack. Combat happened as usual, but every single "projectile" unit in my stack caused "support damage" which translated on some enemy units getting slightly damaged (like 0.2 damage or something like this). This made support units very useful and I liked it, it added a "army composition" type of thing to the game.
I had to load up an old version of RoM. It's called "Attack Support" and the code in the BUG mod is still there but you have to play in debug mode or edit the Python file (Assets\Python\BUG\Tabs\RevDCMOptionsTab.py) to see it. Looking at the log says that it was changed in 2010 (revision 391).
I had to load up an old version of RoM. It's called "Attack Support" and the code in the BUG mod is still there but you have to play in debug mode or edit the Python file (Assets\Python\BUG\Tabs\RevDCMOptionsTab.py) to see it. Looking at the log says that it was changed in 2010 (revision 391).

Is it stated why?
I mean, I enjoyed it, but I guess something was wrong if somebody took the decision of removing it.
I don't know. Probably due to bug issues. Stack Attack is very buggy and I think the two are closely related.
Makes sense, but Stack attack is still in the game and attack support is not there :(
Idk, never had problems with it in ROM and never played with stack attack on. I'll have to try it out.
Makes sense, but Stack attack is still in the game and attack support is not there :(
Idk, never had problems with it in ROM and never played with stack attack on. I'll have to try it out.
Please, report your experiences, so it may be added back to the mod.
I've made a couple of tests...

Playing with the option on basically makes what I expected:

Every time a unit in a stack where archers (or units with bombardment) are present, the fight works normally, but the archers in the stack get to attack the other units in the enemy stack. Soo...

1. You have 2 archers and a warrior vs 3 warriors
2. Your warrior attacks one of their warriors
3. Your archers "bombard" the enemy causing colateral damage to other units in the stack (not the defending unit). Also, they sometimes miss, but I don't know how this is calculated. Also, if the defender had archers of their own, they would also bombard you.
4. The battle between the attacker unit and the defender unit resolves.

So basically I have 3 ideas of why this could have been removed:

1. AI does not know how to use this: This option makes archers and projectile units very strong and useful, since they get to bombard the opponent every time a battle takes place. I don't know how damage is calculated, but it varies. I basically think the game uses the "bombard" command added with the mod because if you disable it, this whole option stops working. Damage is not that great, but it wears the enemy down over time... if the AI doesn't adapt and use projectile units in their stacks they would probably be in a disadvantage.
2. Combat animations become buggy: When you activate this option, the game tries to show the archers shooting arrows and then the real fight between the attacker and defender. Sometimes the fighters simply don't fight and the battle is skipped, other times some fighters die with noone attacking them... that's only aesthetics though, I don't really think this was the reason why they removed the option.
3. It is too powerful: To be honest I'm not sure about this, but I guess we could consider it being too powerful thus breaking the game (?). I could see some reasoning behind this since it basically means you get as many bombards as melee units you have in the stack per archer. So, if I have 3 archers and 3 warriors and all my warriors attack, this means 9 bombards without my archers spending their action. Keep in mind that if my opponent had 3 archers too, it would mean I also got bombarded 9 times... so I guess it's more an AI thing than anything else.

It did not seem buggy, but it's quite confusing how is damage calculated I felt my units were doing more damage than I rememberedin ROM. Maybe bombarding damage was increased? Or maybe is this the real cause?
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