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Anno Domini Classic

After playing a few games, me and my bro both enjoy the mod.

So far my brother's favourite civ is Anglo-Saxons.

I dont have favourite yet only played Macedonian, Brigantia and Norse. There may have been another.

What I noticed with Norse, which is my current game, is that I could build the Zebra Rider which is not supposed to be available to them according to the civilopedia and is only available to Nubia apparently. I can easily fix this in the editor, but just wanted to mention this. Although I know your not working on civ3 anymore at this time.

Another thing, since I can build the Zebra Rider, I cant build the Auxilia because the Auxilia is set to upgrade to it (for the purpose of other units being able to upgrade to it), which is the unit the Norse is supposed to have according to the civilopedia.

Also why does the Fyriad Spearman upgrade to the Huskarl? it loses almost half of its defense and then you can no longer build the Fyriad Spearman, although the Pikeman then replaces as the main defense unit, shouldnt the Fyriad upgrade to the Pikeman? and then another unit upgrades to the Huskarl? or have it as a standalone unit?

(still playing Norse) In the last era, just noticed that Banking has an arrow that goes to Guilds but it is not a prerequisite for Guilds. Is this a mistake? or part of another civilization's tech tree.
The Huns seem ridiculously underpowered. In my game, it took them centuries to get out 1 new city, by which time everyone else had about 9 or 10 cities. This wouldn't be unusual if they had just lost a big war - but no - they had been at peace all the time, and still managed to grow at a fraction the rate of the rest of us. I know they have good military units, but they didn't really get the chance to use them.

Are there any optional techs, or do I have to research everything? Because I'm falling behind in the tech race very easily, and I can't skip on anything like in civ3 vanilla. This is when I'm playing on the same difficultly level that I play civ3 vanilla (Monarch - or it Anno Domini equivalent).

Also, so much seems dependent on having resources, and they don't always appear to be well spread at all. I'm also quickly running out of stuff to build - lack of resources, and my seemingly slower than average tech rate are contributing to this.

Also, what map settings would you recommend for this? I'm playing a bog standard - standard map size, continents, 70% land, normal geology, standard no. of civs.

Finally, I like your title screen. Is there a way I can set that as my normal title screen?

Once again though - very beautiful mod.

When me and my bro played 2 LAN games we both had trouble getting enough growth to support a nomad because of bad resources and terrain. Although this could also be associated with our map settings. We focused on getting to irrigation and mining to boost growth and after that was getting to the settler and boats because we chose archipelago. I managed to just get enough citizens first for both games to build a 2nd city and after that I had no problems, both times it was after playing 50 turns, the first game was closer to 100 turns. The AI also had problems starting off but a few broke through around the same time I did, or just before, or just after.

I also seem to get bad maps on archipelago but it provides a challenge and I usually do quite well and I dont have the growth problems usually as I did with the LAN games. Although I have only played a few games sp, which may total around 5 or 6 games including the LAN games.

The resources are random according to what the game usually does I think, since its a randomly generated map.

As far as I know every tech is required for advance to next era.

I play on the 3rd difficulty, which is Regent or Quaestor.

Although I do have problems with keeping in the positive in this mod, I usually balance this by not building certain buildings that cost money and make sure I have enough cities. Later on, during the 3rd and 4th era I have less problems staying in the positive.

Also regarding the title screen if you havent figured it out yet, just backup your default title screen and then replace the default title screen with the one from the mod.
Are there any optional techs, or do I have to research everything? Because I'm falling behind in the tech race very easily, and I can't skip on anything like in civ3 vanilla.

Once again though - very beautiful mod.

Just noticed with the Norse that there is a tech on the last era that does not need to be researched. There is probably some other civ-specific techs that dont need to be researched probably in the same spot as the Norse on the last era. I still have problems with staying positive in the 3rd/4th era actually but I know how to deal with it.
Just finished my first game. After 9 hours and 17 minutes with the Norse I got a Conquest Victory. Ended at 680 AD and also was able to complete all the technologies just a turn or 2 before and had gone to future tech when it ended.

Map was Small Archipelago and I think it was 70% water. 3rd Difficulty Quaestor (Regent).
While playing I noticed the sound effects for the following units were incomplete and I checked the INI file and some or all of the lines did not have a sound link.
Celtiberian Spearman: only a few lines (I think the attack2 and victory) During the attack animation the sound goes after the first lunge.

Sumerian Infantry (Eastern tool age spearman): All lines

Eastern Spearman: only a few lines (I think the attack2 and victory) During the attack animation ingame after the first lunge the sound is gone.

Celtic Tribesman: All lines

Bronze Axeman (Tool Age Axeman): All lines

That's it so far.
I think the download link is broken, but I still have the modpack as does others probably. If you would like it, someone could probably upload it for you to get.
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